《Down The Line》~DTL.21~


"Yes Mel I be over there in a lil bit to pick you up" I told Melody through the phone.

"Okay I just have to go shopping for my dress and I'll be over there."

"Alright call you later" I hung up the phone.

I got out the car and walked into the store to pick out a dress for my party. I was finally turning nineteen, I was excited. Also I started college a couple weeks ago so I was happy.

After a couple hours I finally picked out a black fitting dress that was appropriate for my party. I walked to my car and searched all through my purse for my keys.

"Damn it" I said as my keys dropped out my purse. I bent down to get it and someone else bent down at the same time making us bump heads when we both rose up.

"I'm sorry." I said while rubbing my head. "Nah your good my fault" he handed me my keys.

I finally looked up and saw it was the guy from the mall. "Christian right. I mean CJ sorry"

He chuckled "Yea Ariana right."

"Yea." We both stood not saying anything. "Did Melody add you back?" I asked.

"Yes she did but left me on open. That girl got some sas to her." He laughed.

"Yea she does. Hey I'm having a birthday party on Saturday. You should come, Melody will definitely be there."

He rubbed his hands together "That sounds like something I'd be down for"

I pulled my phone out of my purse "How bout you put your number in my phone so I can tell you all the details"

"Yea" he grabbed my phone and entered all his information. He saved it under CJ.

"I don't know if this is a weird question but why do people call your CJ when your names Christian" I asked.

"My first and last name is Christian Jordan. So people just called my CJ. It's not like I ain't like my real name but I didn't mind the nick name" he shrugged.

"Oh. Well I gotta go before Melody blows my phone up. It was nice seeing you. Hope to see tomorrow" I said while opening my car door.

"I'll be there" he nodded his head and walked away. I smiled and it into my car.

I wasn't really sure how Melody would react to me inviting him to my party. After all it was my party and I got it choose the guest list. Besides she needs more people in her life other than me and her distanced family.

Finally Ariana had picked me up to take me where I needed to go. There was always one place she took me every Friday. The ride was always about thrifty minutes. I looked out the window with my headphones in the whole time. We had finally arrived at my desired location.

"Thanks Ari. I'll call you when I'm ready to go" I told Ariana as I got out the car.

She nodded her head and pulled out of the lot. I walked in the facility, got the usually security check like always. I waited at a table for him to come out.


He walked out in he's blue jumpsuit and his eyes lit up and smile it bigger when he saw me. I rose up from my seat. "Brother" I said hugging him.

He hugged me back "Hey baby sister. I missed you" He smiled.

The truth is I have two brothers. My older brother Treyvon Aka Tre. I have a youger brother too but I don't see him like that or talk to him like that ever since I was kicked out. Didn't mean I didn't love him I did but we weren't close. I always blamed our lack in relationship on my parents. He's five years old and my parents absolutely spoil him. Truth is my parents could care less about me and Tre. The lack of attention is exactly what landed my brother in prison and me getting arrested a few times.

Tre and I are very close, always have been. My parents disowned him after he got arrested two years ago and never see him. He still have about a year and a half on his sentencing. People always assumed I had a perfect life but there was so many problems under this pretty face.

We both sat down at the table. "So Wassup with you" I smiled.



"I love you, you know that." I rolled my eyes "Don't start that shit with me Tre not today."

"You know I'll do anything for you Melody. You know it."

I crossed my arms "Ain't much you can do in prison."

"Don't get smart with me Melody Lane." I just leaned my elbows on the table not responding.

"Melody I'm holding you back. You visiting me not moving on with your life is holding you back. You getting arrested and constantly in trouble is not what I want for you. I want you to succeed and do everything you want." He voice got weaker.

"I can do that and still visit you."

"No you can't" He slightly yelled. "You don't understand. Your the only family I got left Tre. I don't have anyone if I don't see you Tre. Mom and dad could give a fuck about me or you." I yelled with tears streaming down my face.

"Okay Mel calm down okay" he walked over to the other side of the table and wiped my tears form my face.

"Don't do that to me Tre" I cried burying my head into his neck. "Stop Mel I'm sorry" he hugged me rubbed my back.

People always wondered why I was always so mad and angry. Well there was many reasons first I have anger issues, second my family life is fucked up and the only family I have is in prison.

After awhile I finally finished my visit with my brother and he had to go. We both stood up and I gave him a hug.

"Imma be out sooner than you know it okay. Keep being strong for me" He said in my ear continuing our hug.

"I will okay. For you I love You Tre" I said back with tears in my eyes.

He broke the hug and kissed my forehead "I love you too Mel." One tear fell down my face as the officers took him away.


When I walked outside Ariana was waiting outside for me, I got into the car and said nothing. "How's your brother" she asked as she drove.

I dug my earphones and phone out my pocket "he's fine." I said dryly while plugging my earphones in my phone.

"That's good" she smiled. I put my earphones in my ears "Yup" I said and played my music.

My relationship with my parents didn't turn south until my brother was born. They just gave him way more attention than us after he was born. In middle school I was a good kid and so was my brother. We had never really gotten in trouble before than.

I didn't like opening up and letting people in, I learned that they usually just let you down. That's why I sticked with my people I had, I didn't really need anyone else.

Today was Ariana's birthday party, I wasnt really in a party mood but I wasn't going to ruin her day.

"Happy birthday Ari" I told her as I held her gift and arrived to her party.

"Thank you Bestfriend" she hugged me.

All her guest were arriving, I decided to party with everyone until I was tired.

"I'm going to go sit down for a little" I tapped Ariana and told her.

"Alright. You okay" she asked. I smiled and nodded my head and sat down.

I sat on my phone, drinking punch. "You look too beautiful in that dress to be sitting here alone" someone said.

I looked up and saw Christian which made me smile a little. "How did you even get in here"

He laughed and sat next to me "Even when a nigga give you a compliment you still gotta be mean. But your little friend invited me" He pointed at Ariana.

I looked over at Ariana who was laughing and blew me a kiss. I shook my head and flipped her off.

"Why you sitting over here by yourself?"

I shrugged "I don't know. Needed some space to get some air."

He stood up "I know you don't really like me." He said making me laugh. "But you look too fine to just be sitting. Give me one dance" he held his hand out.

I looked at it for awhile and just rolled my eyes giving in. "Fine. One dance won't kill me"

He smiled and grabbed my hand and walked me to the dance floor. The slower music started playing and I kept my distance from Christian.

"Come on don't be shy." He pulled me into him while wrapping his arms around my waist.

I playfully rolled my eyes "You roll your eyes way to much" he laughed while I put my arms around his neck.

"It's a habit" I said as we swayed to the music.

"It's a bad habit."

"Whatever Christian."

He chuckled and shook his head "I told you everyone calls me CJ"

"I know what you told me but I like Christian better. It's cuter."

He slightly bit his lip "Whatever you prefer"

I laid my head on his chest as the music continued to play. Finally the song was over and I lifted my head up. "One dance your welcome" I unwrapped my arms and let him go.

"Thank you" he smiled. "We should hang out again. I wanna get to know you"

"I may or may not be down for that. I'll let you know."

He rubbed his hands together "Think about it aight." I smiled and nodded his head and he walked away.

"Where the hell are the girls" Jalen asked as we stood around at Ariana party.

"Man ion even know. Got us at this teenager party and not even here." I said looking around at the whole party.

"Bro all these teenage girls giving us googly eyes and shit." Jalen awkwardly smiled at a group of girls staring at us.

I started laughing "Go get you one of them nigga" I hit his arm.

"Nigga shutup" he laughed. Finally Miracle and Aaliyah walked up to us with Kamryn on Aaliyah hip.

"Finally. What took y'all so long" Jalen asked. Miracle laughed "Perfection takes time baby boy" she touched his chin.

"Well my baby looks good" I said and smiled. Aaliyah smiled, I took Kamryn out Aaliyah arms. "You look so could baby" I kissed her cheek.

Aaliyah made a face, making me laugh. "Ahhh Aaliyah thought you were talking about her." Jalen died laughing.

Aaliyah rolled her eyes "Shut up Jalen"

"Thank you daddy. You look handsome too" Kamryn said.

I wrapped my open around Aaliyah "You look sexy too mamas" I kissed her cheek. She slightly smiled "Thank you"

Ariana came over to us "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARI" Me and Jalen screamed in unison.

She laughed "Thanks fools." She hugged both of us.

"Happy birthday baby sister." Aaliyah said pulling her into a hug. "Thank you"

"Happy birthday little A" Miracle said. "Thanks Mir." She rolled her eyes at the nickname she gave her.

"Has anyone seen Melody." Ariana asked.

"She was talking to ole dude over there earlier. I haven't seen here after that" Jalen said pointing at some lightskiin boy sitting down at a table.

"Okay thank you. You guys have fun." Ariana said while waving and walking away.

Aaliyah and Ariana's mom walked up to us "Hey Aaliyah" she kissed her cheek.

"Hey mom." She smiled. "Hello Darius" She turned to me. "Hey Jorgina." I smiled.

"Hope everyone's enjoying themselves." She looked around the whole circle we had formed.

"We are" The four of us said in unison. "Well I'll see you guys later." She smiled and walked away.

"Y'all all some awkward motherfuckas" Jalen said breaking the silence and making all of us burst and laughter.

Kamryn even started laughing "Look at you lil bit don't even know what you laughing at" He said poking Kamryn.

"Come dance with your uncle" Jalen said and Kamryn put her arms out for him.

"Imma join them. I'll see y'all later" Miracle said and walking with Jalen and Kamryn.

I pulled Aaliyah into a hug "Looking good Ms.Colemon" she smiled looking up at me. "Thank you."

"A little too good" I smirked and pecked her lips.

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