

An arrow was shot through the air. Isabella's eyes shot open at a thump and she glanced up to see an arrow through the forehead of the refugee and then glanced over at the crown. The crown, dangling right above Baldwin's head, was snatched out of the grasp of the pale clergyman. Baldwin, staring into the distance with a glare, yelled in outrage and called out, "Refugees!" At the echo of his voice, carriages rode from the West, quickly approaching.

Isabella fell back still bound, just barely avoiding being crushed by the heavy form of the deceased refugee. She shuddered at his splattered blood, swallowed a lump in her throat and looked in the direction the arrow was shot from.

There her father and Charles stood, on top of the royal Jarian carriage, identical bows in hand. At the sight of the approaching carriage people began to scatter leaving a group of confused Gardian knights.

"Whooooooa there, Will we still got it!" Charles clapped William on the back, laughing and aiming his bow West at approaching carriages. William just smirked and handed the bow over to Edwin and turned toward Isabella.

"Isabella, honey." She saw him grin, "Fight!" At that word, all hell broke loose. She grinned and sprang into action, immediately attempting free herself. At her cry of frustration, she was grabbed roughly from behind. With a yell, she sent her head back and was satisfied with the crunch she heard. Turning, she saw it was the knight who wanted her position. Isabella smiled and taunted, "You have a little..." She nodded toward his body face, and wiggled, wishing her arms were free. The lad picked up the sword the dead refugee had and charged. Isabella could not dodge with her arms bound so she ducked to sweep his feet also falling over. She tried rolling out of his reach, but he grabbed her ankle with his vice grip and lifted the sword to slice at her calf when his wrist was grabbed by Aiden.

Aiden gripped his wrist and caused him to drop the sword before breaking his hand. The lad's scream rang out and was cut off by Aiden's slicing of his neck. Aiden, wiping blood off of his hands, glanced over to Isabella who was trying to prop herself up with bound hands. He helped her up and used the sword to cut her bindings off. "Thank you." She said rubbing her sore wrists.

He quickly hugged her, "When we survive this, I will kill you for almost allowing yourself to be killed!"

Isabella winced and rubbed her intact neck, "When we survive this, I will allow you to. For now I am going after Baldwin." Isabella noticed Charles' and Edwin's firing of arrows Westward and saw the Gardian knights doing nothing. She whistled at them and yelled, "You stood behind a man who was ready have refugees take over and slaughter you all. Now, you do nothing as they approach intending to kill. Where is your honor? If you choose not to fight with me, then fight for Gardia!" She noticed extra carriages a lined behind the royal Jarian carriage.


Aiden clapped. "Now we are getting somewhere! Ay men! Positions!" He shouted as they exited their carriages, he hopped off of the platform and ran to lead his men, not without sending Isabella a passing wink.

Isabella smiled slightly and continued, "I am sure you all have many questions and doubts but I've never led you astray before. You will fight alongside Jarian knights who are willing to fight beside me against those oppressors... Will you--" Isabella was cut off by an arrow whisking past her face and slicing her cheek. The archer was perched on top of his carriage hurriedly attempting to reload his weapon. Isabella shouted in outrage both at herself and the shooter. Making mistakes that could cost me my life. She thought angrily wiping at the blood on her cheek. "Edwin!" She shouted. She was satisfied to see a Jarian Knight take the refugee out. She hopped off of the platform into the middle of the disarray as more refugee carriages arrived. She dodged swords and sent jabs. I could really use my sword right about now. She thought looking around for Baldwin.

She saw a robed figure disappear behind the platform and hastened after it. She whizzed past brawls determined to catch up to who she thought was Baldwin, wiping her stinging cheek along the way. She turned the corner behind the set up and stopped in her tracks.


Aiden, isolated along the southern path, fought against two bulky refugees who both had axes. He was grateful to Troy who had thought to send his spare sword and shield, for had Troy not, he surely would have perished swiftly in the battle. Aiden dodged one axe and sliced at one's face but was unable to fully dodge his parry. That wound was another of many. He was driven to one knee by the force of the axes against his shield as sweat mixed with blood dripped down the side of his face. He gave another futile attempt to fight only to be knocked on his arse and sliced at the arm. He mourned, not his impending death, but leaving Isabella behind. He fought with all of his might but his strength drained with blood lost. The refugees laughed at him and taunted, bickering about who would get the kill. Aiden's vision blurred slightly both in anger and exhaustion. He tried to utilize his shield the most with his injured arm and inflicted minor injuries with his other. The taller refugee raised his axe for the lethal blow when suddenly he was decapitated. The other one was quickly impaled from behind. Aiden heard a voice he had never been so happy to hear in his life.

"I leave for a few hours and you get into a fight to the death with not one but two men twice your size... tisk tisk. Hey, do you think blood washes out of shirts easily... nevermind that." Eric tore his shirt sleeve and tied it on Aiden's arm wound, the deepest wound he could see. He helped a dazed Aiden up and clapped his back, "All better. Now where is Bella?"


Aiden winced, sighed and rubbed his arm "Last time I saw her she ran..." His head shot up, "Bella!" He tried to run in the direction he saw her run in but his legs gave out and he fell. "Dammit!" Aiden swore and tried to rise again but felt dizzy.

"Easy there mate, you need to sit the rest of this out. From the looks of it, your blood lost is doing ya in."

"I have to help." Aiden slurred, slumping.

"Aiden I followed a trail ten, at minimum, dead bodies to find you! Luckily, I remembered you like to fight separated no matter how dangerous it is. You have helped and now you must live. Bella is fine, I am sure of it, but let us get you into the waiting carriage." At the carriage, Eric knocked twice and he left a half conscious Aiden in the care of Hazel and left to look for her.


Isabella was slammed against the gate by her hair and she slid to the ground breathing hard. She saw the tall man saunter to her. She spat at his foot and sneered, "You look better, with that scar on your face, add at least a bit of masculinity." She winked, 'Tis really a shame you lost your squire." The refugee looked angered by her comment and kicked her side. Isabella coughed and rolled over subtly moving the dagger from her thigh.

The man pulled her up by the hair to face him. "I knew I would run into your again." He smiled sinisterly and tugged on her hair with one hand and unsheathed his sword with the other. "Prepare to die Princess." Isabella did not pay attention because she focused on something behind him. She planted a look of horror on it. "What are you?--" He started and turned slightly, Isabella used the distraction to slash the dagger through the other unscathed side of his face, and successfully took out one of his eyes. He screamed and pushed her against the gates again holding his eye. Blinded by pain and blood, he charged her faster than ever.

She held own, her dagger not very successful against a large sword. Blows she usually would have countered landed. The strain on her body became too much she begin to falter in her parries. "Chit you will pay with your life today for having struck me twice! I am Sir Grant legendary--"

He was turned around roughly, "Sir Grant--" Isabella saw the tip of a very long sword emerge from the spine of Sir Grant. "Go to the Devil!" Henry yelled, "for my mother." He whispered covered in Sir Grant's blood.

Isabella gasped, "Henry! Usually I would reprimand for interfering but," her shoulders slumped, "I thank you. He caught me rather off guard after I was following Baldwin's robe. This damned dagger is useless." She threw out down.

Henry shook his head and pulled her sword out of his belt with a few throwing knives. "Before we left the castle, I visited your weaponry chamber." She smiled tiredly at him in gratitude.

"My father?"

"Surrounded by knights, last time I saw him, he had everything under control. Most of the refugees have retreated, some surrendered, the rest are dead."

"When did Baldwin have the time to orchestrate all of this?" She leant on him and allowed him to assist her and take majority of her weight. "Do you want to talk about what--"

"No." She nodded just as they reached the platform.

"Baldwin," she sighed, "he's gone. I could not find him."

"Bella!" She turned in the direction she heard Eric's voice resound. Her smile turned to a scowl when she noticed a bound man behind him.

"Trent." His eyes widened at the tone of her voice and he vehemently tried to get away, but was grabbed by Eric.

"While I searched for you, I found him whimpering behind an abandoned refugee carriage." Trent shook in his boots.

Isabella raising an eyebrow hopped down from the platform and raised her sword to his throat. "Baldwin. Where is he?"

"I-- I do not know." He stammered.

She pushed her sword closer, "How do I know you are not lying like that scum that is your father?" Trent flinched at that and hurriedly explained.

"I did not know what my father was up to, I swear. I-- I was awaiting your return because I was hoping we could continue out conversation about fung--"

"Enough!" Isabella lowered her sword, and rubbed her brow. "You will be under evaluation for the time being. Also, be aware of the fact that once I find your father, I will kill him." She ignored the look on Trent's face and glanced over at her approaching father. They quickly reunited and she told him of her failure in finding Baldwin.

"No worries, let us take care of matters here and hunt Baldwin later. Now, what were you thinking young lady!" He yelled.

Isabella shrugged, "The people had given up on me, so I did what Micah did and accepted their wishes."

William ignoring everyone around him grabbed her shoulders gently she looked her father square in the eye. "Don't you ever do that again, ever. Being noble is fine when it does not cost you your life. Now are you hurt?"

"Minor scratches and my leg is cut deeply. But, my head is still on my shoulders."

"Speaking of cuts... Aiden!" Eric shouted.

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