

"What?!" Everyone asked confused.

Isabella balled her fists. "I am going home."

Charles spoke "What about the The Official Meeting?"

He was cut off by William, "Finally we can return home."

Aiden crossed his arms frowned at Isabella, when Eric said, "Hold on what does the letter say?"

Isabella sighed and began to read. "Bella, Lord knows I miss you. Seems as if Hazel does not know how to function without you around either." Isabella paused smiling and Aiden continued to frown. "Things have changed around here Bella. Baldwin has been making decrees, changing everything. The people think they are ordained by King William. The decrees raised taxes," Isabella felt even angrier, "stopped women's dining at the table and halted knightly wages. I fear the people resent you now. The fact that more people have been banished as refugees makes sentiment even worse. I felt inclined to reluctantly believe him until I saw the letter sent by King William. It clarified that he has had no contact with Baldwin since you left the castle. Hazel and I also know about the attack and we hope you are okay. I fear the Jarians are not our immediate problem Bella. I hope you both return soon, but be careful because the people of Gardia no longer support their monarchy." Isabella looked at her father. "With Regards, Henry."

The Jarians and knights stared at the Gardian royalty who stared at each other in what seemed to be silent communication. Edwin spoke up, "Something does need to be done; however just riding back could put you both in danger. I cannot allow that to happen."

Isabella crossed her arms still staring at her father, "Both of us would not be put into danger because I am going alone."

William and Aiden shouted, "No you will not!" They glared at each other before glaring at Isabella.

"Yes I am. You are injured father, too weak to ride horseback and too vulnerable. I will go faster alone."

"Do you not realize the danger you put yourself in? A whole nation resents you! They could be willing to do anything to end you. This Baldwin chap also sounds very sneaky."

"He had us fooled." Isabella spat, "But this is a risk I am willing to take Aiden. Besides, how dangerous can it be? I came here, to another place filled with people who hate my country and I and yet here I stand." She motioned to herself.

"You do not understand! How are you so nonchalant about this?!" Aiden growled storming out of the room.

Isabella sighed staring in the direction he went. In walked Luke fed and happy despite the tension in the room. Before he could greet anyone William spoke, "Isabella, how do we know this is not some misunderstanding? Henry is young and could be unsure. That letter was sent to Baldwin, how could Henry have gotten it?!"

Isabella was silent, unsure of an explanation. Luke's small voice rang out, "I gave the parchment to a tall knight who said he would give it to Sir Baldwin. The knight said Sir Baldwin was weary of 'angry villagers' and unwilling to meet anyone not official. I-I am sorry if I have done wrong Sir." He bowed his head, all initial happiness gone.

Mary soothed the boy, "You have done nothing wrong son. You followed orders 'tis all. Have you eaten and bathed?" Luke nodded. "Come, we shall go to the kitchen for a pastry then to bed you go." She grabbed the lad's hand and led him out of the room.


"Father, you must understand. We do not have the time to wait until you are well enough to deal with this. As future queen--"

"As future queen you need to be alive in order to become one!" He interrupted. "I am your father and still your king and you will obey my orders."

Isabella stared in disbelief and then made her decision. "Father I will not allow you to stop me. I am sorry but this needs to be done. I leave at dawn." She left the room.

William put his face in his hands, suddenly feeling old and tired. Edwin laid a hand on William's shoulder. "Sir, shall we return to your chamber? I am sure you need some rest. You just awakened today and are still weak." William nodded tiredly and allowed his men to help him out of the room. Charles frowned worried about the other king and Eric just sighed.



Aiden considered ignoring her but turned from his window to face her. "What is it Isabella?"

"I have to go. Alone. 'Tis my duty as a warrior and future-"

"Future queen! I know Isabella! You think you can go running back when this Baldwin chap may have an attack prepared for you! You are so selfless Isabella! You try to fight and do so much without any regard to your own well being!" Isabella opened her mouth to speak but he continued, "You want to go back to Gardia fine! But I will not," He stepped closer to her, "I cannot let you go alone."

Isabella looked into his eyes, "Why?"

Aiden just shook his head before closing the distance and kissing her. Isabella hesitated before she wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him back. Where the other kiss was passionate, this kiss was soft and sweet. "Damn it Bella," Aiden said after pulling back, "I-" her confused, passion filled eyes stared up at him. He groaned and kissed her again and again just light pecks. Kissing her became as important to him as fighting or even breathing. He could not find the words to explain so he tried to use his actions. He wanted to bare his soul but did not know how.

"Aiden! Where are--" Myra interrupted entering Aiden's chamber without knocking. The couple pulled apart at her outburst. Myra glared at Isabella before smiling at Aiden. "Denny! I have to talk to you alone. Anabella, if you could kindly give us some time, alone."

Aiden raised an eyebrow at Myra still holding Isabella around the waist despite her subtle attempts to step away from him. "Her name is Isabella and you can tell me whatever it is in front of her." Isabella relaxed slightly and smiled up at Aiden before raising an eyebrow at her. Myra huffed and abruptly left.

"You could have just let me leave and talked to her." She said amused.

"She probably would have just proposed again. 'Twould not have been anything new. Besides you are not going anywhere without me." Aiden grinned.

"Propose again?" The thought bothered her but she said nothing. "I have to get going, we are leaving early tomorrow." Aiden grinned at the 'we'. "You never told me why you wouldn't let me go alone."

Aiden continued to grin, "If something happened to you, I would not get my rematch."

Isabella punched his chest playfully, "you would lose every time."

"Yea?" Aiden wrapped his arms around Bella and fell back onto the bed. They wrestled for awhile laughing stealing a few kisses, and forgetting about their stresses and unclear future for awhile.


"I win!" Bella yelled a while later, successfully pinning Aiden.

"You cheated."

"Did not. I am just superior." She smiled. "'Tis late. I should go." She got up and smiled. "Good night handsome knight."

"Good night fair lady knight." Isabella smiled at his acknowledgement of her title. She was happy enough to give him one more peck before leaving. "Good night... love" he whispered.


"Ready the horses and supplies!" Aiden yelled. "Bella, we leave in ten minutes."

Isabella nodded before jogging into the castle. She was fully dressed in armor. Her swords and knives were returned to her just that morning. She felt well rested and determined. She wanted a two week journey to Hartha to take only a few days. She was headed towards her father's chamber when she was bumped hard.

"Watch it." Myra huffed. She recognized Isabella and glared. "I don't know who you think you are, but Denny is MINE. He will be my husband and you will not break tradition. I will have to get rid of you," she smirked. "banishment, treason maybe?" She a made neck slice that implied decapitation and smirked.

To Myra's surprise, Isabella just grinned. "We will have to see Princess. But you see..." She took a step forward. "I do not take kindly to threats. In a battle 'tis either me or you and I choose me. This is not a war you want to start Princess so I suggest you think twice before threatening me." Isabella straightened herself. "I am not beneath you, I am your equal, if not that then higher." She palmed her dagger, "and as head knight of Gardia, I know how to use this. I will not hesitate to do so if driven to that point. Do I make myself clear?" Myra's face paled and she stepped back and nodded. Isabella smiled and continued on her way.

She arrived to her father's chamber. Through the ajar door she saw and heard her father. "I knew it Edwin. I suspected Bella would fall for the lad, but I did not want to accept it! Isabella is a grown woman now, making her own decisions." He laughed tiredly, "When did I lose my baby girl?" Isabella could take no more and entered the chamber.

"Father! You have not lost me!" She nearly ran to him. "Surely you understand why I am doing this?"

William sighed, "I do Bella. I do. My father did not want me to go to that last Official Meeting." He chuckled at the memory, "He used the whole I am King and father thing too. I did not listen because I felt my own sense of duty just as you do. I just worry 'tis all." With Edwin's help he sat up and grabbed Isabella's hand. "Be safe my daughter. I am not sure what is happening but I believe you will figure it out. I've always trusted Baldwin so the thought of him..." He trailed off but cleared throat before continuing, "As soon as I am able, I will be right behind you." Isabella hugged her father.

"Bella 'tis time we set off." Aiden said standing in the doorway.

"Edwin" she said hugging him, "take care of daddy, help him get healthy."

"Of course, be safe milady." Isabella nodded and exited the room with one last wave to her father. Aiden turned to follow.

"Aiden." William called. "I suspect you care for my daughter, I am not quite sure how I feel about that yet. Isabella can be impulsive, so take care of her. Keep her safe you hear me boy?" Aiden nodded slightly uncomfortable with the conversation. "Any harm comes to her physically or emotionally...." He trailed and let Aiden draw his own conclusions. "Be safe young knight."

Aiden checked with Charles, got on his horse, and they were off riding fast pace. Two of Isabella's and Aiden's men rode along.


William, followed by the four of his remaining men, walked to the training room. "Sir are you sure about this...?" Edwin asked unsure.

"Never been more positive Edwin." The men followed King William onto the training grounds. He walked past the racks of swords and picked one. "No interfering any of you." William ordered. He looked around and saw Charles training. William cracked his knuckles, marched over, and punched Charles in the face.

Charles sat down holding his jaw and waved his men off. "Well 'tis about bloody time Will."

"We are settling this..." He was cut off by a jab from Charles. Both picked up their perspective weapons, William's being a sword and Charles an axe and shield. The Kings charged with their worried men watching.

"Why'd you do it Charlie?" William parried right just missing a slice at Charles arm.

"Understand me Will. Baldwin has been and always will be a snake. I never did anything to Margo, why would I betray you and Mary that way?!" Charles kicked William's knee, adding a blow with his shield to Williams stomach which caused him to double over in pain. "You believed Baldwin over me! You never even talked to me about it!" Charles said completely enraged.

William coughed but dodged another attack made by Charles. "You do not understand Charlie. Margo was never the same after that last visit here. She became quiet and reserved never herself damn you! What was I supposed to think? Baldwin wouldn't have lied." William ignored the pain in his abdomen and thrust his sword successfully slicing Charles' shoulder.

"Margo never liked Baldwin Will! Did you ever consider he was the one who she became reserved around?!" Charles belted in outrage. A flick of his wrist caused the sword to fly out of William's hand. Blood dripped down Charles arm and he clenched his teeth against the pain.

"You've always been nearly unstoppable with an axe, but were a man of letter with those dainty hands of yours." William taunted. Charles dropped his axe and shield and raised his fist. The men exchanged jabs; years of frustration and resentment revealing itself. Both men ached, both men felt out of breath, both men continued to take swings.

When Mary ran in, both men had each other by the throat. The knights sat around mingling, exchanging bets, others entered mock spars. "Look at yourselves!" Mary yelled. "You should be ashamed of yourselves!" She grabbed both men by their ears and pulled them out of the training room. She glared at the snickering knights who quickly quieted down. "We will talk about your behavior later. We have guest right now, come on!"


A little later both men sat in throne room aching and bloody, as Mary ushered in an elderly impoverished couple. "You may explain now."

"We are from--" the man stopped, recognizing William.

"You! You did this!" The woman began to sob.

William rubbed his swollen eye, "Care to explain?"

The man glared, "We lost everything because of you! You and those decrees! The raised taxes, the expensive crops, everything taken! New decrees everyday! We escaped hoping to start fresh here." He looked hopefully at Mary and Charles, who was busy ripping his shirt to cover his wound.

William sighed. "I sent no such decrees."

"And we should believe you why?"

William felt irritated at the man's blatant disrespect and tapped into what was left of his patience. "How long did it take you to get here?"

"About three weeks."

William nodded, "If it takes three weeks to get to and fro from Gardia to Jardia how would I have been able to send a new decree as often as you both claim?"

The woman stopped sobbing slowly and the man nodded his head in understanding. "So if you did not send parchments then..."

"Then Baldwin has successfully turned my people against Isabella and I...." William felt a fury he had never experienced before. He silently seethed before sitting up alarmed. "Isabella!"

Mary talked to the couple and made temporary arrangements for them and left the door ajar.

Charles spoke, "We need to go after them. Aiden and Bella may be ambushed."

William nodded wincing at the movement. "I fear I may need to borrow your military. And a physician," Both men grinned ruefully. "I also apologize, I should not have--"

"'Tis all accepted man." Charles nodded, "I should have made an effort to patch things up years ago. Come, let us prepare to help our loved ones and take down a swine."

"I had my doubts Charlie, but I am convinced now that you did not send those refugees after Bella and I. You don't think...?"

"We will find out soon mate."

Both men limped to their perspective chambers to rest, for they had a trying journey ahead of them.

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