《Down The Line》~DTL.28~


"Are you serious?" Maurice screamed at me. I put my hands up in his face "Oh shut up Maurice damn. So dramatic."

"It's not about you tonight Ariana. Quit being so selfish." He screamed back. "Shut up" I pushed and slightly stumbled.

"Imma whoop your ass. Push me again." He got in my face. "Hit me. Do it." I bucked up to him. He smirked evilly and looked down at me.

"Nigga back up you not gonna put your hands on her." Darius said stepping in between me and Maurice.

"Aight. Back up D." Aaliyah stepped in between the both of them.

"It ain't about either of y'all. It's Jalen and Mircales night." Aaliyah said.

I crossed my arms and Maurice smacked his teeth. "If y'all having problems in y'all relationship talk about it on your own time. It be a miracle if y'all didn't have problems but let's not hold our breath."

"Come on now that's dramatic." Maurice said.

"Right like we don't be having problems all the time. Everyone can stop saying that." I agreed.

She rolled her eyes "I don't know what y'all got going on and I don't really care but figure it out." Aaliyah rolled her eyes and started walking away.

"And Ariana your ass better quit drinking. Your not twenty one. Next time imma whoop your ass" Aaliyah screamed.

I rolled my eyes "Okay mom." I said sarcastically. She flipped me off and walked back into the party with Darius.

"Y'all behave y'all selves." Darius yelled. I laughed. "Well goodbye." I stumbled off.

"Nah you ain't driving no damn where. Let's go." Maurice grabbed on me.

"I rather die then ride any where with you."

He snatched my arm to make me look at him "Ayye yo don't ever say no stupid shit like that again." He yelled. "That's not funny. We going through something but I love you and that's never gonna change."

"Now let's go." He let go of my arm and I started walking to his car.

I just sat in the car as we drove to my home. When we had gotten there Maurice insisted on walking me inside. He walked me to my room and helped me get undressed since I was very drunk.

"Imma go." Maurice said as he stepped in my doorway. "Maurice." I called his name.

"Wassup." He turned his head. "Do you think we've ran our course?" I asked.

He stared at me "Ariana go to sleep. We don't need to talk about this right now." He turned to leave.

"No stop." I yelled and he quickly turned around. "We've been through so much Maurice." I could feel my eyes watering.

"We've cheated on eachother, we've hurt eachother, we've called eachother horrible names. This isn't how a relationship supposed to be." I cried.

He shook his head "Ariana. I don't know. All I know is I love you. Ain't that enough."

I slowly shook my head and sniffled "Love doesn't always prevail Maurice."

He was quiet "I just wanna be happy Maurice." I whispered lowly. He lifted his head and a tear fell down his face. "You make me happy."

"Don't you see Maurice. We're toxic to eachother. Your my first love." I walked up to him. "But I don't think your my last love."

He wipes his tear off his face "You breaking up with me?" He asked bluntly. I started crying slowly and nodded my head.


"Aight." He walked off. "Maurice." I grabbed his arm. He snatched away from me quickly "Ariana please let go of me. Just let me go. Please man." A tear rolled down his face.

I stared at him and let him go. He jogged down the stairs and I heard the door slam. I crawled back into my bed and cried lowly.

As sad and mad as we both were. We couldn't deny the fact that this was best for us. We've been through so much it's ridiculous at this point. We keep getting back together thinking we can work it out but it never works. We keep thinking the love will prevail over all of these mistakes we make. But it doesn't.

"D." Aaliyah said softly. "D" she said again and I fluttered my eyes open but didn't open all the way. "Darius" she kissed my cheek and moved to my lips.

I smiled and licked my lips after she broke away "Wassup man. What time is it?" I asked finally opening my eyes.

"It's seven o'clock." She sat next to my on the bed. "Why you waking my up for?"

She laughed "Cause your daughter woke up and if I gotta wake up so do you. We a team remember."

"Man." I rubbed the sleepies out of my eyes. "Where she at?"

"She brushing her teeth in the bathroom." She pointed at the door.

"Our bathroom?" I sat up. She stared at me and started laughing "Nahh playboy this is my house. So my bathroom."

I smacked my teeth and climbed over her "Always gotta be technical huh?" I kissed her and got out the bed.

I walked into the bathroom "Hey moochy." I picked her up and put her on the counter.

"Hi daddy." She put her hands out for a hug. I laughed and hugged her and kissed her cheek.

"You gotta stop waking up early mama." I told her as I put toothpaste on my toothbrush.

She laughed "Your so beautiful." I smiled at her. "Thank you."

"Thank you." I copied her. "Thank you. Thank you." I rubbed my nose all over her face. She put her hands up to block me.

I started brushing my teeth. "So Darius." Aaliyah screamed from the room.

"Wassup" I said as I spit into the sink. "My parents wanna have a dinner tonight, since we're back together or whatever"

I mentally rolled my eyes and didn't respond. Aaliyah dad didn't like me and never ha sin reason not to. "Did you not hear me?" She asked. "Nah I heard you."

She walked into the bathroom "Okay. What's your response."

I shook my head "Ion even know why you askin me like I got a choice. I gotta show up."

"Your smart. I knew there was a reason I fell in love with your ass." she laughed. "Shut up fool." I shoved her shoulder.

"Let's go lul mama. Let's go eat breakfast." Aaliyah put her arms out. She smiled and went to Aaliyah.

"Wait can we talk?" I said walking after her. "About?" She asked still walking down the stairs.

"The parents thing?"

"What's to talk about?" She asked while putting Kamryn in a chair.

"Ion know if I'm really feeling this." I followed her as she walked in the kitchen for her food.

She rolled her eyes "It's not under discussion. Your going." She handed Kamryn her plate.


"So you telling me?" I made a face. "You know your dad don't like me. Why make me sit there and suffer."

She turned in face me "Because I sat in the face of your trifling ass sister. We make sacrifices for each other. That's what people do in a relationship."

"So now you telling me the definition of a relationship. Aight" I nodded my head.

She waved me off "Don't even start with me Darius. I ain't in the mood. Go throw a fit somewhere else."

"You know what you right. I need to go check up on my house anyways." I grabbed my keys off the counter.

She crossed her arms "Go get some clothes while you at it." I smacked my teeth and kissed Kamryns cheek.

"Love you Mooch." I smiled. "When am I gonna see you again?" She asked grabbing my cheeks.

"Tonight" Aaliyah smirked. I mentally rolled my eyes "What ya momma said." I stood up.

"Imma holla at you later." I told Aaliyah. "Whateva crybaby" she rolled her eyes. I waved her off and walked into the living room to the door.

I was sitting in the couch with Jalen. My legs were laid across his lap, while I scrolled down my Instagram feed.

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Throwing up them deuces to girlfriend title. Upgraded to fiancé


: Congrats to you both. ❤️ Hopefully it last.

: Soon to be hubby ❤️✌🏾

Can't wait. About to be the best maid of honor evaaa. 💞

: Congratulations. ❤️ You guys are my goals 😩

: How long will they actually last? I honestly thought they broke up already.

: Congrats!!!! Happy for you two.

Jalen could do way better. Honestly wish he had stayed with his ex. She was prettier. 💯🤷🏾‍♀️

: People can only hate on what they can't have. Congratulations. ❤️

: I guess I could share him. 🙄

"Some of these comments are brutal" I told Jalen as I sat on the couch next to him, with my legs across his lap.

"Who cares. Haters gonna hate." He said not looking up from his phone.

I rolled my eyes "Still.....I'm just saying." He chuckled and side eyed me "I saw that"

"Whatever." I laughed. "I gotta talk to you about something." Jalen said.

I sat up slightly "Wassup?" I asked. "We can't get married till next year."

I rose an eyebrow "And why is that?" He ran his hands down his face "Cause man. I have to train this summer. The season starts in the fall. We have no time to get married. I wanna be involved in the process."

I took my legs of his lap and crossed my legs in a criss cross applesauce stance. "Alright." I said dryly.

"Why you say it like that?" He chuckled. "Ion know. But I understand. We'll be ready to get married next July." I leaned to him and pecked his lips.

He licked his lips "That's what I like to hear." He rubbed his hands together "So when we having kids?"

"Ion know" I said dryly. "Why you say it like that? You don't want kids?" He asked suspiciously.

Honestly I didn't mind having kids. I wasn't the type to plan on having kids. If I had kids it would happen when it happen. I never was the type to want to rush things.

"I'm not saying that. I just said I don't know Jalen that's all"

He rose from his seat "You don't sound too excited about it. Do you not want my children Mir."

"I just told you, I'm not saying that. Are you even listening to me." I stood up.

"Nah my ears usually don't process bullshit." He walked away. "I don't even know why your mad. Your sparking an argument for no reason." I rolled my eyes while yelling after him.

He waved me off "Whatever Miracle."

"Your such a baby. Why have any kids when I already have to deal with your whiny ass." I said lowly.

"What you say?" He asked walking back. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes "Nothing."

"Right" he nodded his head and walked away, I flipped him off as he turned around. "And I saw you punk" he said.

"Aaliyah is he coming or not?" My mom asked as she almost finished making dinner.

"He will. If he likes his life" I said to her mumbling the last part. "What?" She asked.

"Nothing. He'll be here. Just go set the table. He's probably on his way. I'm going to wait outside for him." I told my mom while walking outside.

After about ten minutes Darius car had finally pulled up. "What the hell you waiting outside for?" He asked walking up to the door.

"Don't play with me. I guess your smarter then you look." I crossed my arms. "Aaliyah get outta my way with all of that." He waved me off.

"You know my dad doesn't like you and then you wanna show up late. How stupid." I rolled my eyes and walked back inside, trying to close the door behind me.

"Are you crazy don't close no door on me." He stopped the door from closing on him.

"Darius. Thank you for joining us." My mom smiled pulling him into a hug. "Thank you for having me." He smiled back.

"Where's Kamryn?" He turned and asked me. "She sleep." I scuffed and walked away. I heard him smack his teeth.

My mom finally finished up dinner and we all sat at the table. My dad said grace and we all dove in.

Me and Darius traded looks and glares across the table. "So Darius how've you been?" My mom smiled.

"Great. Working on my business and taking care of my daughter." He replied. "Hope your taking care of my daughter also." My dad added.

"Of course sir." Darius replied smiling at me, I faked a smile in return.

"This is a first" my dad under his breath. I rolled my eyes "Dad please don't start."

My dad wiped his mouth with a napkin "I'm just saying. He's never been the taking care type. I mean he left you high and dry to take care of Kamryn by yourself."

"Dad we talked about this" I said but was quickly cut off "No offense but that's none of your business or concern." Darius said.

I hit his shoulder "Darius." My eyes got big. "What?" He said. "It is my concern. She's my baby." My dad replied.

Darius chuckled and shook his head "She's not a baby anymore. She's a grown women now. I think you need to let her grow up."

"Oh my god" I put my head in my hands. "You know what. I'm not trying to be disrespectful. Imma go." Darius scooted out of his chair.

"Thank you for having me Mrs.Colemon. You too Mr.Colemon. I know you never liked me and probably never will but I've always loved and cherished your daughter. I still do." He said before leaving the table and house.

"Woww. Really dad. I don't care that you don't like Darius. He's the father of my child and we're working on our relationship. So get over yourself." I rolled my eyes before getting from the table and chasing Darius.

"D...D...D stop." I slightly ran after him. "What?" He turned around. "I'm sorry. I thought he grew from that."

"Clearly he ain't." He continued to walk off. "Darius stop." I grabbed his arm. "I said sorry."

"Congratulations." He said sarcastically. "Okay no." I yelled. "I stood up for you back there so now it's time for you to stop being upset."

He huffed and just stared at me. "Uhhh" I said waving my hands. "Alright. I'm good."

I huffed "how we gonna make a relationship work when your sister hates my guts and my dad don't like you."

He smiled and pulled me into his grip "We'll figure it out but it ain't about them. It's about us." He lifted my head by my chin. "Remember that." He pecked my lips.

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