《Down The Line》~DTL.16~


"Man this is crazy" Jalen said in a slight chuckle.

I turned to him "Nigga are you laughing"

"Bro I'm sorry." He continued laughing.

I scuffed "Awee you think this is funny huh" I shook my head.

"Ex-Girlfriend suing your ass is pretty funny." He laughed.

"Fuck you nigga" I waved him off.

Ion know what Jamera on but this lawsuit is a joke and I ain't even worried about it cause its bullshit. She might have pitched some ideas but not enough to get paid for it and this whole emotional stress shit ain't valid. I treated her like a queen everyday.

I didn't go to work today because I needed to meet with my lawyers and figure out this case and when I was going to court.

"Nigga your phone is ringing" Jalen yelled from the living room.

I walked to the living room and grabbed my phone from the couch. "Talk to me" I said as I answered the phone.

"Darius. Where's my daughter?" Aaliyah asked worried.

"What? What you mean? School if I'm not mistaken" I said confused.

"Darius. Your supposed to be picking her up today I have to work late. I told you this three days ago" She yelled into the phone.

"Oh my god bro I forgot. Hold on I'm leaving the house right now" I said into the phone while Jalen sat in the couch laughing.

She groaned "Hurry up" and hung the phone up in my face.

"Today just ain't your day" Jalen said laughing.

I smacked my teeth "Get out of my house." He scuffed. "Get your ass up and out." I waved him up.

He laughed and got up and left out the house, and I followed behind him. I raced to her daycare.

"I'm so sorry I'm late. I'm here for Kamryn" I said to the front desk.

"Daddy. Your late" Kamryn said sadly.

"I know Mooch I'm sorry. I forgot"

She pouted "You forgot about me."

"No baby. Daddy sorry" I squatted down to her. She just turned her head crossing her arms.

"Mr.Boweman you need to sign her out" The lay at the front counter said.

I rose up and signed her out. We both walked out and Kamryn still didn't talk to me.

"Mooch. Come here" I told her as I stopped at the car. And squatted down to her and grabbed her by her waist.

"I'm sorry Kami. Daddy was busy and forgot but I'll never do it again"

She looked up "Promise." She held out her pinky.

I smiled and held out my pinky "I promise baby. You still love me"

She thought for a second making me drop my mouth "Always." She flashed a smile and hugged me.

I smiled "I love you too princess. Let's go" I broke the hug and she climbed into the car.

Kamryn and I got some food and then headed to my house and watched some tv waiting for Aaliyah.


I was in the kitchen getting something to drink when the doorbell rung. I walked into the living room of a Kamryn dancing to Moana.

"Kamryn turn that down" I said as I walked into the living room.

She pouted "Daddy" she stomped around a little.

I kept a stern look "Ariel down start with me. Do what I said" I said stating her middle name.

She pouted for s little but followed what I said and turned it down. "Thank you" I said nicely.

She smiled "Your welcome."

I finally opened the door and Aaliyah was at the door.

"Wassup Medusa" I laughed while touching her new hair.

She swerved "Hater." She rolled her eyes, and walked into the house.

I laughed and closed the door "Nah Nah I like it"

She turned around "Do you really? Or you being sarcastic"

"I'm serious it's cute. I'm feeling it" I smiled making her smile.

"Thank you." She smiled. "Mommy's Baby" Aaliyah yelled while walking into the living room.

"Mommy" She smiled running up to Aaliyah. Aaliyah picked her up. "Hi baby" she kissed her cheek.

"Mommy..Daddy was late picking me up" Kamryn said.

"Aye I thought we got over that." I said. "I know baby. Bad daddy" Aaliyah said.

I shook my head, while Aaliyah put Kamryn down. "Awee I miss having my baby to myself" Aaliyah said as Kamryn ran off.

"Aw nah you got me fucked up"

She laughed "I'm joking"

"Nah I'm hurt" I faked like I was said.

She walked up to me wrapping one arm around my waist "Awee little baby. I was joking." She continued laughing.

I kept a mug on my face while she still kept a slight chuckle. She stared at me then grabbed my face with her free hand and connected her lips to mine. I depended the kiss wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Awee Mommy and Daddy kiss without Kami." Kamryn ran in there making us break the kiss.

"Come here baby" I said making her run to us and I picked her up.

Me and Aaliyah both kissed her cheek at the same time making her smile. "Big happy family" She hugged us.

"Whatever makes you happy. Makes me happy" I smiled kissing her cheek again.

Aaliyah broke the hug and we all walked to the couch. "This court case this weekend you ready" Aaliyah asked.

I groaned while putting Kamryn down next to me "Man honestly I'm ready. I still don't think this case valid but what you gonna do"


"It's crazy how you can do so much for a person. Love them and cherish them and they can stab you in the back. Like you never did anything for them." I shook my head.

"I'm sorry. But that's why you don't fuck with lames" she said lighting up the mood.

"Shut Up" I laughed while shaking my head.

"Just saying, just saying"

I was on the couch laying on Darius chest with Kamryn laying in his lap. I fell asleep, when I woke up it was 9:00 at night and Darius was sleep.


I got up and quietly tried grabbing my purse and things around the room. "Aye aye where you going"

"It was all fun. But we gotta go. I have to work" I said still grabbing my stuff.

He got up slowly putting Jamryns head on the couch. "It's late, y'all can sleep over here"

I shook my head "No it's fine. I have no clothes, I can drive home it's not that far."

"Aaliyah it's nine o'clock it's dark outside and Kamryn already sleep. You know how she be when she gotta wake up. You gotta drive home"

"Darius I don't know"

He grabbed my hands "Come on one night. What's the harm" I stared at him for awhile. "Fine" I gave in.

He smiled and walked back to the couch and picked up Kamryn to take her to her room. I followed him upstairs and into Kamryn room. Then we both walked to his room.

"Here you can put this on" he handed me a oversized t-shirt and some basketball shorts.

"Big ass clothes" I said with the clothes in my hand.

"Imma big ass dude." He said scanning over himself.

"Whateva. Are we both sleeping in this bed" he chuckled.

"Are you not comfortable. Is not like we haven't slept in a bed together for" he smirked.

I rolled my eyes "I know. I'm just asking" I walked past the bed.

"To answer your question. Yes we are. I'll sleep at a distance if that makes you feel better" He smirked walking to his hallway closet to get me a towel and washcloth.

"Thank you" I snatched it out of his hand. "Don't snatch" he grabbed it back.

"Take it and ask for it again" He said. I rolled my eyes and asked again and gave it to me.

I went into the bathroom and took a ling ht shower. When I got out the bathroom was filled with smoke and I got dressed and saw a shirtless Darius laying on the bed.

"Took you long enough" He said while looking up from his phone.

"Whateva" I laughed and sat on the bed next to him.

"Go to take a shower stinky" I pushed him. "Girl I'll sleep dirty"

"Eww" I made a face. "But I ain't a dirty nigga so I will" He got out the bed.

After about twenty minutes he finally came or the bathroom. I could smell his aroma, it smelled bomb as fuck.

"See something you like" he chuckled while walking to his closet.

I quickly looked away "No I'd like if you put some clothes on" I said as he walked around his room, with a towel wrapped around his waist covering his junk.

"I'll drop this towel don't play with me"

"Yea right"

Right when I said that he dropped the towel. Making me look away and scream dramatically "Ahhh"

"Quit being dramatic. Ain't nothin you haven't seen before" He smiled.

I looked towards him and had some drawers on with basketball shorts, and laid next to me on the bed.

"Wassup you tryna make another baby"

I dropped my face "Damn so forward" I said moving away.

He scooted me back closer to him "I'm joking damn" he laughed.

I rolled my eyes and laid down my facing him. I closed my eyes, I was falling asleep. When I felt arms being wrapped around my waist. I turned to face him "what are you doing"

"Shut up and go to sleep" He said with his eyes still sleep. I smiled and just stared at him with his eyes closed. "Turn around" He spoke again.

I grabbed the side of his face with both of my hands and kissed him."Don't..be...tryna...get

freaky...up...in...here..cause...I'm..ready" he said through the kiss.

I continued to kiss him, while he deepened it and our tongues fought for power. The kiss continued for awhile until I broke it. "Okay I'm done"

"Gonna do all of that and stop when a nigga was getting excited" he shook his head.

I laughed and pecked his lips, then turned around and closed my eyes. "Night Darius"

"Goodnight Queen" he kissed my neck and wrapped her wrapped arms around me again.

Next morning I decided to go downstairs and see what Darius had in his kitchen to cook. He had all these ingredients for breakfast but his ass don't cook. I shook my head.

I made the three of us breakfast. I made the plates and ran over to my place to grab some clothes. I took a quick shower and got dressed. After o got dressed I went over to Kamryns room.

"Hi baby" I said while picking her up out of her bed. I wiped her hair out her face. "Ready to get dressed for school"

She shook her head and I gave her a quick shower and got dressed. She had clothes already left at Darius house, in her room.

"Come on let's go eat" I walked down the stairs

and sat her at the table to eat her plate.

It was 7:30 and Darius finally walked down the stairs. "Finally sleepyhead" I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up short stack" He smiled. "Hey baby" he went to Kamryn kissing her cheek. She smiled "Hi Daddy"

He smiled back at her "there's food if you hungry" he looked over at his plate. "Awee turning into the new wifey"

I crossed my arms "Upgrade." I smirked.

"Sure are" he admitted. "Thank you." He kissed my cheek. I walked over to the table "I gotta go to work. Imma drop Kamryn off. I'm picking her up today too" I said while walking out the door with Kamryn on my heels.

Kamryn ran over to Darius hugging him "Bye daddy." He smiled "Bye mooch" he kissed her lips and we walked out the door.

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