《Down The Line》~DTL.26~


"Okay Ms.Colemon you'll be released today. Be sure to take all medications and make sure you not doing major things. Take it slow" My doctor said handing me my prescription.

"Don't worry. I'll watch her." Darius said. "Thanks Doc" I smiled.

"Ready?" I asked Darius and grabbed Kamryn's hand.

"Yea hold up. I need to talk to you about something." Darius said.

"Okay? Wassup" I said skeptical. "I think I should stay with you and Kamryn temporarily until you get better and stronger."

I thought for a second "Yea I think that's a good idea" he smiled "Don't get too excited it's temporary." I shook my head.

"Come on Princess" I told Kamryn and held her hand.

When we got to the house, Darius had to go but Miracle came over to keep my company.

"How are you" Mir asked. "I'm doing fine Miracle" I chuckled slightly.

"How are you and Jalen? Is living together going well?" I asked.

"Yup. We're doing good." She smiled. "That's good" I said as my doorbell rang.

I opened the door to my mom. "Oh my god Aaliyah. How are you?" She hugged me

I rolled my eyes at how dramatic she was being "I'm fine mom." I hugged her back.

"Your dad and I were it of town I'm sorry we couldn't be here."

"Mom it's fine." I sat back on the couch. "Where's my grand daughter?" My mom asked.

"She's with Ariana for the day. She wanted to spend time with her auntie. And Ari said she needed a distraction for some reason"

"You know her and Maurice having problems?" My mom said.

I laughed "Mom quit being messy" I shook my head.

"I'm just saying. My daughter talks to me and she told me."

"Well his sister sitting right here so just keep to yourself" I pointed at Miracle.

She smacked her teeth "So you and Darius are what dating now?"

"Yes mother"

"I told you." She smiled. "Mothers always right huh?" I questioned.

"I've always told you that" I shook my head.

"Aaliyah I'm driving over to get some food wanna come?" Miracle asked.

I shook my head quickly "No..no thank you"

"Alright" She said skeptical. I really wasn't comfortable goin into a car. Especially since the accident was so recent. I didn't want to drive or even be close to a car. My whole car was totaled and I didn't know when i was going to get a new one.

I was hanging out with Nas and Prince and Christian today. Wolf had some shit to do and couldn't be with us.

Christian was having a pissy attitude all day like I really didn't understand why. I could care less.

"What's up with Christian?" I asked Nas. He looked at Prince then back at me "He-"

Prince hit him "Shut up Nas." I looked at him skeptical "What?" I questioned.

"Nothing. Talk to CJ" Nas said continuing to walk to the parking lot.

I rolled my eyes and kept walking. I walked close to Christian and clutched my arms. "It's cold out here"

He looked at me "Well maybe if you were actually wearing some clothes you wouldn't have that problem" he snapped.

"Christian?" I said surprised. "Christian nothing stay cold." He said while opening his car. "Get in the car."

I crossed my arms and stood outside the doors. "No." Nas and Prince got in the car "Get in the car Melody" Nas said.


"No. Christian wanna be a dick. I'm not finna deal with that." I said with an attitude. "Nobody about to beg you to get in the car. Drive CJ" Prince said laughing.

Christian looked back at Prince "Shut up Prince. Melody I'm not gonna ask you again. Get in the car." He demanded.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Man Aight" Christian said and pulled off and left.

"I know he did not" I said to myself. "Nah this nigga has me fucked all the way up" I took my phone out my pocket.

I called is phone and screamed into the phone soon as he answered. "Christian quit playing with me."

"When I pull up you better get in the car. Or imma actually leave you." He said in the phone and hung up.

He pulled back up and I got into the car and hopped in the front seat. "Aahhh" Prince said laughing.

I turned around and hit him "Shut the hell up Prince." He continued laughing and dodged my hits "You shut up. Lul ass" I continued to hit him.

Christian pulled me back down into the seat "Sit down and act like you have some sense."

I removed his hands "Don't touch me." I said with an attitude and sat there quiet for the rest of the ride.

Christian dropped off Nas and Prince at home. "Lemme holla at you for a second" Christian said as we walked in his house.

"Holla at yourself. Ion wanna talk to your ass" I rolled my eyes. He pulled me into his room "Shut up"

He closer and locked the door. "What Christian?" He walked over to his bed and pulled out a picture.

He handed it to me "What is this?" I asked. "My younger brother. Today's his birthday."

"I'm confused. Where is he?" He looked at me with sadness in his face. "He died last year. He was shot. In the wrong place at the wrong time."

"Damn Christian I'm sorry" I handed him back the picture. "That's why I've been so moody today. I know I shouldn't have took it out on you." He sat on his bed.

"It's fine. I understand now. My older brothers in prison." I opened up to him.

"I'm sorry Mel."

"It's fine. He's going to get out in a couple years. Imma just keep being strong for him"

I say on his lap and faced him wrapping my legs around his waist. I looked at him before hugging him. I stopped hugging him and he stared at me "Mel be one hunnid with me"

"Okay" I rolled my head. "You feeling a nigga"

"Are you feeling me?" I smirked. "I asked you first." He smirked back at me.

I just stared at him. "Don't got an answer?" He asked.

"Do you?" I crossed my arms against his chest. He licked his lips "I mean...come on. Let's both say our answer at the same time."

"Aight" I laughed. "One..Two..Three" I counted down.

"I'm feeling you" I said as Christian laughed. I hit his chest "I hate you"

"You never open yourself up. I wanted to actually hear you say it." He laughed.

"Well now that I have. What's your answer?"

"Damn. I thought it was pretty obvious." I rode an eyebrow. "I've been feeling you the day I seen you at foot locker." He smiled.


I blushed at his corny ass response. I fell my head on his chest trying to hide he fact that I was smiling.

He lifted my head and licked his lips. "Stop" he smiled. I looked at him in his eyes before planting a kiss of his lips. He wrapped his arms around my waist and added tongue, tightening the kiss.

Both of our tongues were fighting for dominance. "Stop" I laughed through the kiss while grabbing his chin.

He bite my lip stopping the kiss. "Always tryna be on top." I laughed "I am always on top." I smiled and got off his lap.

"Come on Kam Kam" I said while grabbing Kamryns hand while leaving the park.

"Can we come back?" She asked skipping and holding my hand.

I laughed "Yea kami." When we got to the car she climbed in her car seat and buckled up.

I closed the door and turned around to see Maurice. "Ariana" I rolled my eyes. "Your stalking me now?"

"Ariana you've been ignoring me for days now. I told you I was sorry." I opened the drivers door. "I know what you said. That doesn't excuse the fact that your weren't there."

He ran he's hands down his face "I know. Look what do I have to say to make this right."

I crossed my arms "Answer me this. Where were you?" He stared at me and didn't answer. I chuckled and got into the car. "Goodbye Maurice."

I started my car "Until you can explain yourself don't hit me up." I rolled my eyes and tried backed out.

He didn't move and I put my foot on the gas making him jump back. "Next time imma run your ass over." I yelled out the window.

"Auntie Ari. Who was that?" Kamryn asked from the backseat. "Don't worry about it Kami. He's not important" I told her smiling.

Maurice had me on five levels of fucked up. I didn't know what he was doing that night or where he was. He refused to tell me which only made me think he was doing something he wasn't supposed to. Maybe he didn't want to tell me but I was going to find out one way or another.

When we got to Aaliyah's house I got Kamryn out the car and I walked in. "Hola" I yelled in the house.

Aaliyah walked out with my mom "Hey Ari" Aaliyah said to me. "Hey Liyah." I smiled.

"Where's my baby" Darius said walking into the living room. I playfully rolled my eyes "She's right here" I said pointing at Kamryn.

"Wassup Mooch" he scooped her up from the ground. "Hi daddy" she said tiredly while yawning.

"Ooh someone's sleepy" Aaliyah said kissing her cheek. "Imma take her to your room. Wassup Ari" Darius waved at me while walking up the stairs.

"Hey D" I smiled. "Hey can I talk to you for a sec" Aaliyah said.

I nodded my head and followed her to the couch "Wassup?" I questioned.

"What's going on with you and Maurice. Moms crazy ass said y'all having problems. I wasn't even aware y'all were going through it." Aaliyah said.

I rolled my eyes "On the day of the accident he wasn't there. He came hours later and when I asked him where he was he had no response."

Aaliyah just looked at me, letting me continue to rant. "I'm not going to tolerate lying and when I need you I expect you to be there. Period"

The thing about me is I get straight to it. I'm not the type to drag something ima me beat around the bush. What's the point? I expect someone to be real with me from the jump. Ain't no excuse not to be.

She nodded her head "I agree. Just talk to him"

I huffed "I've tried to talk to him and has nothing to say. I'm done talking. He better tell me where he was that night or were going to have a big problem." I got up from the couch.

"I gotta go. I'll see y'all later. Call me if you need anything" Aaliyah nodded her head and I walked out the door.

I was tired of not having answers. Something was up and I wanted to know. I got into my car. "We need to talk. Meet me at my house tonight" I said into the phone. I hung up belfry the person could even respond.

I waited outside on the porch of my house waiting for him. "Wassup" he slightly smiled.

"Maurice. Tell me truth. So I can move on with my life." I got straight to the point.

He stuck his hands in his pocket "What do you want me to tell you Ariana? Seem like you already have an idea in your head so.." he shrugged his shoulders.

I made at face and stepped closer to him "So?" I copied his shrug. "So? All you gotta say is so. What the hell does that even mean?"

He stood there and stared at me "Maurice you gonna make me put my hands on you if you don't start talkin foreal."

"Look man." He ran his hands over his face. "I..I ain't even gonna lie cause imma real nigga."

I scuffed and rolled my eyes "Okay sure. Continue." He smacked his teeth "Man I got wrapped up in everything and I took his girl home. I was drunk outta my mind and you know."

I scooted all the up to him, making me all up in his face at this point. "Does it look like I wanna read between the lines. Tell me what the fuck you gotta say."

"Bruh Ariana I cheated on you." He said bluntly. I chuckled slightly "Okay. Fuck you." I flipped him off and preceded to walk in my house.

He grabbed my arm "I'm sorry. It was a accident."

I turned around at him "So were you." I spat on his shoe "Fuck boy." I turned back around and walked in my house.

He banged on the door and started screaming "You got me fucked up Ariana. You paying for my kicks too."

"The devil is a lie. Your drunk if you think I'm paying for anything. Get away from my door."I screamed back.

Honestly I was hurt, I'm not the type to act sad in your face but I'd cry behind doors. I thought Maurice loved me and he turns around and cheats on me with some random. I shouldn't be surprised though, this isn't the first time he's cheated on me. Vice versa. He can use the excuse of being drunk but that's still not gonna cut it. Not for me at least.

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