《Down The Line》~DTL.27~


"Jalen where are we going?" I asked Jalen as we drove in the car. I was still uneasy about being in a car but he told me it was important.

He laughed "Patience Aaliyah" he shook his head. I sighed and sat back waiting to get to the destination.

"Come on were here." I sat up in relief and got out the car. "Finally"

We walked to the front door of someone's house it looked like. "I'm confused" I said.

He shook his head and ran the doorbell. Finally the person opened the door. "Jalen Wassup man" he dapped him up.

"Hey man." We both walked into the house. "Aaliyah this is Jake. Jake Aaliyah"

I smiled "Hi" and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you" He said and I nodded my head.

"Is it ready?" Jalen asked. Jake nodded his head and we followed him. "Just in time brother"

He handed him a black box. I rose my eyebrow confused. Jalen opened the box and scanned over it.

He showed my the box and my mouth dropped. "Jalen?" I questioned. He smiled "Imma propose."

"Oh my god Jalen" I said excitedly. "You think she'll like it?" Jalen asked.

I took the box out his hands "It's beautiful Jalen. She's gonna love it."

I put my hands over my mouth "Oh my god. Your really proposing to my Bestfriend."

He laughed "When?" I asked. "On her birthday this weekend"

"That's so cute."

Jalen closed the box and handed it back to Jake to package. "You can't tell her Aaliyah. You gotta promise."

"Promise. I won't say a word" I acted like I wasn't locking my mouth. "Alright." Jake came back with the box packaged up.

"Really appreciate it bro." Jalen said. "No problem" Jake responded and we both walked to the door to leave.

We got into the car "This is a big step Jalen. You sure you ready?" I asked.

He nodded his head and continued to look at the road "Yea. I'm ready" he took a deep breath.

I patted his shoulder "You did always say that you were going to marry her."

He smile flashed across his face "I always knew she was the one." I chuckled. "I'm happy for y'all."

"You and Darius next" he side eyed me. "Umm down the line. Yes" I laughed.

He laughed and continued driving to my house.

Aaliyah and Jalen had finally came back from being gone all day. "Where y'all been?" I asked as they walked in laughing.

"Huh?" They said in unison acting confused. "I know y'all heard me."

Aaliyah looked over at Jalen and his eyes got big. "We were uhh-" Aaliyah said looking over at Jalen. "Shopping" Jalen finished.

I rose an eyebrow "Shopping where?" I asked suspiciously. "The grocery store" Aaliyah said.

I crossed my arms "With no grocery's?" I questioned.

Aaliyah's eyes got big again "We ain't-" Jalen cut her off "We ain't find anything we liked"

I looked at them like they were stupid "How you go to a grocery store and not find one thing to get?"

"I got some candy" Aaliyah said smiling awkwardly. "Let me have some?" I asked.

"I ate it already." She smirked. I rolled my eyes "Y'all lying and I ion even know why." I grabbed my phone off the couch.


"Nobody's lying Miracle chill" Jalen said opening the door so we can go.

"Y'all are." I rolled me eyes again. He tried pulling me into a hug. "Uhh don't touch me" I scuffed and walked out the door.

"Bye Mir" Aaliyah chuckled and waved at me. "Mhm bye." I said with an attitude. Aaliyah laughed and whispered something to Jalen. I made a face and rose an eyebrow at there secrecy.

"Imma meet you in the car." Jalen said. I shook my head and walked to the car. I sat on my phone until Jalen finally got Into the car.

"Finally" I said with a attitude. He chuckled "Damn attitude on a thousand. Chill out babe"

I just rolled my eyes and continued to stare down at my phone. When we got to the house I ran up the stairs to our huge house. I went to the bathroom and took a shower.

When I got out the bathroom Jalen was sitting on the bed smirking. "Wassup with you?" He asked.

I turned and looked at him. "Nothing. Wassup with you?" I asked while applying lotion.

"Ain't nothing up with me. You the one with an attitude."

"You the one being secretive." I paused "Are you cheating on me with my bestfriend?" I asked.

The question sounded dumber than it did in my head when I said it. I really don't think Aaliyah would do that. Actually I know she wouldn't. I don't even know why I asked that.

He looked at me shocked and chuckled. "Is this funny to you? I'm asking a legit question"

He shook his head and walked over to me "Are you drunk. You sick. Like Wassup" he felt my forehead while laughing.

I moved his hand "I'm not sick." He laughed "No Miracle I'm not. I would never cheat on you and if I was I think I'd be smart enough to not it with your Bestfriend." He laughed.

"You think your funny?" I asked. He laughed "Nah I think you crazy for asking that question. Go to sleep. You clearly not in your right mind."

I rolled my eyes "Whatever. GoodNight" I rolled over on the bed. He laughed and climbed on the bed and leaned over me. "Don't be mad. Ain't nothing goin on and you know it."

I didn't respond and he turned my face "Are you listening to me?" I stared at him "Yes Jalen I am"

He smiled "Great. Go to sleep" he kissed my lips. "Imma take a shower." He rolled off the bed. "Aight" I nodded my head and watched him walk into the bathroom.

I don't know why I was being paranoid. I honestly sounded crazy with the words coming out my mouth. I don't even know why I asked a question like that.

It was the day if Miracles surprise birthday party. I really ain't wanna be here for a couple reasons. I wasn't in the partying mood, Mir was a cool friend I guess but we weren't even really friends. Only by association. Also I knew Maurice ass would be here cause it's his sisters party.

"Damn Ari. I'm usually the one that's looks mad cheer up." Melody said.

I faked a smile "Happy?" I asked. She shook her head and laughed "Nah now you just look constipated."

"Wassup Mel" Maurice said coming up to us with his hands up. I rolled my eyes. She laughed "Nigga don't put your hands up like we cool. Cheating is only for weak ass niggas who can't man up and say they want out of a relationship." She scuffed.


"Damn it's like that?" He asked as she walked away. She turned and flipped him off "Just like that." She rolled her eyes making me laugh.

"Get over your little attitude?" He smirked at me while leaning on a wall. I crossed my arms "Learn how you to keep your dick in your pants?" I asked sarcastically.

He just stayed quiet. I got in front of him "Hey if you wanna be a fuck boy go ahead but leave my ass outta of it."

"Ariana?" He said in a pleading tone. "Have a great time at the party." I took a drink from the table and drank it.

"You good?" Melody asked when I walked up to her. "I'm good. I'm not trippin off of him."

Ariana rolled her eyes "Sure."

"Why you say it like that?" She laughed "I mean let's not act like this hasn't been the first time you and Maurice have broken up. He'll be back."

I just rolled my eyes, because it was true. This was probably me and Maurice's third time breaking up since highschool. It was like we'd both fuck up but always find eachother again. Our relationship was a drug that both of us couldn't resist.

"Tell Maurice that flirting is never acceptable." I said crossing my arms.

He smacked his teeth "Man Tell Ariana to quit being insecure."

"Tell Maurice-" Melody cut me off.

"Oh my gooooddd. I'm not about to keep playing telephone with y'all." Melody said as me and Maurice sat across for eachother.

"If you got something to say tell him and you tell her cause this is so unnecessary." Melody rolled her eyes.

I sat quietly "Man Ariana stop playing. I ain't flirt with her end of discussion. Cut it out." Maurice came over to me.

"You betta not have Maurice." I scuffed. "I'm not." He laughed playfully. "I only got eyes for you. I promise man." He kissed my cheek.

I slightly blushed. "This conversation was so damn pointless." Melody said with an attitude and rose from her seat. "Just wasting my damn time. Don't call me into no shit like this again." Melody rolled her eyes and walked out the room.

"Come on its time to hide they're coming" Melody hit my arm making me snap out of my trans. I nodded my head and got into a place.

"Aaliyah are we almost there?" I asked with a blind fold around my eyes.

"Yes? Chill Mir" she laughed guiding me to our destination. "Okay were here." She took off the blind fold.

"SURPRISE" All the people yelled out. "Oh my god" I put my hand over my mouth.

"Happy Birthday Mir." Aaliyah smiled and hugged me.

"Thank you. Thank you everyone" I smiled and hugged some people in the room.

"Where Jalen?" I asked Aaliyah as I looked around the room for him.

Suddenly the room fell dim and a video started playing of me and Jalen. The video continued to play as I people awed and laughed. I smiled at the cute videos and pictures.

After the video ended I felt hands around me, I turned around and saw Jalen. "Miracle Williams" he said making the whole room fall quiet.

"I've had a crush on you since highschool. I've always knew in my heart that you were going to be my wife. You are the most beautiful, hard working, kindest, strongest women I've ever met. You are the perfect match for me and I always knew it. Even though you've gave me a hard time I knew it was love at first site. I know our going to be a wonderful mother and spouse." I laughed.

He got on one knee "Miracle Williams will you do me the honor of being my loving wife?" He asked holding out a ring.

I put my hands over my mouth as tears started to fall down my face. "Yes Jalen of course" I said loudly and he put the ring on my finger.

He picked me up and lifted me and the air. I buried my head in his neck and the whole room started clapping. I faced Jalen and he wiped my tears. I smiled and pecked his lips multiply times.

"I love you." I smiled. "I love you too baby boo" he pecked my lips again and put me down.

"Ahh I'm getting married" I ran up to Aaliyah. "I know." She smiled. "Why you think I've been with Jay this week."

I shook my head and hugged her. "Congrats sis" Maurice came up to me. "Thanks baby bro" I smiled.

"Be good to my sister you hurd" he told Jalen. "You got it" Jalen smiled and dapped him up.

"Oh shut up Maurice you can't even treat a girl right. Don't tell anyone about how to treat a women." Ariana said stumbling over to us.

"Ariana" Maurice said forcefully. "Ariana you've had to much to drink. Come on" Aaliyah grabbed her arm.

"No. Just so everyone knows Maurice here cheated on me with some drunken broad." She stumbled around and pointed at Maurice.

Maurice groaned "A drunk like you right now. Let's go." He grabbed Ariana's arm. "Let go of me Maurice." She screamed and started kicking around.

He tried to pick her up and she turned around and slapped him in the face and the whole room ooood. "Ariana don't make me...Man"

He picked her up off the floor and walked her outside. "Mad embarrassing yo" I heard him yell as he walked her out.

"Imma go see about Ariana. Congrats Mir." Aaliyah smiled. "Thanks Aaliyah." I responded.

"Thanks for your help Liyah. Preciate it." Jalen nodded his head. She laughed "Finally did it Jay. I'm proud of you." She smiled and walked out.

"My Man. Congratulations." Darius came up to Jalen. "Thank you boy.I'm just surprised I did it before you."

Darius shook his head "Shii me too." He started laughing.

"Weeelll technically you've purposed before but."

Darius eyes got big "Ayyee nigga chill out." He put his hand up.

I rose an eyebrow. "Oohhh damn my bad."

"Both of y'all shut up." I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Im bout to go with Liyah. Y'all enjoy yallselves. Happy birthday Mir."

"Thank you." Darius screamed while he was walking out "You treat her good." He laughed.

"Yes sir." Jalen waved and screamed back.



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