

Isabella and Aiden looked startled in Eric's direction while the offender grinned at the pair.

Aiden gently lowered Isabella back to the ground all the while glaring at Eric. Isabella blushing spoke, "E-Er-Eric, how did you get here?"

"Well after I was so rudely left behind, I cried until I fell into a dreamless slumber that night and then set off behind you both the day after. Chap can I tell you, you ride fast, but I am here now! Aren't you glad to see me?"

Isabella smiled at his antics and jogged to him, "Yes I am glad to see you." Just as Aiden muttered a grouchy "No."

"Bella that mare of yours is looking pretty stiff why don't you take her for a ride and stretch those muscles," Eric played with her hair affectionately and Isabella nodded. She jogged over and mounted Storm.

"I am going to ride back and let James and his mother know where we were and that I am okay." She made sure to avoid eye contact with Aiden as she spurred Storm on.

Eric turned to Aiden with his eye brow raised. "So..."

"Don't Eric, you will be wasting your time." Aiden interrupted.

"Come on, Come on, Come on."

Aiden scratched the back of his neck, "I told her."

"Told her?"

"Told her about that wretched woman Eric!"

"Oh, your mother." Eric paused and then smiled so widely Aiden thought for sure his face would crack. "You've finally told her?! Aiden do you know what that--" Eric stopped abruptly.

"What?" Aiden looked at his friend.

"Nothing, let us head back as well so that Bella is not worried." He waited until Aiden mounted his horse, "You know mate, On my ride here I encountered the most interesting maiden outside of the castle walls..."


They set off again the next morning after Isabella promised to give her room to James upon their visit to the Gardian castle. The woman repeatedly reassured Isabella that Baldwin would be taken down, and she watched as the cleverly disguised group rode away.

Eric chattered happily, and Isabella avoided Aiden like he was a plague.

Days, weeks and land passed. Aiden became fed up with the silence. They stopped a little farther from the outskirts of Gardia, hidden by the forest. Isabella knew the knights' routine so she wanted to remain far enough away to not be spotted. She was thankful for the extra pair of armor she remembered to bring in case her disguise broke. The tunic she wore to cover her hair made her uncomfortable. The men wore scarves over their faces to conceal themselves as well.

Everyone helped set camp up. Eric yawned and went to bed as did the knights, leaving a wide awake Aiden and Isabella.

"Um, I will go keep watch." Isabella walked briskly to the other side of the pass.

That is the most she has said in days. Progress? Aiden thought.

Isabella, lost in her thoughts, jumped when Aiden spoke, "What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing. Everything. I don't know Aiden. About that day by the river..." Aiden eyebrow rose though she could not see it, "I apologize for my forwardness, I should not have--"

"Isabella," Aiden interrupted, "are you saying you regret it?"

"I just mean that 'twas highly improper of me to--"

"Have. you. any. regrets?" Aiden asked slowly.

"I--" Isabella speech halted. "No."

"Then no apologies." Aiden walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her.


"I have no idea what us happening to me Aiden." Isabella whispered. "So much has changed."

Aiden paused, "How so?"

"No longer am I just a warrior," Isabella looked away from him, "I am a woman as well." She whispered remembering Hazel's advice.

"Wha--" Isabella kissed Aiden, her heart on her sleeve. His surprise was replaced with desire. The passionate couple was only illuminated under the stars and a dying bonfire. The bugs and critters sang into the night, Eric's snores echoed and yet; at that moment there was only one kiss and two pounding hearts.

Isabella pulled back a little only to be startled by what she saw in the hazel eyes before her. She saw vulnerability, fear, desire but most importantly love, which was probably reflected in her own eyes.

"I love you." He whispered against her lips. "Never have I loved before, not like this." he said a bit louder, pulling away. "I love your wit, your honesty, and mostly your strength. I love you Isabella. I'd take a sword through the heart before I'd ever stop."

Isabella stood shocked. Aiden awkwardly cleared his throat and when there was no response he moved to separate himself from her and walk away.

He turned to retreat with his metaphorical tail tucked between his legs until he heard a soft, "I love you too." His head shot up and he turned. "I love your bluntness, I love your power, and I love your trust. You drove me insane at first because I did not know how to respond to you. I still do not. It terrifies me, but there is no denying what I feel, not anymore at least." She grinned. "I will love you always Aiden. Forever and a day."

Aiden filled with joy sprinted over to her with a shout of joy. He picked her up and kissed her over and over, Isabella happily returned every kiss. A familiar voice called out, "Well it is about time! Pay up ladies!" The knights groaned and paid their dues.

Isabella and Aiden stared. "Don't tell me--" Aiden tried,

"Every bit." Eric grinned, "Isabella my darling..." He mocked sitting up. "I knew all it would take is a campfire, stars and bam! Here we are. I am mighty glad, a man can only fake a snore for so long." The other knights nodded and muttered in agreement smiling.

They all laughed and joked completely aware of what lay ahead but wanting to enjoy the night.

Much later, Aiden sat with Isabella in his arms asleep and stared at the sky. He was content with holding her and knowing she was safe. Her fainting frightened him and he knew it was as a result of Baldwin's treachery. The last thing he thought before succumbing to slumber was, Baldwin will not hurt you anymore Isabella, I will make sure of it.


Aiden was startled awake by a shout. "Intruders! Look! This way!"

"Wha--" Isabella's eyes popped open. Lord. I always awaken before dawn what is this? She saw the knight approach and glared when she recognized him. The young man had given her the most trouble when she took over as Head Knight, she has never liked him but his father was a respected councilman.

"Stand Now! Don't you dare try for any weapons." The knight ordered.

Isabella remained seated as everyone slowly rose. "I said rise chit!" The man ordered again. Aiden was angered but did not move, he knew this was Isabella's territory and figured by the recognition her face showed, she knew who she was dealing with. Isabella picked at the grass casually as if no one had spoken to her.


Henry, calling out to his partner, entered the pass and was shocked at the scene. "What are yo--" He was cut off,

"You dare disobey me?!" He went to grab Isabella's forearm and Isabella twisted herself and successfully maneuvered herself behind him. She twisted his arms which caused him to fall awkwardly and she finished with her knee in his upper back. She moved so fast, so abruptly, the young knight was in the lock before he could blink. She held a fist up to signal stillness, not even have broken a sweat. Henry in shock made no attempt to assist for he had only seen one person use that move in combat.

The young knight, after his shock passed, shouted, "Who do you think you-- Ahhh!" He cried out when Isabella applied more pressure to his arms and back. Instead of talking he tried to struggle, but he forgave that idea when the pain became nearly unbearable. The struggling caused the loose tunic to fall off of her head. "I am ordered by no one." Isabella told the knight.

When the tunic fell off Henry gasped,"Isabella," causing everyone to become reaware of his presence. Aiden already subtlety moving toward Henry seized him forcing him into a head lock. Henry put up a slight struggle but the grip on his throat made him submit and forgo any effort.

Isabella signalled to the men during Henry's struggle with Aiden to take hold of the young man. The knight sat on his buttox, his arms held by two knights, struggling against their grasps. Once free she turned toward a semi-unconscious Henry. She recognized him immediately, "Henry!" She jogged over, hair flying out from behind her. "Aiden let him go." She ordered.

Aiden dropped Henry and stepped back glaring. Isabella knelt, "Henry 'tis me!"

Henry blinked up at her gasping for breath. "But, you're dead." He panted.

"Henry, I am alive, my father is alive. Baldwin is a lying, betraying--"

"I knew it!" Henry got up and bear hugged Isabella. "You are alive!" He spent Isabella around and around and she just laughed.

"Hey what are you doing. Intruders!" The knight yelled.

"This is princess Isabella and you best show respect lad." The older Gardian knight holding him said.

"Liar, she is dead, Baldwin made sure of-- it--Oops."

Isabella stopped. She smiled at Henry reaching down to unhinge his double edge sword from his belt. Before anyone could stop her she stormed over and pressed the sword to his neck. "You have a total of five seconds to explain."

The knight was emboldened, "You would not kill. You never have before."

She pressed the sword closer his neck, "Try me." She said in a chilling voice. Henry was surprised by her strength, though Aiden had never considered her more attractive than at that moment. Lord, I love her. He thought.

The knight gasped and swallowed his saliva to wet his throat. "I-- I saw Baldwin meeting with two men a few times and the day he announced your deaths, the men reappeared, scarred this time though. I instantly recognized them and I think Baldwin knows that I know who the men are, so yesterday he promised that upon his coronation in two days, I will be Head Knight. I will control our army." He said more determined. He in desperation, he set into motion his final plan of escape. He kicked his leg out sweeping Isabella off of her feet. Aiden, panicking, ran to help Isabella. The young knight head butted one knight in the nose, freeing one of his arms and socking the other in the face. Before Isabella's shock wore off he was up and running toward the entrance of the pass, Eric hot on his tail.

"Intruders!" He yelled at the entrance. "Intruders! Intr-" He was cut off by a hook in the jaw from Henry.

"Shhhhhhhh." Henry said to the unconscious knight.

Eric caught up and they worked to tie him up. "Nice save chap." He said as he dragged the man back toward the others. The sound of voice reached them all.

"I heard it from this way, hurry!"

Isabella rubbing her back shot a panicked look to Aiden who just groaned. "Aiden, your men, and Eric, go hide. They cannot get us all."

Aiden wanted to refuse her, even opened his mouth to, but at the look in her eyes he reluctantly agreed. He kissed her quickly, "Be safe love."

"You too, I love you." She whispered a little misty eyed. The voices became clearer.

Isabella, thinking quick ran over to Henry, "grab me!"

"What?" Henry asked.

"Grab. Me. And play along." She grabbed his hand and placed it on her forearm just as the Knights entered the past.

"What is going on here Henry?!"

Isabella faked a struggle, "Unhand me you brute! I am Princess Isabella, unhand me, I order it." The knights gasped and after the recognition, they glared. Isabella felt heartbroken from the looks of contempt.

Henry faked disdain, "You have no power," he turned to the men, "We were walking when we were ambushed by these ruffians and this tyrant. They even knocked out my partner. I struggled and got control of the Princess and that kept the others away." Aiden was shocked by his smoothly the lie flowed. Henry gestured to the other Gardian knights, "Seize them. We must take them to the dungeons."

Isabella snatched her arm away forcefully, "I can walk myself." She held her head up and walked gracefully towards her unclear fate. She glanced to where she knew Aiden was watching and smiled sadly. She mouthed.

I will go to hell and back to to save her. Aiden promised.

"What are we going to do?" Eric whispered.

"I am not sure, but we wait and watch." Aiden said, with the will and determination of an experienced warrior. "This is war."


"Men, what is better? Lavender? or Royal Purple? My coronation robe has to be perfect." The refugees shrugged and lounged watching the maids scurry around the room.

The maid were terrified of the "guests." They thought it fun to have a little fun with the young maids. The servants were frightened and surprised by Baldwin's tolerance of them. Some wondered whether or not it was the right choice making Baldwin ruler. They found themselves missing the previous monarchy and mourning the Princess' death.

"Father!" Trent hastened into the meeting chamber.

"I told you to call me Sir!" Baldwin snapped.

"I apologize Fath-- I mean Sir. Guards have returned from patrol and they claim to have captured people in the forest."

"Have them put into the dungeon. Lad why are you wasting my time?"

"Well Sir--" Trent stammered.


The refugee stood, "We have no time for this lad's babbling."

"The people are two Gardian guards and..." Trent said hurriedly.

"And?" Baldwin continued.

"Princess Isabella."

Baldwin sat up knocking everything over. "Princess." He turned to meet the refugees' gazes. "Isabella?"

Trent winced, "Yes."

Baldwin grimaced and then abruptly smiled sinisterly. "Have the maids prepare the throne room. Tell them to take her there. To the throne room."

The men left to go.

Baldwin muttered to himself, "To the throne room."

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