《Down The Line》~DTL.3~


I woke up and checked the time on my phone that read 10:02 in the morning. "Damn I need to get up" I said to myself.

Jamera was stretched all over me. I slowly moved her off of me while I rose up to go handle my hygiene.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I silently got dressed while Jamera still slept. I was supposed to meet up with Aaliyah today. I didn't know what time or where but I was expecting her to reach out to me. Since she the one who wanna talk, about who knows what.

I was still in disbelief that it was her. Before even going over there I wanted to stop by Jalen house and tell him about the recent events. I know he ain't gonna believe this either.

"Babe where you going" Jamera asked slightly waking up.

I slightly groaned only cause I would hoping I could get out without being caught "I'm going to Jalen house for awhile" I responded.

I wasn't lying I was going to Jalen house I was just going somewhere after but I ain't need a argument right now.

"You seem your in a hurry to just be going to Jalens house" she asked suspiciously.

"Well I haven't seen him in awhile I was just trying to get over there."

"We're you even going to say bye" she asked softly.


"Yes of course Jamera. Please don't start with that sensitive shit either" I said throwing my head back.

She crossed her arms while I walked up to her kissing her forehead "love you I'll be back later"

"Alright" She said quietly. I walked out the house and rode in my red lambo for the day. I was feeling exotic today.

I got to Jalens house and knocked on the door. I was waiting for a good five minutes and he ain't open the door.

"This nigga" I said to myself before banging on the door.

After a minute he finally arrived at the door "damn nigga banging on my shit like the police."

"Finally nigga. What the fuck was you doing" I asked walking into his house.

"Shiii" he smiled. "A nigga was knocked. I had a wild night last night" he said while rubbing his hand over his face.

"You a trip bro" I laughed while dapping him up.

He laughed and we walked to his living room. "Wassup withchu boy why you over here" Jalen asked while putting on a shirt.

I shook my head "Man crazy shit been happening these last 24 hours"

He plopped next to me "Like what"

"Aaliyah called me bro" he face dropped in disbelief.

"Well she came to my job and left a message with my receptionist and I called her and she wanna meet today and talk"


"Woah nigga what the hell. It's been years bro. What she want"

I shrugged my shoulders "Your guess is as good as mine she told me she couldn't say over the phone"

"Wow I'm surprised. Aaliyah Colemon and Darius Boweman was a love story ever girl at that school wanted" Jalen said laughing.

I hit his arm "nigga nah. You being dramatic"

"No nigga everyone were jealous of y'all relationship. Y'all were unbreakable. Y'all were voted most likely to get married" Jalen said shaking his head.

I laughed remembering all the memories me and Aaliyah use to have.

"Aaliyah if you spray me with that hose I swear your life is over" I told Aaliyah as we were washing my car.

"Come on babe have a little fun" she said as she laughed.

"Aaliyah" I said walking up to her but was sprayed in the process.

"Aaliyah Colemon imma end your life" I said as I chased her down the road.

She laughed and screamed. I finally had caught her and trapped her in my arms.

"You play too much" I told her as she was face to face with me.

She shrugged "You Love me" and laughed.

I bit my lip, smiling at her "that I do" I said kissing her lips.

I quickly shook my thoughts out of my head "Well that was until she broke up with me" I said remembering why we ended.

Jalen shook his head at me "so what you gonna do"

I pondered on my answer "I mean am I mad at her. Yes. Do I still have a slight grudge against her. Yes. But I loved that girl,I wanna hear what she has to say." I paused for a second "So imma meet her"

"Hey Mir"I said to Miracle as I held the phone to my ear trying to prepare Kamryn's lunch at the same time.

"Hey girl what are you doing" she asked.

"Trying to feed this little diva. You coming over to watch her right. I gotta go meet up with Darius" I asked while handing Kami a plate with grilled cheese, chips and apple juice.

She slightly laughed "oh girl I have a date tonight. And I know it's just a date but I've had to postpone it for weeks now. And he's starting get irritated."

I rolled my eyes and groaned "Miracle what am I supposed to do. You want me to talk to him here"

"Well that sounds like the only option unless your parents can watch her"

"Nah they can't there out of town for the weekend"

"Well better to come over around Kamryn's bed time and talk to him then."

"Miracle" I said in annoyance.

"Sorry girl, love you though" she hung up the phone.


I rolled my eyes "of course" I said to myself.

"Thank you mommy" Kamryn said as she sat at the table.

"Your welcome babygirl" I smiled at her.

Now all I had to do was text Darius. He might've thought it was sketchy I was asking him to come over at night but it was the only good time.

Meet me at 8721 Meadowns Road. Is around 8 o'clock okay?

Yea that's fine. I'll meet you there.

For the next couple of hours I decided to just watch tv with Kamryn until her bath.

"Kamryn Ariel Boweman you are the most beautiful child ever" I said kissing her nose as bubbles were on it.

"Mommy something Colemon you are the most beautiful mommy ever" she responded in her sweet little voice.

"Awee well aren't you sweet. Now let's get out" I said while holding her pink towel rob.

We walked into her room "Mommy why don't we have the same last name" she asked while I put her clothes on.

I smiled at her "that's a long and complicated reason that I'll explain to you when your older okay"

She smiled and nodded her head. Kamryn was too smart for her own good. I was sometimes taking back from the questions she would ask me considering she's only four years old.

I read her a bed time story and soon after that she dosed off to sleep. I kissed her cheek and went down stairs to wait for Darius. It was 8:15 I knew he'd be here soon.

After about thirty minutes the doorbell finally rung. My heart started beating super fast. "Come on Aaliyah breath" I said to myself trying to slow down my heart beat.

I walked up to the door just staring at it. I didn't know what I should say when I open it. He rang it again and I finally opened the door.

I took in his appearance, he was still as handsome as he was as a senior in highschool. Tall, facial hair, nice hair and his lightskin complexion. He was just more grown.

"Hi" I said softly. I hadn't seen him in years, not since I broke his heart.

"Wassup Aaliyah" He said lowly matching my volume.

I motioned him inside "come in." He looked at me suspiciously and slowly walked into the door.

We both sat in silence at the door step. We just basically stared at eachother.

"Come on Aaliyah. I haven't seen you in years. You call me over here and not say anything" he said in a slightly annoyed tone.

I still sat there not saying anything. "Aaliyah-" I cut him off. "I have a daughter" I did loudly.

I look of shock flashed across his face "Okay what does that have to do with me" he said pointing at himself.

I rolled my eyes, since he didn't get what I was saying. I looked down "she's yours Darius"

He had a disbelief facial expression "how is that even possible. We haven't talked, seen eachother or had sex in years."

"She's four years old Darius. Your the only one I've ever had sex with. I know she's yours" I said speaking lowly putting my head down.

He ran both of his hands down his face "Nah man your fucking with me right now"

"No I'm serious Darius I wanted to tell you but-" I cut me off and yelled.

"So your telling me I have a daughter that you didn't tell me about in years are you fucking kidding me Aaliyah" he yelled.

"Keep your voice down damn"

"Nah I ain't keeping nothing down man. You got me fucked up." He said in an angry tone.

I could understand his anger, so I just crossed my arms looking down. " what's her name" he asked.

"Kamryn Ariel Boweman" I said. He looked even more anger than ever.

"So not only do I have a daughter but you give her my last name and don't tell me shit about her existence in four years. Are you fucking drunk" he said getting in my face.

I backed up "Well at least I gave her your last name so your welcome"

He slightly chuckled "oh I'm welcome" he said pointing at himself. "That's my damn daughter I have that fucking right Aaliyah" he said yelling again.

"Keep your voice down Darius" I said looking up the stairs.

"Why?" He questioned. I didn't answer "Is she here?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes "Yes she is"

He tried to start walking up the stairs "I'm going to go see her"

I grabbed his arm. "Don't be putting your hands on my now" he said snatching his arm from me.

"Your not going up there. Do you really think it's smart to go to a four year old and tell her this stranger is your dad no"

"Man I swear you got me so heated right now. What the fuck is wrong with you Aaliyah. What were you thinking. We're you even thinking when you made this dumbass decision"

"Darius shut the hell up, I'm sorry but ain't nothing I can do now" I said crossing my arms.

"Really Aaliyah-" he was cut off.

"Mommy" Kamryn said softly with tears in her eyes.

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