《Prisoner 138 {The 100} [1]》Chapter 5: Charlotte
The day after Jasper finally got better, things went dark. That morning, outside the small perimeter of the camp, Wells' body was found. He was killed late in the night, stabbed in the neck. It was concluded to be grounders since no one expected it to me one of our own.
Boy were we so wrong.
The incident motivated the teenage criminals to prepare better, Bellamy had ordered for a wall to be built around the camp and he came up with a rotating schedule for people to keep watch over the camp.
After the day Wells was buried, the atmosphere was stressful because each teenager was ordered to help out the camp in their own way, trying to get it all done as fast as they could.
Charlotte and I were building a post that was to put in front of the wall, it was supposed to stop someone from coming into the camp. It was made up of three large pieces of wood sharpened at the end, tied together. They weren't going to be effective unless someone fell on it directly or jumped on it or something, but we still continued to make them knowing we would be yelled at if we didn't.
"Okay okay, how about this one, what did one wall say to the other?" I asked smiling, trying to lighten the mood by making jokes. "Meet you at the corner," I answered, laughing at my own joke. Charlotte didn't respond, staying focused on what she was doing. "You get it because the walls...they meet at the corner." I tried to say, looking over at Charlotte. Her head hung low and she seemed to in her own world.
For the past few days she's been distant, not talking me much and just keeping to herself. I chalked it up to the overall mood of the camp but I hated seeing her like this, especially after we spent so much time getting to know each other.
"Okay, what's wrong?" I asked stopping what I was doing and turning to her. "You always laugh at my jokes."
She opened her mouth to answer when next to us, a boy named Connor dropped the large tree trunk he was carrying out of exhaustion. This upset the one and only John Murphy. He walked up to the boy and began to yell, "You think the grounders are just gonna sit around waiting for us to finish the wall? Maybe we should let the little girls do the lifting for you!" Murphy pointed to us.
"I just need some water then I'll be fine," Connor explained. Charlotte and I glanced at each other, feeling a bit uncomfortable.
"Murphy, get this guy some water," Bellamy ordered walking over. "Hey, you guys got this?" he asked. Without a second thought, Charlotte and I ran to lift the large tree. "Girls, I'm just kidding." He smirked stopping us.
I smiled and we went back to what we were working on before but Charlotte still seemed distracted. "Seriously Charlotte, what's wrong?" I asked.
She shrugged shaking her head. "Nothing. I'm fine."
"That's a lie and we both know it."
She let out a sigh, looking over her shoulder. "Okay, but if I tell you something you have to promise not to tell anyone else."
I nodded. "Of course."
"Promise me."
"I promise, now what is going on with you?"
She took a step closer to be, lowering her voice to a whisper, "You know how Wells died a few days ago?" She began.
My heart dropped as I slowly nodded my head. "Y-yeah, what about it," I asked starting to grow worried.
"I know who killed him."
Everything seemed to stop for a moment. "Yeah... a grounder did." I really hope so at least. Charlotte didn't say anything. "It was a grounder, right?" I asked. Still, she didn't respond. "Charlotte, tell me it was a grounder."
"No, Ari it-it was me," she confessed. No, there is no way that small girl was able to kill a teenage boy. This isn't happening. "You can't tell anyone okay."
"Wh-why would you do that?" I asked raising my voice a little bit.
Charlotte put her finger to her lip to quiet me. "I was slaying my demons like Bellamy said."
"You were awake the whole time?" I asked before shaking my head. "That's not important. Charlotte that's not what he meant, he didn't mean to actually kill a person."
"Please don't tell anyone. Please," she begged, looking like she was going to cry.
I ran my hand through my hair, letting out a shaky breath. "Charlotte, you do realize what you did right? I killed a person," I snapped, throwing my arms around.
"Shhh." The small blonde placed her hand over my mouth to quiet me. "Please you can't tell anyone. You promised."
"You son of a bitch!" Our attention turned to Clarke who continuously pushed Murphy before pulling out a knife made of metal from the dropship. "Recognize this?"
I turned to Charlotte, her face pale as she slowly removed her hand from my mouth. "Is that what you used?" I whispered. She nodded her head not taking her eyes off Clarke and Murphy.
"That's my knife, where'd you find it?" Murphy asked reaching to grab it back from Clarke but she pulled it away.
"Where you left it after you killed Wells." I took in a deep breath.
Murphy shook his head. "The grounders killed Wells, not me."
"I know what you did and you're gonna pay for it!" Clarke yelled.
"Bellamy, you really believe this crap?" he yelled. I grabbed Charlotte's hand and pulled her away from the crowd.
"Charlotte you have to tell them." She shook her head. "Charlotte-"
"They'll kill me," she cried.
"They'll kill Murphy!"
"I say we float him!" Someone yelled and Charlotte's face went completely white as she whipped her head in the direction of the yelling. Everyone had gathered around Murphy, begin to chant 'Float him! Float him!'
I cover my mouth in shock as we watched the group of criminals begin to beat Murphy, kicking him to the ground and tying his arms behind his back, rendering him defenceless. I ran to the group, Charlotte following close behind.
They continued to beat Murphy, kicking him multiple times as a few of the other tied a noose, throwing it over a tall branch. A knot began to form in my stomach realizing they were serious about killing him.
"Charlotte, you have to tell them!" I yelled over the constant cheering.
She shook her head. "No, I can't."
They tied the rope around Murphy's neck, setting him on a stand ignoring Clarke's pleads to stop.
"Bellamy you should do it!" Connor yelled and they chanted his name. "Bellamy, Bellamy!" People continued to join into the chant until Bell walked over to the stand Murphy stood on, kicking it out from under him, causing Murphy to hang by his neck, cutting off any air flow he had.
At this point Finn had come back from wherever he was and ran over to the large group, screaming. "What the hell is happening! Stop! Cut him down! Charlotte, Ari get out of here!" He yelled trying to run through the crowd, but he was pulled back. The chaos made everyone freak out and begin to fight.
I grabbed Charlotte's arm but she pulled away. "Just stop it okay! Murphy didn't kill Wells!" Everyone stopped, turning to look at the 5'1 blonde. "I did!" she confessed.
Clarke grabbed the ax from Bellamy's belt and ran over cutting, Murphy down from the tree, saving his life. I stood next to Charlotte as tears began to run down her face. Bellamy gave us a disappointed look that made my chest tighten. I grabbed Charlotte's hand, squeezing it tightly.
The oldest of the the criminals rubbed his forehead, quickly walking over to us, grabbing Charlotte's arm and pulling her towards his tent before Murphy was able to get up, I flowed right behind.
We stood in the makeshift tent as Bellamy paced from one side to the other, rubbing his head and face, not knowing what to do.
"I'm sorry." Charlotte cried.
"Why Charlotte?" Bellamy asked for the fifth time as Clarke and Finn walked into the tent.
The young blonde didn't hesitate to hold back her tears, "I was just trying to slay my demons like you said."
"What the hell is she talking about?" Clarke asked.
Bellamy sighed, putting all the pieces together. "I told Ari a way to deal with her nightmare, told her to slay her demons, I guess Charlotte heard and misunderstood me," he explained to Clarke, "I did not mean for you to go out and kill people Charlotte!" he began to raise his voice.
"Bring the girl out now!" Murphy yelled, making us jump.
"Please don't let them hurt me," Charlotte sobbed.
The leader of the delinquents let out a huff. "You guys have any ideas speak up." No one spoke, or moved. The tension in the small tent was so thick it could be cut with a knife. "Now you stay quiet?"
"Those are your boys out there," Finn spoke, pointing to the tent flap the led to the outside.
Bellamy stared at Finn, dumbfounded. "This is not my fault."
"Bring the damn girl out!" Murphy yelled again.
Charlotte shook her head. "No, please Bellamy." Her watery blue eyes met Bells hard green ones, pleading with him, but not saying a word.
"Charlotte, it's going to be okay. Just stay with them," Bellamy said and left the tent.
Without thinking I grabbed Charlotte's wrist and ran out the back of the tent holding her arm not looking back. Finn and Clarke followed right behind us, calling out my name to stop. "Wait up. I know where to go." Finn said running in front.
After awhile of walking in silence I finally spoke up, "Finn, it's going to be night soon, where are we going?" I asked but he didn't answer.
"At least tell us you have a plan and were not just wondering through the woods," Clarke added.
"I have a plan," Finn said as he kept walking.
"What the hell do you think you're doing!" Finn and I turned to the sudden shouting. Clarke was bent down in front of Charlotte who had tears brimming in her eyes. "Just because we saved you doesn't mean you're forgiven. Got it."
"Clarke, she's just a kid," Finn said quietly.
"She's a killer. You killed someone Charlotte, ended his life. Did you stop to think about that for one second?!" Charlotte held her head down, moving her foot around in the dirt. "Look at me!" Clarke yelled shaking the young girls shoulder. "You can't just kill someone to make yourself feel better."
I walked over, stepping between the two and pulled Charlotte back. "That's enough Clarke. I get that Wells was your friend or whatever but there are other killers in that camp. I don't agree with what she did and I'm just as pissed at her as you, but you can't talk to her like she's the worst person in that camp because we all know she's not."
The older girl glared down at me with her blue eyes, if looks could kill I would be six feet under but I did not stand down.
"Charlotte, where are you!" We heard Murphy call out from deep into the woods.
Clarke sighed, "We should run."
"That's one way to go. I like my plan better." Finn said opening a hatch that leads to an underground bunker. With a quick glance between each other, we started to climb down the ladder and entered a dark room.
On one side was a bunk bed and on the other was a couch. A small table covered in art supplies and a few toys sat set to the couch.
The sun had gone fully down down and it grew late into the night. Charlotte and I lied on the bottom bunk of the bed next to each other, trying to get some kind of sleep after the long day we had. Finn quietly pulled the blanket over us, making sure we were comfortable. He thought we were sleeping but we weren't.
"Are you okay?" I asked Charlotte in a whisper, knowing that she was still awake. Her eyes opened and she slightly with a nod. "Everything's going to be okay Charlotte. I promise."
She sighed, gripping the blanket tighter. "I just don't see how it will be."
I scooted closer holding onto her hand. "It will all be okay."
The two of us quietly sat listening to Clarke and Finn talking about the situation, not realizing that we were awake. "What are we gonna do about her?" Clarke asked referring to Charlotte. "If I hadn't confronted Murphy none of this would have happened."
I closed my eyes tight, not wanting to hear anymore and slowly fell asleep.
Later that night I woke up to movement on the bed next to me. I turned over to see Charlotte pulling her jacket on. "What are you doing?" I whispered, rubbing my eyes.
"Don't worry about it Ari," she explained and walked over to the ladder.
"Wait." I sat up, glancing over to Clarke and Finn, making sure they still asleep before climbing out of bed. "I'm coming too," I said sliding my arms through the sleeves of my jacket before pulling on my boots, not giving her enough time to protest. We climbed the ladder, opening the hatch while trying to make as little noise as possible.
As soon as we got out, Charlotte began to run, not knowing where she was going at all. "Charlotte stop!" I yelled running after her but she was already so far ahead of me. "Charlotte!"
Out of nowhere, a figure darted out of a bush, pulling Charlotte over their shoulder. My heart dropped as she yelled, making my feet pick up the pace.
"Shh, shh. It's okay. It's me," Bellamy said covering her mouth and setting her down. I finally caught up, relieved that it was in fact only Bellamy and Murphy or one of his guys.
"Come on we have to go." Bell grabbed her arm and tried to pull her in the direction he wanted, but Charlotte ripped her arm back.
"Let go of me!" she yelled, "I'm not your sister, stop helping me!" Bellamy wasn't sure how to respond to that, lucky for him he didn't have to because Charlotte started yelling loud, trying to get the attention of Murphy's group. "I'm over here!"
I grabbed her arm. "Are you trying to get us all killed," I asked.
"Just go, Ari. I'm the one they want, not you."
I grabbed bother her shoulders, forcing her to look at me. "Listen to me. I won't leave you. You're my best friend."
Bellamy continued to looked over his shoulder before turning back to the two of us. "Charlotte, we have to go."
"Please guys just go." Bell sighed rubbing his head before letting out a sigh and pulling her over his shoulder, beginning to run the opposite way of Murphy. I followed close behind while Charlotte continuously banged her fist against Bellamy's back, screaming.
"Charlotte, please stop." Bellamy kept running as we heard Murphy and his friend catching up to us by their constant screaming. When we finally came to the end of the woods we were faced with an even bigger problem. The three of us stood at edge of a tall cliff, looking over to see no bottom.
Bell set Charlotte down next to him but still held her arm so she wouldn't run.
"Bellamy. You can't fight all of us," we jumped, turning to face Murphy, not expecting him to be standing right there, "give her up!" he yelled.
Bell was quick to jump in front of Charlotte, but I unfortunately was right in front of Murphy standing between him and the person he wanted dead most in the world.
"Stop!" Clarke yelled coming from the tree line with Finn behind her, "This has gone too far."
Murphy shook his head. "Shut up Clarke!"
"Why don't we all just calm down and we can talk," I tried to reason, standing in the middle of everyone.
"Ari don't," Charlotte tried to warn me but it was too late, Murphy grabbed my arm and spun me around, bringing a knife to my throat.
"Let her go!" Bellamy yelled, his face becoming red with anger.
"Please don't hurt her?" Charlotte sobbed.
Murphy griped me tighter, holding the knife so close it was beginning to cut my neck. "You don't want me to hurt her. Fine, I'll make you a deal, you come with me right now and I'll let her go."
I shook my head, "Don't do it Charlotte."
She tried to walk over to Murphy but Bell held her back. "No, I have too!" She yelled, pushing away Bellamy's arms, fighting to get past him.
"Charlotte, listen he's not going to do anything. I promise." If I didn't even believe it myself so why would she?
The young girls eyes filled with more tears as she stopped fighting against Bellamy. "I can't let any of you get hurt anymore. Not because of me. Not after what I did." She gave me one last look, mouthing an 'I'm sorry."
I knew in that moment what she was going to do and it made my heart sink. "Charlotte!" I screamed as I watched her turn around, her back to me before she jumped off the side of the cliff, falling to her death. Bell tried to grab her but it was to late.
I elbowed Murphy in the stomach and ran over to the edge, dropping to the ground next to Bellamy. "No, no!" I sobbed loudly. I stared over the cliff, searching for any sign that she was okay, that she was at least okay, but we were so high up we couldn't even see the bottom. "Charlotte!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, my voice echoing in the dark canyon. I turned to Bellamy, "We have to go down there. We have too. She could still be alive Bell." He didn't say a word as he stood up, walking over to Murphy.
Tears streamed down my face as my chest tightened. I could barely breathe through my sobs and my body began to shake uncontrollably. I cupped my hand over my mouth to try and silence my cries but it was no use. Finn knelt next to me putting his arm over my shoulders. "It's okay Ari, it'll be okay." He ensured, his own voice cracking. I rested my head on his chest unable to quiet my sobs as he held me close. "Calm down Ari, you need to calm down, you're gonna make yourself worse," he tried to calm me, noticing my panic attack, but I didn't listen.
I continued to sob, making it almost impossible to catch my breath. My chest was so heavy I felt like it was going to crush me.
Bellamy sent his fist across Murphys face, over and over until he fell to the ground. Clarke grabbed Bells arm. "Stop Bellamy."
"He deserves to die!" Bell screamed.
Clarke shook her head. "No, we don't get to choose who dies." He looked over at me with sad eyes and ran his hand through his thick hair before turning back to Clarke.
I felt almost numb as I buried my face in Finn's chest, as he held me. It wasn't long before Bellamy and Clarke were banishing Murphy for his crimes and we headed back to camp. Finn took the liberty of carrying me because I physically couldn't walk due to the shock I was in.
Once we got back to camp, he placed me on a bed in the dropship and pulled a blanket over my body, sitting next to me and rubbing my back until I fell asleep.
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