

Hey guys! Here's the epilogue! It is a little more mature but not very vulgar and I realize that some people may not appreciate it so the ****** indicate the beginning and the end of it. Enjoy. Shay Mitchell is Isabella

"Love come on."

"Aiden, we still have time, the estate is not far away, and you cannot expect me to go with one case of clothing, I will need more clothes than that."

"No my dear wife you will not." He grabbed her from behind and kissed her neck, " how about we get there so that I could show you why."

She blushed and elbowed him, "Aiden. That's highly inappropriate."

He pressed tighter against her, "No, you are my wife, who I love and I and I want to show it in every way. Now come on." He finished as Isabella finished packing the last case. Isabella was excited as well to get away for a while after waiting so many months to get married as a result of Aiden's kingly training. They were married that morning and as the castle rejoiced, Aiden and Bella slipped away to prepare for their departure. Isabella was tired following all of the wedding preparations but she could not barely contain her excitement to finally spend time with Aiden. Iris taught her the going-ons of a man and woman and she figured Aiden would demand his husbandly right. She bit her lip nervously and jumped at the sound of his voice. "Ready?" She nodded.


Isabella changed and brushed her hair. She was slightly uncomfortable in only her night dress with Aiden so near but she forced herself to relax. "He is my husband," she repeated.

Aiden knocked. "Love where are you?" He stepped in as Isabella squared her shoulders and held her chin up. She was oblivious to the image she cast. Her hair hung lose and wild and the firelight accentuated her body and features. Aiden stared and Isabella felt more confident as she sauntered toward him. "Bella--" his voice broke as she began to play with the buttons of his night shirt. She had no idea where the sudden confidence came from. He stopped her. "Bella do not think that you have to exercise the use some right," he spat the word,"of mine. We can just talk or sleep, 'tis your choice really."


Isabella fell in love with him all over again in that moment and quickly broke the distance. His lips trailed up and down her neck and she ran her hands through his hair arching her back slightly when the kisses turned into little nips at her skin. "Aiden." She whispered, and at the sound of his name on her lips, he lifted her and carried her toward the large bed never breaking the passionate kiss. He softly laid her down and stared down at her with love and lust. After her dazed eyes met his he joined her.

A while later they sat and ate berries and drank fine wines just enjoying each other's presence. As Aiden slumbered, Isabella smiled in thanks when a few maids brought in a large bath and exited. She got up and sat in the tub. As she washed and soaked, she felt relaxed and very happy. She jumped slightly when Aiden stepped in behind her. She blushed as their bodies pressed intimately. Aiden washed her lovingly and she relaxed against him as he washed her hair. She turned to face him and foughtp her blush in the process as she began to wash his hair. Aiden groaned against her neck and she laughed. "What is it, love?" She teased and lightly tugged at his hair. Aiden retaliated by tugging at her lower lip softly. They continued to tease one another with glances or caresses and softly spoken words until the water cooled, and then Aiden just picked her up and threw her over his shoulder and carried her to the bed.

"My strong handsome knight, I wonder if James is strong too, I may have to find out..." She giggled and slid down until her feet touched the ground.

"The hell you will." Aiden tackled her to the bed, "take it back!"



"You will rue it." Aiden pinned her arms began to kiss different parts of her body getting to know her intimately. Isabella while Aiden became distracted and rolled them over and they wrestled for a while each becoming more aroused. Isabella pinned him and after another heated kiss, her hips began to move and they made love again. That night was a night of pleasure and love, neither one of them would ever forget.


"Look who's back." Aiden carried Isabella into the their room trying to ignore Eric.

"You're still here?"

"Oh, so you get the girl and you change mate? I'm hurt." He wiped away false tears and grinned. "Either way, I'm here to say goodbye and give Bella one last chance to run away with me." He laughed when Aiden glared.

Isabella grinned, "Eric I was planning to leave a note but it seems the truth is out." She went to get up and Aiden grabbed her around the waist and pulled her to him planting a kiss on her lips. She sighed, "Sorry, I guess I will stay." She freed herself and went to hug Eric, "be safe, we will visit soon to discuss national matters." Eric ruffled her hair.

"Be happy."

"You too." Eric nodded to Aiden and gave him a quick hug before turning to leave, he turned once more and glanced at the happy couple who gazed at each other lovingly. He heard Isabella say, "meet me in the training room in an hour love."

Aiden laughed, "Fine, bring your armor."

Eric smirked and walked down the staircase and greeted Henry who held Hazel. It seemed he was surrounded by happy couples.


"Yes." Eric exited the castle and glanced back at it briefly before mounting the horse and riding off unaware of his own upcoming journey...


This is the end of Isabella's and Aiden's tale and possibly the beginning of Eric's. I decided not to go into much detail of their wedding night but I'm sure there was the gist. Thank you for reading ARMOR! It is my first story I realized it is not exactly grammatically perfect but I appreciate the support I received after what was really a spur of the moment decision to finally write a story on wattpad.... Lol so thank you all again and hope that eventually you follow me on Eric's journey.

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