《Down The Line》~DTL.5~


2 Weeks later......

For the past few weeks Kamryn, Darius and I have spent time together. You would think we were a big happy family but that definitely wasn't the case. Darius made it very clear that he didn't want to be with me and I could respect that, didn't mean it ain't break my heart. Shit now I know how he felt.

"Darius can you push me" Kamryn asked while we were at the park.

"Yea princess" he responded walking over to her and pushing her.

It was a nice day outside and we tried to find any children friendly activities to do all together. I would have to be there with them for awhile until she got comfortable with him.

"Can I jump off the swing" Kamryn turned and asked Darius.

"No you can't" he said firmly.

"Watch I'll do a little jump" she said.

"Kamryn no" I yelled and right when I said jay she jumped off the swing and hurt herself and immediately started crying.

I ran over to her while Darius scooped her off the floor. "Kamryn baby are you okay" I said moving her hair out her face.

She just cried "she aight. You good Mooch" he asked her, it's the nickname he had given her.

She nodded her head while squeezing him tighter. "You gotta be careful babes" I told her.

We walked to a table and Darius sat her down. She was still slightly crying. "Ayee you a big girl don't cry" Darius said wiping her tears from her face.

"You want me to kiss it" he asked. She smiled and nodded her head. He kissed her knee where she had scrapped it. "See your okay" he smiled.

She immediately started smiling. "Come on I'll get you some ice cream" she smiled and jumped into his arms.

I rolled my eyes and started waking with them. We got to cold stone and we ordered the ice cream.

"What you want lul mama" Darius asked as he carried her.

She put her hand on her face and thought "umm that one" she said pointing at the cookies and cream.

He smiled "one cookies and cream please." He told the girl.

"Aren't you going to ask Mommy what she wants" Kamryn asked Darius.

I smiled at her, he smiled at her also and turned to me "Mommy what do you want" he said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes "Nothing Darius. Thank you" I smirked.

"See mommy wants nothing. Something your mommy didn't teach you was, never say no to free ice cream" Darius told Kamryn and they both laughed.

Kamryn got her ice cream cone and Darius payed for it. "Want some" Kamryn asked Darius holding up her ice cream cone.

He smiled and licked the ice cream "delicious"

"Want some Mommy" she turned and asked me.


"No thank you baby" I smiled.

"Come on Mommy" she aid with a pout. While Darius sat in the back chuckling.

I rolled my eyes "Okay" and licked the ice cream. "Happy" I asked her and she nodded her head.

"Where you wanna go next" Darius asked Kamryn as she finished up her ice cream.

"No where" I said before she could respond. "I have to work in the morning and she's not just gonna be out all night. She got preschool in the morning."

"Work where" Darius questioned.

"I'm a realtor and I have to show clients a house tomorrow"

Darius rolled his eyes in annoyance but I could care less. "Come on Kami" I said holding out my hand as we walked out the Cold stone.

"Bye Darius" Kamryn waved. "No hug no nothing, after I bought you ice cream and all" he acted sad.

She smiled and ran into his open arms for a hug. "Bye beautiful girl" he smiled as she broke the hug.

She ran back to me holding my hand. I put her in her car seat. "Mommy I like Darius" Kamryn said as I buckled her car seat.

"Really baby. That's good. He's gonna be around a lot" I finished buckling her and closed the door.

I got to the front of the car, played some child appropriate music and drove home. When we got home I warmed up some leftovers and bathed Kamryn.

I got her dressed "Mommy can I sleep with you tonight" Kami asked.

"Yea baby of course" I said picking her up and walking to my room.

She snuggled next to me as we both were in our pajamas. After awhile she dosed to sleep.

I was laying on the couch watching the game. For the last couple of weeks I wasn't sleeping in the room, I was still upset at Jamera deleting that message and not saying shit.

"I ain't know you had a daughter and that's the reason she was calling" Jamera pleaded.

"What the fuck that mean. If she didn't come to the office who knows how long it would've been till I met my daughter"

"I'm sorry" she slightly cried grabbing my hand.

"Man get off me. You women in y'all tears and sorrys. That don't work on me" I snatched my hand for hers.

"I'm sleeping in the guest room" I said grabbing my pillow and leaving.

I was scrolling through my Instagram and saw a picture that Aaliyah had took of Kamryn earlier today.

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Queen Kamryn 👑❤️

My Queen 😍😍 My everything.

NeiceyPoo 💕👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

liked and comment.

Lookin like ya daddy girl 😂💯

man who you telling 😂

What can I say 🤫🤷🏾‍♂️

I looked at the picture for awhile after commenting and then locked my phone. I saw Jalen liked he photo and commented I just shook my head and laughed. He just recently started following Aaliyah, after we reconnected.


I was dosing off on the couch when the door opened and I saw Jamera walking in. I got up and approached her "where the hell you been" I asked.

"Out." She said smartly.

"Don't play with me me bro" I said annoyed.

She rolled her eyes, I grabbed her face "don't roll your eyes at me girl, are you tripping" while holding her face between my fingers.

She relaxed and I let go of her face while she crossed her arms. "I don't know what the fuck gotten into you but get it together"


"Yea aight. This the first and last time you come in at that time. You hear me" I asked grabbing her by her waist.

"Yea Darius. I was just mad I needed some time out."

"Well you got enough time out." I did wrapping my arms around her waist.

She looked away from me, until I grabbed her face to look at me. "I love you Jamera you know that don't you"

"I know" she said softly, she stared down at me and then passionately kissing me.

The truth is Jamera has been with me when I was dealing with the whole Aaliyah breakup, I would never want to break her heart.


It was about 3 o'clock in the afternoon and I was done with all my afternoon meetings, I was going to go to a late lunch. My phone buzzed-

The school called Kamryn sick and I'm in the middle of a house showing and Miracles busy. Do you mind picking her up please?

Of course Imma pick my daughter up.

Yea of course send me the address.

I was walking to my car when she sent me the address. I got to the car and drove to her daycare. It was a big day care center.

I got out the car and opened the big doors to the day care. "This fancy ass shit" I said to myself.

When I walked to the receptionist the last at the front was looking me up and down, like she thought I was attractive.

I smiled "I'm here to pick up Kamryn Boweman her momma said it was okay"

"Oh your Darius Boweman I love your clothes" she said not addressing Kamryn at all.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"I ain't know you had a daughter"

"It's complicated, where's Kamryn" I said impatiently.

Right when I said that another lady, I'm guessing that worked there was bringing her to the front.

"Dari" Kamryn said running to me.

I picked her up "Wassup Mamas. Your momma said you were sick"

She nodded her head "all these nasty kids up in here"

I laughed, she was so silly "aight let's go." A couple of weeks ago I bought a car seat for Kamryn never knowing when she'd ride with me, I wanted to be prepared.

We were driving and I heard her stomach growling from the back, I laughed. "You hungry mooch" I asked.

She slightly smiled and nodded her head. I shook my head "where you wanna go"

"Mhmm" she thought. "McDonald's" She said excitedly.

I smiled and pulled up to the nearest McDonald's.

"I wanna go inside" she said.

"Kamryn. I don't feel like sitting inside"

"Please." She pouted. I saw her pouting in the back and couldn't say no.

"Fine. Get out" I unbuckled my seat belt and opened her day.

"You gonna get away with murda with that face" I said as she walked to the door.

She smiled and looked up at me "that's what my momma tells me"

"I bet she do" I smiled and we walked in. We ordered whatever she wanted to eat and I got a McFlurry.

After she ate she played in the play pin for awhile.

It was about 5 o'clock in the evening and Darius had still not come back with Kamryn. I was starting to get worried, I mean yea he's her dad but still. I was blowing up he's phone and he hadn't answered.

After about 30 minutes, the doorbell rang. I rushed to the door and saw it was Darius.

"What the hell Darius where were you" I yelled at him.

"Ayye keep your voice down she's sleeping" he whispered.

I rolled my eyes and he walked inside. He walked up the stairs to the bed and I followed him. He say laid her on her bed.

"Night Princess. Daddy loves you" he whispered and kissed her cheek.

I crossed my arms and waved him out the room. He shut the lights off and closed the door behind me.

"Where were you Darius. You can't just keep her out like that and say nothing" I slightly yelled and waved my hands around.

He grabbed my hands and put them down "first of all it's five o'clock calm your ass down. Second of all my phone died. And third of all I'm her daddy so" he said in a duh tone.

I rolled my eyes "Well you got big bucks invest in a portable charger" I started walking down the stairs.

He laughed while were walking "something funny" I turned and faced him.

"You" he pointed at me. "Just as feisty as you were as a Junior in highschool." He laughed shaking his head.

"I gotta go" He walked to the door. "Bye" I said with a attitude.

"Bye" he laughed and mocked me.

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