

Aiden opened his mouth and closed it again.


"Today is the day." Isabella stared at her own reflection, her eyes unsmiling. "Everything will change from this point on." She studied the tiara that would be a crown in a matter of an hour.

"Bella." She turned and saw her proud father beaming at her. "Your mother would be so very proud of you." He walked to her and wiped her tears, "I know that you will make this nation great, you will do what I've failed to do in my reign."

"I just want the nation to prosper, I love it too much not to." The tears continued to flow.

"You nearly allowed your head to be chopped off for Gardia a year ago, how could you not?!" His eyes searched her face and he grimly shook his head, softening his voice. "He had a duty to his own land Isabella. You will move on and eventually marry for your own happiness without having to make sacrifices."

"He said he loved me and then he leaves after everything, a single letter he left." She mentally shook herself and adjusted her tiara, "but 'tis fine. I will be queen and I do not need a man at my side. I will rule this nation alone and I will do it well."

William kissed the top of her head, "I am sure you will, I am right behind you as well my dear." Isabella smiled and donned her gloves as Hazel and Iris rushed in.

"Beautiful!" They both exclaimed in merriment. Iris adjusted the blue dress that Hazel had originally almost forced Isabella to wear to the Baldwin's dinner. The dress was hemmed and jeweled until deemed coronation appropriate. Isabella choose it because she felt she had come full circle. She had killed, almost been killed and fallen in love about a year ago and the dress symbolized her journey. She smiled to herself as the memories flashed and excused herself to the balcony. Looking at the sky, she tilted her head and sighed.

"Well mother, at five and twenty summers, I hope that I could be at least half the Queen you were. Baldwin had paid for what he had done and there is peace, what more could I possibly ask for?" Isabella wiped a single tear and turned to reenter the castle at the sounding of the trumpets.

"'Tis time Bella." Hazel beamed and exited the room with a sobbing Iris.

"Shall we?" William smiled and Isabella nodded raising her chin high. She adjusted the crown on his head and took his arm and exited the grand room to the staircase. The nobles gasped as the beaming pair descended. "You ready?"

"Born ready." She whispered back smiling and he squeezed her hand. She smiled as she passed Edwin and grinned at James and his mother. She noticed Henry by the doors and raised her eyebrows when she saw him in Jarian garb. She decided to ask later just as she approached the throne. Her father kissed her forehead and stepped to her right as she sat. Her father gave a speech that almost caused her to cry again so she just continued to smile. She closed her eyes finally and took a deep breathe as a Lord prayed the royal prayer and the crown was removed from William's head and lowered to Isabella's. Isabella felt a light weight on her head and opened her eyes at the sound of the trumpets.


"Presenting Isabella Arrow, Queen of Gardia." Edwin grinned and added, "Head Knight of Gardia." There was silence and then a loud, "LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!" Everyone cheered and Isabella laughed with joy. Her father helped her up and they hugged.

Isabella beamed, "Let the festivities begin!"


"Princess... Or shall I say Queen Isabella, may I have the honor of escorting you somewhere quieter? There is something I must tell you." James bowed. Isabella smiled and followed him out of the crowded ball room. Isabella walked into the cool night air and turned toward James expectantly with an eyebrow raised. "Isabella we've grown closer and I feel like I should finally confess. When I first met you, I thought you were the most beautiful woman I'd ever laid eyes on even as you were carried in unconscious." She blushed and nodded for him to continue. "Before I bear my soul I must ask you one thing." She nodded. "If Aiden returned would you want to be with him? Do you still love him?"

Isabella sat in shock at a loss for words. "Why do you want to know?"

"Because I care about you but I need to hear your answer."

"And because I could not face you myself."

Isabella's eyes widened as she watched a tall figure step out of the ball room. She took in his chiseled features, long hair and hazel eyes full of regret and love. She then turned away from him and turned to James. "So.."

"He asked me to ask so that he could reveal himself, but what I said was true. " He ignored Aiden's glare and kissed her forehead before whispering to her, "lucky for him my heart belongs to another and yours still beats for his." He stepped back and turned to leave, "Give him hell Bella."

Aiden shook his head at the retreating James and turned to her. "Bella, I---" He was cut off by a punch.

She swore and held her injured against her chest, to both protect her hand and guard what was left of the ice surrounding her heart. "Aiden I want you to leave."

He rubbed his jaw and nodded, "Bella let me explain--" She swung and cuffed him again.

"What is it that you have to explain Aiden?! Leaving, the letter or your random appearance? I do not care, I do not want you here Aiden, leave or I will make--"

"Or you will what? Hit me again? I am not afraid of you. In fact, I rather you hit me than dismiss me."

"I will not waste my time with you, not again."

"Isabella! Listen to me dammit!" She turned outraged bout to lash out again when he grabbed her wrists and trapped her against his chest. "My love, I had to leave, I had to go."


"You did not have to, you chose to, just go be with Myra and let me be."

"I had no choice Bella. That day when Eric asked me if I wanted to go I wanted to refuse. I wanted to stay, make you my wife and love you everyday but it was not that easy, so I left." He searched her face and she put on an indifferent look. "Don't you dare do that to me Bella do not put your guard up!"

She yanked herself away from him, "Just leave."

Aiden fell to his knees in front of her. "I traveled back planning to stay only until Eric's coronation, but then I had to stay longer to complete Henry's training as Jaria's Head Knight. It kept me away from you longer but it was necessary."

"Why would you be training Henry?"

"That day when Eric asked that question, I had already decided that I choose you. I also realized I'd be leaving behind a very important position. And lastly, Henry and Eric seem to get along and you trust Henry so, why not? I did what I had to do. My only regret is only leaving the letter."

"Not even a goodbye."

"If I saw you again I would never have left, I couldn't have. I wanted to leave as soon as possible so that I could return to you as soon as I could."

"You did not write once within a whole year."

"That was selfish of me. Love, I kept myself busy in order to keep my sanity and not hop on the first horse I saw and ride back to you. Sleepless nights, dreams of you, your voice, your smile, laugh and kiss. It drove me mad, but 'twas only to get back to you. I am here if you will have me my love. "

Isabella thought. "I will not have you." Aiden's head bowed. "Without you proving your worth. We meet on the field within the hour. I must change." Her eyes twinkling in challenge.

His eyes reflected an unspoken mirth and confidence. "Until we meet again my love." She just nodded escaping his heated gaze.

She tried not to shake as she changed. Her nerves rose and she finished dressing as a knock sounded at the door. Eric peeked his head in.

"Are you ever not in shining Armor?"

"Eric! Or should I say, King Eric."

"Nonsense call me Er bear, Queen Isabella."

"Bella is fine what are you doing here?"

"I wanted visit and," He scratched his head hurrying to finish his sentence, "escort you to Aiden." She just shook her head. "So if he wins, he stays and if you win...?"

Isabella tightened her armor, "I have not decided yet." She whispered exiting the room before Eric.


Aiden was annoyed by the crowd and knew it was probably Eric's doing. He sighed but his breath hitched as Isabella appeared donned in shiny armor. He pushed down his lust and focused on winning. Isabella stood before him and readied her stance but Aiden spoke first. "People of Gardia, I am in love with your Queen. I fell hard but then I left and may have lost her." The women sighed and the men grumbled impatiently. "Hopefully I will prove myself worthy of her love. En Garde."

They fought hard each not backing down. Aiden became more disheartened as Isabella fought harder. He blinked away tears and decided that she fell out of love with him. He dejectedly attempted one more offensive set of attacks and was crushed when she blocked every one flawlessly. He tripped and fell hard after a successfully executed leg sweep from Isabella. Before he could have blinked the sword was pressed against his neck. A tear slipped as he saw his and Isabella's future fade. He just stared up at her and attempted to gain control of his breathing. He whispered to her, "Your choice Bella." The crowd shushed.

She stared down at him in wonder, and watched the journey of the tear as it traveled down his face to the earth on which he laid. She saw his sadness but his love shinned through. She leaned down and helped him up, trying to find her voice. "You lost."

"I did." He straightened himself looking down. She said nothing, he met her eyes again and brushed past her to leave.

"Aiden," He turned and she dropped her sword, "double or nothing?" He smiled and jogged to her and hugged her as tight as he could. The crowd cheered and Eric smiled saying to himself. I knew it.

"I love you." Aiden knelt on one knee. "I've waited a year to do this." He smiled nervously. "Isabella Arrow will you do me the honor of being my love, my queen, and my wife?"

"Tell me handsome knight, what do you think?"

"Well fair maiden, I think that is a yes!"

"You bet your sword it is... Aiden you leave me again without a word again, I will make sure you never walk again." Aiden replied with a soft kiss to seal the deal.

"Bet your armor I won't. "

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