

"I will kill you." Aiden charged toward Baldwin. He ran toward the door of the cell only to have it slammed in his face.

Baldwin's mocking laughter rang out as he stood just out of Aiden's reach. "So the young chit has made a friend eh?" He smirked. "Am I supposed to be frightened? You are locked inside of the cage like an animal!" He smiled at Aiden and leaned forward, a hair away from Aiden's twitching fingertips, whispering, "I hit her yes, 'tis true. I could do it again but I will do much more within a few hours. I will rid the world of her and her bloodline." Aiden's cry of outrage filled the dungeon, causing the other knights to jump almost out their skin. Baldwin just smiled and turned to leave.

"You will not have the chance." He swore. Isabella put her hand on his shoulder and watched as Baldwin left.

"Oh!" Baldwin yelled, "Young Henry will die at dawn." His cackle became silent as he went farther from the dungeon.

"Shite." Aiden swore as he went to punch the railing in his anger only to be grabbed by Isabella.

"Don't." She said softly. "Ai--"

"What? Where? Baldwin!" Henry yelled coming to, only to lay back groaning. "Lord." Isabella left Aiden's side to tend to Henry and Aiden began to pace.

"Henry what happened?" She asked.

"I was keeping watch and all was silent only with the occasional ringing out of your voices. I was peeking my head in here to warn you both to hush when I was hit from behind." He rubbed the spot and winced. "Now I am going to die... I guess I am just thankful that Hazel decided to stay with the Prince, believe it or not." Isabella raised an eyebrow at him before she leaned over and punched his arm hard.

"You have not told her yet!" She accused.


Aiden paused in his pacing, "Told who what?"

"Henry has not told Hazel that he--"

"What am I supposed to tell her? Hazel, I love you, you hold the key to my heart?" He asked her exasperated.


"Well I won't get the chance now because--"

"The key!" Aiden exclaimed before he reached within his underarmor for it. "Bella! We have the key. We can escape, find Baldwin and end this all right now."

Henry rose unsteadily. "Perfect."

"Not perfect." At Aiden's bewildered glance she continued. "Baldwin more than likely is more suspicious of everyone now, so he will be surrounded by at the least ten knights."

"We can get pass ten guards Bella."

"Not without slaughter. I do not want my men slain because of Baldwin's trickery."

"Isabella they are not loyal to you in any way! If they are told to, they will kill you."

"We cannot fault the for that. They are only following their teachings Aiden. They were taught to be be loyal to their sire no matter what. I taught them that. Unfortunately, as of now, Baldwin is their sire. They should not die because of that." She walked over and gently took the key from Aiden.

"Even if it means your death?" He asked incredulously.

She sighed. "This is why I mustn't run. My people think my father and I are tyrants and I must address them." She went to Henry. "Henry use this key, escape and go find Hazel and Eric. You must all escape this castle. Aiden you too."


Henry shook his head, "I cannot--"

"That was not a request, but an order from both your head knight and Princess." Henry winced but submitted, bowing his head. He knew Isabella never used her title unless she was completely serious.

"Yes milady."

Aiden just crossed his arms, "Isabella you do not have to do this. We can find Baldwin--"

Isabella glared, "My men will not die by my hand or yours. Henry is going and you are going with him."

"Last time I left you, you were hurt."

"It was just a slap, I've been injured more in a mock brawl before. Aiden, I need you to be safe, I can handle myself."

"Isabella when will you learn that your are not alone?" He ran his hand through his hair.

"Aiden we have had this conversation before and--"

"We have and I won't lose you." Aiden kissed her cutting any other reply of hers off. The retort died on her lips the moment his lips met hers. At the sight before him, Henry's eyebrows rose and he looked away clearing his throat. Isabella had never shown any interest in men so he was shocked at the scene. Aiden pulled back, "I love you too much to let that happen." Without letting Isabella go he spoke to Henry, "Go. Tell Eric to return to Jaria and inform father and William of what has happened."

Isabella sighed and rested against Aiden, "You and Hazel should go to Jaria for safety." She smiled at Aiden slightly, "The Jarians will protect you." Henry never thought he'd hear that but he nodded and silently used the key to escape. Isabella and Aiden watched as he stealthily knocked the knight out by applying pressure to his neck and propping him up in the chair.

Isabella whispered, "This is for the best."

A little later Isabella was lulled into sleep by the sound of Aiden's heartbeat and soft chuckles as they reminisced. "I can beat you any day, at any time, my love. I'd have you begging for mercy." He whispered.

"Yea? Only in your dreams." She replied trying to fight her sleep.

Aiden laughed again at her lazy voice. "I can beat anyone, especially with my sword."

"I don't know, I think James can take you. Winner gets a kiss from the maiden." She grinned up at him.

"Bella, if you want me to kill the lad just say so. There is no need for you to plant the thought of you kissing him into my mind. Then again, if you want James, I believe Myra may accept my affections..." he laughed at Isabella's glare and kissed the crease in her brow.

"Aiden, if I do not survive tomorrow, I--"


"No, pray let me. If I do not survive tomorrow, I want you to know how much I love you and how much you mean to me. I do not think I've ever gotten around to thanking you for saving my life and my father's that day." She closed her eyes as he pecked her lips, "And I am glad I decided not to kill you that day. Thank you Aiden for saving us and for being you. " Aiden grinned against her lips at that.

"I love you too, more than you know. After this is over and we are married, I will show you how much every day." Isabella's eyes shot open at that and Aiden innocently grinned laying his head back against the wall.


"Marriage?" She asked, but Aiden's eyes were closed and he appeared to be asleep. She laid back and listened to his heartbeat as she drifted into slumber.


"Get him up and out! Where's Henry? Eh, nevermind. Today is the day I become Head Knight. Get him."

Aiden was startled awake by three pairs of arms grabbing him as he was yanked from Isabella's sleeping form. The mist that was sleep quickly cleared and he began to fight against the knights holding him. He yanked his right arm free and jabbed the knight to his left in the face. He bulldozed the other knight into the jail's bars and left him holding his midriff in pain. Aiden heard the clanking of fallen weaponry but could not react fast enough to fight off the two other knights who ran into the cell in order to detain him.

Isabella, having shot awake at the sound of the struggle, tried with all of her might to help Aiden. She watched helplessly as he was dragged away out of the dungeon. "Isabella!" He yelled.

"Aiden!" She cried in desperation. Sinking to the ground in despair, she glanced outside of the tiny window noticing that it was only slightly past dawn. She remembered talking with Aiden about ambushing the knights when they came to collect her without considering the fact that they would possibly take Aiden away. She sat for awhile unsure until she shook herself. Despair was replaced with anger. Baldwin really does not know who he was dealing with. She thought. She stood up and straightened herself, and began to pace.

Her pacing halted when she heard a clank, and under her foot she noticed a dagger. Lord, I love Aiden. She smiled and bent to pick it up. She then stripped herself of her pants and used her hair band to strap it the back of her thigh. Sweeping her hair over her shoulder with her hand, she quickly dressed again. In the process of tucking her shirt into her pants she brushed her hand over the scar on her back. She grinned at the recollect of what all occurred since that day and how much had changed. She had fainted, befriended Jarians and fallen in love, all firsts for her. All of it led up to this day. Baldwin will not prevail.

She waited a while longer and was mentally prepared when the knights showed up to grab her. "Look at her," the lad spat, "dirty and pathetic. Not so high and mighty are we now?" The other knights shifted uncomfortably. What they saw was a spark of anger and shiny armor. They were no longer too sure of Baldwin. Isabella slyly smirked at him and bidded her time. It did not go unnoticed by the others.

Isabella was dragged from the dark cell through the castle where she saw various reactions from the servants. Some glared and a few bowed. She smiled at those people and allowed herself to be dragged until she reached the entrances. At the entrance through the crystal windows farther past the gates she could see the large crowd. In front if the crowd and gates were a large platform with what appeared to be a throne and executioners set up.

"Come on." The so called head knight grunted. He tugged on the rope that had her bound but she resisted. He went to grab her again but was stopped by another knight.

"Let her walk." He muttered. He stepped forward seemingly to tighten her binding but inconspicuously loosened them.

Isabella straightened her shoulders, raised her head, and walked as she heard the words "Bring the Tyrant" shouted.

Baldwin wearing an overly large robe sneered at Isabella's confident walk to the front of the crowd. People gasped and he smiled at some outraged voices. He took advantage of that. "Bind the Tyrant."

The villagers chanted blindly, "bind her, bind her."

Baldwin held up a hand for silence. "Isabella, your day has come. These people have lived under your tyranny for too long. People are poor!" The villagers yelled in outrage. "Children are sick!" The anger intensified. "To make matters worse she fraternized with a Jarian." Gasps followed the statement as the crowd parted and Aiden was dragged to the platform by another knight.

Aiden, though uncomfortable, was relieved to see Isabella alive and well. He allowed himself to be pushed onto the platform and past Isabella, not without shooting her a wink and grin. In front of Baldwin he was stopped. Baldwin leaned and whispered, "'Tis a shame really. She may have made a wonderful bride, that sweet body of hers beneath that armor eh? But Alas, she dies today in front of you." He raised his voice again, "Bind him!"

"You son of a-- I will kill you I swear it!" Aiden was dragged away from Baldwin and bound to the gates.

Isabella was relieved to see Aiden and was confused by his actions. What did Baldwin say? She wondered.

Baldwin silenced the crowd again. "Today, we begin a new Era with a new bloodline. Today we rid our selves of tyranny, of oppression." To his right and left stood the refugees. Isabella was grabbed and brought forward before the crowd. "Any last words chit?" Baldwin allowed his large royal purple robe to be put on him by the clergyman and a crown to be ceremoniously carried to the platform. "Speak for the last time."

The look of hatred on their faces gave Isabella her resolve. She paused and looked over at a struggling Aiden and smiled sadly as she mouthed He increased his efforts at that. He found a sharp tack in the gate and worked to cut the rope. She glanced straight ahead past the gates and the crowd at the dusty path, where it has all began when she and her father had set off long ago. I love you as well father.

"Speak or die now!?" Baldwin yelled as he brushed off his robe, motioning to the clergyman to begin the royal prayer.

She took a deep breath and spoke to her people. "For a little more than four and twenty summers, you all have known me. I've passed you in the villages, I've visited your homes, and met your children. I have lived before you all not as a ruler, but an equal. I leave the place that I love, my home, to go to a foreign land to keep peace and come back to hate." Her voice broke. "I will not condemn any of you today, nor will I scorn you all."

"I just want you to ask yourselves, why would we, my father and I, leave and then oppress you? Have we not treated you all well? Why would we travel to enemy land, risking our lives if it was not for Gardia. Why would I forsake escape from a dungeon after being nearly starved for days," the people gasped at that, "if I did not love you all. I chose not to fight for freedom because my people have already given up on me." Baldwin motioned for the men to grab her, not knowing how reluctant they all were. As Isabella was grabbed and dragged to the executioner her voice rose, "How could father possibly send letters if Jaria is so far away?" Tears streamed down her face, "How could you all turn on me as your ancestors did Micah?!" She sobbed as she was set into place.

By this point there was doubt in the people's minds and the clergyman had finished the prayer and motioned to bring the crown.

Aiden's voice was hoarse from his shouts of despair. Dammit this is not what we planned Bella. He struggled to free himself as he saw the tall refugee walk toward Isabella with a sword. Baldwin's voice quieted the murmuring crowd. "As the crown is lowered to my head, Isabella will lose hers. Royal for a royal." The people no longer cheered.

Isabella shouted, "You are in the hands of Michael's descendant, may your choices be with you! Long live Gardia!" She turned and met Aiden's eyes, apology and love reflected in hers, love and despair in his. She noticed the crown glistening in the sun as it was lowered halfway to Baldwin's head.

In that final moment she closed her eyes. The sword was lowering.

Aiden cried out in agony finally snapping the rope to free himself just when...

An arrow was shot through the air.


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