《Down The Line》~DTL.25~


I fluttered my eyes open, looking all around the car. I looked around for Ariana and Aaliyah and they weren't there. The car had hit a light pole.

"Aaliyah. Ariana" I screamed lowly. My voice was weak and brittle.

I tried sitting up but I could feel pain all in my abdomen. "Miss you need to stay still. You have bruising all on your abdomen" the paramedic said.

"Where Aaliyah and Ariana" I said trying to get up once again.

"Your friend Ariana had minor injuries but is on her way to the hospital. Your friend Aaliyah had major injuries and was rushed to the hospital. We're going to take you right now"

I cried and nodded my head while they put me in the ambulance and drove me to the hospital. "Is there someone I should call for you?" The nurse asked as I walked into the hospital.

I thought for a second "No." I smiled. She nodded her head and walked away. "Wait can you call Christian Jordan for me."

She nodded her head. After thirty minutes I hadn't seen Ariana or Aaliyah. I walked to the nurse booth.

"Is there any updates on Ariana and Aaliyah Coleman. They were admitted with me." I asked.

"Ariana Coleman just got done with an X-ray and is fine. She should be out soon" she smiled.

Thank god I said to myself. "And Aaliyah" I asked.

"She's still in surgery. We don't have any further updates right now. I'm sorry" I nodded my head and walked back to my seat in the waiting room.

I put my head in hands lowly crying. "Melody" A familiar voice said. I lifted my head up in surprise "Mom?" I questioned.

I got up from my seat "Mom what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Melody your still my daughter. How are you?" She asked touching my face. I slightly moved "I'm fine Mom. Thanks for coming but you can go back to your perfect life."

"Melody that's not fair. I love you and your brother. We just have a distanced relationship"

"You have a wonderful way of showing it. Abandoning your oldest kids for your new husband and dream child" I said loudly.

"Melody lower your voice. Look I didn't abandon you guys. You guys got out of control."

I rolled my eyes "Because of you" I pointed at her. "After pops died and you got a new husband and Tay was born you forgot all about me and Tre. You were the source of our downfall mom" I said with tears in our eyes.

"Melody. That's not how it was" she shook her head.

"Mom I don't want to talk right now. Just go" I shook my head.

"Melody" My mom said lowly. "Melody are you aight" Christian said running up to me.

I jumped into his arms and hugged him and cried. "We were in a accident Chris." I said still crying.

"I know babygirl. You good" he broke the hug and wiped my tears. I nodded my head. "Who's this?" Christian said turning to my mom.


My mom opened to speak and I cut her off "No one. She was just leaving" I smiled at him.

She shook her head and turned around to leave. We both sat down. "You sure you good?" He asked again.

"Yea. I hope Aaliyah okay" I rested my head on his chest. "Try to get some sleep" he rubbed my head.

I ran into the hospital and ran to the nurse station. "Aaliyah Coleman. Where is she?" I yelled.

"Sir I need you to calm down. She's still in surgery. We have no updates on her"

"What the fuck. I need to see her" I slammed my hands on the desk.

"Sir" She said putting her hand up. "Darius stop" Ariana pulled me away from the desk.

I pulled away from her forcefully "Yo let go of me." Tears started streaming down my face "I can loose her Ariana. I just got her back. What am I going to tell Kamryn"

She shook her head with tears in her eyes "I know Darius. Just sit down for now. She'll be fine" she guided me to a seat.

"Aye I just got word about Aaliyah how is she?" Jalen asked running inside the hospital with Miracle.

"We don't know yet man. They don't have any information" I said with my head still in my hands.

"Oh my god Aaliyah. I should've went out with her tonight." Miracle said shaking her head.

"I'm sorry Mir. She's going to be fine" he rubbed her back. I shook my head.

About two hours later the nurse finally spoke. "Family off Aaliyah Colemon" We all stood up from our seat immediately.

"Were her family" Ariana spoke. "How is she?" I asked worried.

"She suffered major complications but she's now stable." I sighed in relief "Thank god" Ariana said.

"Can I see her?" I asked. "Only one visitor at a time."

"You go first Darius. I know she'd like to see you." I nodded my head. "I'll take you to her room" I followed her.

"Right here Mr.Boweman" she said outside the door. "Thank you" she smiled and walked away. The door was open and I just stood there.

"Darius?" She questioned in a low tone. I walked in with tears in my eyes "Hey baby" I said with my voice shaking.

"Stop crying Darius I'm fine" she said lowly. I started crying "Don't scare me like that yo. Every again."

"I know baby. I'm sorry. Come here" she waved me over to here. She hugged me and pulled me into her chest. "You the only girl that can make me cry like a bitch other than Kamryn"

"Shut up" she chuckled. "The thought of loosing you was the scariest thing I've been endured. I love you Aaliyah"

She rubbed her back of my head "I love you more." She kissed my cheek.

"Melody can I talk for a second" I said standing over her and Christian.

"I'll be back" she told Christian and got up and followed me to a private place.


"Wassup" She crossed her arms. I cleared my throat "I didn't mean any of that. All the things I said in the car"

She just stared at me "We could've died back there Melody" I put my hands up with tears streaming down my face.

She put her head down "And for what a petty fight. We would've died and I would never have gotten to tell you how much I love you."

I lifted her head "I'm sorry Melody. Your my bestfriend." She cried and I pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry Ari."

I hugged her for awhile "I'm going to make time for you okay Mel." She nodded her head and I hugged her again.

"Ariana are you okay" Maurice said wrapping his arms around my waist.

I snatched away "Where the hell were you. We've been here for hours."

"I..I..I ain't know. I'm sorry" he tried hugging me. "Don't touch me." I smacked his arms down.

"Umm I'm going to give you guys some space." Melody said walking away.

"Where were you Maurice. I needed you and you weren't here."

"Look Ariana I'm sorry I was busy." I shook my head "Too busy for your girlfriend who could've died in a car accident"

"Ariana I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that" he grabbed my arm as I tried walking away. "Save it Maurice. Go back to whatever you were busy doing" I rolled my eyes and snatched my arm away.

"Can I see Aaliyah now?" I asked the group. "Yea Darius and Miracle are done." Jalen said.

I nodded my head and walked to her room. "You look good for a girl that just got bodied by a light pole."

She slightly sat up and laughed "The light pole obviously won." I shook my head and sat at the edge of her bed.

"How you doing sis?" I smiled. She chuckled "Your like the tenth person who asked me that. Including mom, dad, doctors and all my other friends. Stop asking me that I'm fine. You were in the accident too. How are you."

I shook my head "I'm fine. Minor injuries."

"That's good." The room fell quiet "I'm sorry Aaliyah."

She lifted a brow "For what?"

I started to cry for like the fifteenth time tonight "If me and Melody wasn't arguing you wouldn't have broken up and take your eyes off the road and crash."

She pulled me closer to her "It's not your fault Ariana. Get that out your head" I nodded my head and laid on her chest.

"You sure you good." Christian asked parked outside his house.

"Yea." I nodded my head. "What about your friend or landlord" he chuckled. "Is she going to be okay?"

"Yea she's fine. Can we go inside. I'm tired and sore?" I asked.

"Yea come on" he opened his car door. "Look I'll take the couch and you can take the bed" Christian said as we walked into the house.

We walked to his room "Alright." He reached in his drawer and got some clothes "Here some clothes to change into"

"Thank you" I took it out of his hands. "No problem" he turned to walk out the room.

I stopped him "No seriously Christian. Thank you." I smiled lookin up to him.

"Your welcome Melody." He smiled and proceeded to walk out the room.

I took a shower and laid in bed. I laid my head on the pillow, twisting and turning couldn't sleep.

I walked into the living room where Christian was "Christian.." I whispered. "Christian"

He got up fast making me step back "Wassup Mel. You good?"

I shook my head "Yea I'm good. I can't sleep can I sleep out here with you?"

He sat up and chuckled "Melody it's unlikely we're both going to fit on this couch."

"Come on Christian please. I can't sleep."

He shook his head and lifted up his blanket "Aight come on" he motioned me over to him.

I snuggled close to him "Hold me Christian." I said lowly.

He didn't move at first but slowly wrapped his arms around my waist. I turned to face him. "You give a girl the world and she decides she only wants a state" Christian said making me laugh.

"I'll take the simplistic things. As long as my bestfriend is there with me."

"Always. I promise." He kisses my forehead and I laid my head on his chest and fell asleep.

"Yo,Yo,Yo" Wolf yelled coming into Christian house.

It was bright and I kept blinking to adjust my eyes. "Oooh what do we have here?" Prince teased.

I rolled my eyes and sat up. "Since when do you niggas have a key to my house?" Christian asked sitting up next to me.

Nas laughed "Come on Christian. When have keys ever stopped us."

Christian groaned and got up "I'm changing my address." He said pulling on a white beater. "Actually scratch that. I'm changing friends. Put word out I'm on the look out" I bumped into Prince.

They all laughed including me "You know you can't replace us." Nas said.

"Knuckle head ass niggas. What do y'all want" Christian asked.

"Question is what did you get last night" Prince asked humping the air.

I rolled my eyes "Nothing. I was in an accident yesterday assholes. Christian was just being a good friend. Thank you very much" I said standing up.

"Attitude on ten this morning huh Mel" Wolf laughed.

Nas hit his shoulder "Nigga shut up. I'm sorry Melody we ain't know. You straight?"

"Yea I'm fine. And I'm sorry for being snappy. I'm just tired"

"It's fine. Group hug" Prince said lighting the mood. I laughed and went towards them "Let's go Christi you ain't excluded"

He shook his head and got next to "Since you asked so nicely" he whispered in my ear making me smile.

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