《Down The Line》~DTL.29~


I felt Aaliyah moving all around the bed. "Noo. Noo" she screamed in her sleep.

I lifted up and saw her sweating and crying in her sleep. "I don't wanna die." She cried.

"Aaliyah...Aaliyah" I shook her. "Aaliyah wake up." She lifted up quickly. "Aaliyah what's going on?" I asked her.

She wiped her face "What? Nothing. Go back to sleep." She laid back down.

"No Aaliyah." I yelled. "You were having a nightmare. Bout about what?"

"Nothing." She yelled getting up. "Just go back to sleep. Alright I'm fine." She laid down.

I just groaned and laid back down. Aaliyah's been acting weird ever since the accident. I guess that's normal considering she was in a accident. But it's been prolonging and now she's having nightmares. She's showing signs of PTSD. I ain't a doctor but I also ain't stupid.

I woke up to the smell of food filling my nostrils and Kamryn sleeping on my side. I kissed her forehead and got up to handle my hygiene.

After I finished I went downstairs with no shirt on, to see Aaliyah making breakfast. "Morning Ma" I kissed her cheek.

She smiled while still flipping her food "Morning Babe." I smiled and stared at her. She turned around "Why you looking at me like that?" She questioned.

"Are you okay?" I asked bluntly. "I'm fine. Why you ask." She chuckled nonchalantly.

"Well you know last night. You had a nightmare-" she cut me off. "I'm fine Darius. It was just a made dream." She rolled her eyes.

"You were sweating, crying and screaming I don't wanna die. You were having one bad dream. What were you dreaming about-"

"Stop. I said I'm fine alright. Just drop it." She said putting the bacon on a plate.

I learned on the counter "I don't know why you getting mad at me. I'm just trying to make sure your okay Aaliyah." I ran my hand over my face.

She sighed and walked over to me. "I know and I appreciate it but I'm fine alright. Promise." She tippy toed and pecked my lips.

"Aight." I nodded my head. She smiled "Come eat. Foods ready." She walked my plate over to the table. I followed her to the table preparing to eat.

I didn't know how much I actually believed her but I was going to go with it for now. I was going to make sure to keep a close eye on her.

"There're cool people Ari I promise. And come on let's be honest you have no one else to hang out with. Give them a chance." Melody told me before knocking on Christian door.


"Fine Melody" I rolled my eyes. She side eyed me and chuckled before knocking on the door. After a couple seconds someone opened the door. I knew it wasn't Christian, I would recognize him.

"Mel Money." He said excitedly before pulling her into a hug. She laughed "Hey Nas." She realized herself from the hug.

"Nas this is my bestfriend Ariana. Ariana this is my friend Nasir aka Nas." She introduced us.

"Nice to meet you." He shook my hand. I smiled "likewise." He waved us inside "Come on. The gang already inside." We both stepped in the house and I heard music bumping.

"Aye y'all. Melody and her friend here." Nasir said screaming over the music.

The boys got up and one turned the music down. "Ariana. Nice to see you again." Christian said coming up to me.

"Hey." I smiled. "Wassup Mel" Christian smirked at Melody. She blushed a little "Wassup Christian." She said as he pulled her into a hug.

I side eyed them, but I let it slide for now. Imma ask her about there little situation later.

"Oh my bad. Uh Ariana that's Prince. Prince, Ariana" Melody introduced us. "Nice to meet you." He nodded his head.

I smiled and waved in return. "Oh and Wolf ass around here somewhere." Melody said looking around the room.

"Marshawn. Get cho ass out here and act like yo mama taught you some manners" Prince yelled.

A tall chocolate dude walked out the room. I couldn't even lie he was sexy as hell. "Nigga what I tell you about calling me that." He smacked his teeth.

Melody laughed "Wassup wolfy" she turned to him. He chuckled "Wassup baby wolf" he side hugged her.

"This my bestie Ariana." Melody turned to me. He stared at me and smirked "Wassup. I'm wolf." He held his hand out.

I looked at his hand for a second before sharing it. "Did you come up with the name wolf?" I asked bluntly.

He chuckled "Yup. Cause I make the ladies howl." He started howling like I wolf. I shook my head.

All the boys started laughing "You a fool bro." Christian started doing a handshake with him.

"It wasn't that funny" Melody scuffed, rolling her eyes. "Don't be mad." Christian said burying his head in the crook of her neck.

"So ain't y'all having a party. Where the people" Melody said breaking the silence. Just as she said the doorbell rang.

"Don't trip. We always make shit pop" Nas said getting the door. "Let's turn up." Prince screamed as Christian turned the music up and people stormed in.

People trialed in and the party began. There were people everywhere. Girls were all in the boys faces and Melody was with Christian. I honestly felt lonely and I didn't want to party.


Being at this party and seeing Melody with Christian it just made me miss Maurice. I walked into a near room. I put my head in my hands.

"You not suppose to be in here" A deep voice said. I popped my head up and saw Wolf leaning on the door frame.

I stood up "My bad." He chuckled and closed the door "I'm joking. you good?" He chuckled.

"I'm fine." I responded lowly. "Then why you crying" he wiped my face. I wiped my face. I didn't even notice I was crying.

"I just got out of a relationship." I started rambling. "Never mind you don't wanna her this. Imma go." I stood up.

He pulled my back down on the bed "You good. I don't mind." He leaned back on the bed with his arms behind his head. "Talk."

I laughed and rambled on for about an hour and he just commented and laughed. "I don't think a guy that can't be honest deserves to be in a relationship."

"Really?" I looked down at him. "Foreal. In my opinion back and forth relationship are not healthy. They slowly break you down. I've been through that and it ain't good. Keep doing you I bet a guy will come thru." He rose from the bed.

"Thanks." I smiled. "Come on before they wonder where were are" he held his hand it for me. I grabbed it and we walked out the room.

"Just in time we about to play spin the bottle" Nasir came up to us, while the other guest sat in a circle.

"You good?" Melody asked as I sat next to her. I nodded my head. She smiled and we all sat in a circle. Prince spun the bottle and it landed on some random girl.

He smirked and pulled her into a sloppy kiss. We all laughed and some people made faces of disgust. They finally broke the kiss and we continued.

As the game went on, it landed Melody as Nasir spun the bottle. He smirked at her "Mel like my bestfriend so imma kiss her cheek. In respect of my bro." Melody shook her head and held her cheek out for him and he pecked it.

"Alright. Let's go Wolf" Melody said. He spun the bottle and it landed on Prince. "Spin that shit again nigga" Prince said.

I laughed as Wolf spun it again. When he spun it again, it landed on me. My eyes got big, I ain't know if I wanted to kiss me.

"Come ere. I'm bout to show you how a real nigga kiss" he pulled me to him. "Ari you don't gotta kiss his goofy ass if you don't want to." Melody said to me.

"It's fine." I told her not breaking the intense stare me and Wolf had.

He lifted my chin with his fingers. He guided his lips on to mine softly. He kissed my slow at first, then he slided his tongue into my mouth. He depended the kiss, then bite my lip as he pulled away.

"Damn suave ass nigga." Nas said piping his head up. I shook my head and the boys all howled. They all dapped him up and he winked at me. I blushed and scooted back to Melody.

"Imma real nigga." He turned to me. "Shut Up Wolf. It was one kiss nigga." Melody told him.

"Hateeeerrrr. I just changed her life." Wolf laughed and Melody rolled her eyes. "Let's continue who's next." Melody said as Wolf just stared at me. I stared back at him before finally looking away.

"One in three Americans get in an accident everyday. People loose there lives and loved ones loose there family." A tv commercial tv said.

"Turn it off" I said slightly loud. Darius sat up with Kamryn in his lap "What?" He questioned.

"Turn it off" I yelled making Kamryn jump and slightly cry. "Aaliyah relax" Darius said turning off the tv.

"What is up with you." He asked whole trying to calm Kamryn down. I got up from the couch and ran upstairs.

After a couple minutes I saw Darius open the door. "Aaliyah." He said lowly coming up to me.

"Aaliyah. You gotta talk about this accident. It's affecting you." He cradled me in his arms. I felt tears drizzling down my face.

"I gotchu. Let me take care of you Aaliyah." He kisses my forehead as I cried in his arms.

"You gonna get some help. You got me?" He questioned pulling me to face him. "Okay" I sniffled.

I honestly thought I could get over this car accident quickly like Melody and Ariana but I couldn't. The thought of me losing me life behind a vehicle was terrifying to me and was affecting me.

People deal with accidents in their lives differently. Maybe talking to someone would help me. As of right now I never want to drive a car again.

"Come on." Darius picked me up bridal style and carried me to the bed. "You don't have to baby me D" I said seriously.

"But you my baby thoe. So I can and I will." He chuckled and laid next to me.


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