《✓ X1 STORIES》wonderland 「 k.mh 」



I woke up and my head still hurts. I saw Unnie sleeping beside me. I cover her with a blanket and I go to the kitchen.

I decided to cook a meal since Unnie is still sleeping. I heard footsteps coming my way. She gave me a confused look.

"Lizzy, what are you doing? You should rest." She accidentally looked at my finger covered with bandages. "Why do you have a scar?"

"Unnie, i'm okay now. And also this is an honor to someone i love so don't worry. It is far from my intestine."

"Lizzy, stop it okay? I already apologized to your teacher."

"I have been stuck in my room for three days. It doesn't hurt anymore!" I started and I jumped and jumped.

"Lizzy, stop being hard headed. Go back to your room and rest."

"Unnie, look. I am now dressed. I'll just pass to that door and leave. Bye Unnie!" I said and I took my bag and ran.

I still heard Unnie's voice calling me.

"Good Morning Dong Pyo!" I greet my best friend.

"Oh, Good Morning Lizzy. Are you okay now?"

"Yes. I'm okay!"

"Are you sure? You still look pale." He said worriedly.

"I'm okay. I am really pale." I said I would sit beside him.

I took my notebook and I didn't hesitate to copy Dongpyo's homework.

"Lizzy, who was your favorite Disney character when you were a kid?" He asked. I stop writing and I look at him.

"Alice. You know her, right?" He nodded and smiled.

"Favorite fiction place?"

"Wonderland. Wait, why are you asking me these questions? Is it part of our lesson?"

"N-no. It just pops into my head." He said.


Dong Pyo is weird. Did he eat breakfast?

"Dongpyo, tell me the truth. Do you eat your breakfast?"

"N-no. I forgot."

"That's why." I said and I took my bread out of my bag. "Here, eat this and you might ask me nonsense questions again."

"Bye Lizzy! See you." He said and we split our routes.

While walking, I saw a black furry cat. It gives shivers to my body. I quickly ran as fast as I could.

"What's wrong, Lizzy? Is someone following you?" She asked worriedly and she bought me water.

"I saw a black furry cat near the old tree over there. And it is so creepy! It smiles on me." I will explain. "My Gosh! I'm scared!"

"Aish, stop watching Cartoons. You've grown up, Lizzy. Because of that, you became addicted." And she continues cooking.

I just scratch my head and I go to my room to change my clothes.

"Am I just imagining things again?" I ask myself.

"Come on, let's eat."

"Unnie, i've dreamed something yesterday." I said.

"The house villa is burning. Someone is asking for help."

"Wait. You said last time, it was raining. Instead of water, it is a white flower petals?" She asked and I said yes. "This is getting weird. We should ask Bora about this."

I get up and I go to the kitchen. I took the knife and I pointed it at my right cheek.

"Lizzy!" Unnie shouts.

"I should die." I whispered

Unnie ran towards me and she took the knife away from me.

"Lizzy, please don't. Don't leave me alone. You're the only thing I have." She said while crying.

"Unnie, let's go home."

"Lizzy, wake up. Bora is here." She screamed.


I nod and I go to the bathroom. After ten minutes, I decided to leave my room. I saw Unnie and a lady talking seriously.

"Bora, this is Lizzy, my step sister. Please, tell her about the villa."

"Lizzy, Don't be scared. I'm here to help you. Just tell me everything."

"I saw a beautiful kid, happily playing with a rabbit. Then it rains white flower petals. Suddenly, everything changed. It turns out... a sad atmosphere. The villa, it's burning." I explained.

I don't know this feeling. When the topic is the villa, I become sad. I don't know why.

"I've been dreaming about it for three months and now, I'm scared."

"Ahh, I see. Lizzy needs to bring it back. She needs to remember the past." She explains while eating Carrots? Is she a Rabbit?!

"Bring it back? How?"

"She needs to go to the villa."

"Seriously? Based on my research, that villa burned down ten years ago. How come that the villa was still there?"

"Sarah, trust me."

"Lizzy, wear this. Don't you ever dare try to lose it. Okay?" She handed me a weird red necklace.

"Pack your things, Lizzy. You will go to the villa today." Bora said.

"Tita, can I come with Lizzy?"

"No. The villa might disappear."

Weird. What is she talking about?

"Lizzy, always remember to call me okay? Bora said I can't come with you." Said Unnie.

"Yes Unnie." I said and she gave me my phone. "Unnie, why do I have a scar on my cheek?"

"I-i don't know..."

"Lizzy, there is no time." Said Bora.

Two hours has passed but it still i can't find that villa. I keep walking and walking then i saw a man, standing in front of me. Why is he holding a stick?

He's tall, white skin, pinkish lips and blonde hair.

"Hello. I'm Kang Minhee."

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