

"Gather men. Baldwin has an announcement!" A knight called.

What now? Another decree? Henry rolled his eyes and followed the men outside of the castle.

Over the past few days, Baldwin's decree readings have deteriorated the people's livelihoods and loyalty to King William. Henry prayed everyday to the Good Lord that the King and Isabella returned swiftly from Jaria and cleared things up. He did not know how much more the people could take before a complete overthrow issued.

He caught Hazel's eyes on the way out and was surprised to see all the staff standing in the front castle yard.

Villagers littered the yard, mostly in worn garments as a result of their poverty. What used to be jolly oversized citizens were now bitter, complaining, starving revolutionist. Everyone shifted uncomfortably while they stood awaiting Baldwin's arrival to the field.

"Citizens and villagers! Men and ladies! I was left in charge of this great nation by our beloved King William and Lady Isabella." Baldwin paused and allowed the crowd to shout their hatred and resentment of the monarchy. He smirked inwardly. "I know you love the royal family," he paused again listening to their rage. He relished in the fact that even the even most loyal of knights yelled outraged. "But something..." He paused pretending to clear a clogged throat. He forced himself look saddened, "the King and Princess were murdered on their way home." Gasps filled the field.

"I regret to deliver this news but I have suspicions that this was a sordid act committed by the Jarians."

A man's voices asked. "How do you know that they were slaughtered?" The people dared not to get their hopes up in case it was all some sick jest. They were beyond weary of monarchies and decrees.

"I knew you would ask that. You see, I did not want to believe it myself," He looked off into the distance. "Please make way." He mentioned to the people to separate and they slowly made a large pathway in the field. "There is the empty risk royal carriage." A man on top of a horse directed the carriage through the stricken crowd. Baldwin watched the shock on their faces with glee.



The carriage had arrived in the dead of the night. Baldwin had been in the shadows of the field, meeting with the refugee and Sir Grant the freelance knight. The men stepped back further into the shadows when the man climbed down wearily taking off his cap.

When the man looked up he noticed Baldwin's presence and frowned before bowing. "Hello Sir, I return with the royal carriage, has been a mighty long ride."

The scarred man looked over at Sir Grant and titled his head toward the carriage driver. Sir Grant just nodded.

"Where are the King and Heiress?" Baldwin asked already knowing the answer.

"The Jarian Knight..." He began when he was clapped on the back rather roughly by Sir Grant. The scarred man stepped into the dim light and the man paled as he recognized their faces. "Y..yo... you are the attack--" The man was cut off this time by a sword protruding out of the front of his chest. He fell.

"Mighty shame the chap saw too much. Cannot have him talking can we?" He met Baldwin's eyes who just shrugged. "Shall we continue?" he asked picking up up the man's cap.


The crowd watched amazed as the man with scars climbed down. Baldwin's voice rang out, "There were only two survivors." The carriage door opened and out stepped another man with his face half bandaged. "These men witnessed it all. They both barely escaped with their lives for the attackers were killing all in sight."

The people stood silently before a shout rant out. One by one the people began to cheer the death of the oppressive monarchy. "Down with Tyranny!" They shouted. Baldwin finally smiled for all to see at the joy in the people's eyes.

No one showed grief except for Hazel and Henry who tried not to cry in front of the crowd. Trent stood off away from the crowd completely in shock and strangely quiet.


Baldwin held a hand up for silence. "These brave men will remain at the castle for some time, they will be respected advisors." He shook hands with them both who just grinned.

Henry watched the exchange suddenly suspicious. Total strangers turned royal advisors? Strange. Where have I... he thought. The handshake bought a feeling of deja vu and Henry did not know why but he knew that was not the first time he had seen the scarred man before.

Baldwin continued, "Also, this country has no other Heir so as the unit remaining successor, I shall be coronated in 3 weeks time. We shall start a new era!" The crowd shouted in joy as Henry ushered a grief stricken Hazel away from the crowd.


After entering the castle and changing into new clothes, everyone met in the throne room. Isabella studiously studied the floor avoiding all eye contact. After the rider's arrival, she had not had a chance to speak to Aiden and dare she say it, talk about the kiss.

She blushed at the thought of it. She remembered his lips being as soft as a rose petal yet his arms as strong as a brick house against the blowing of the wind. To her surprise her father remained silent. She noticed a crease in his brow and rigid posture. Edwin shot her a knowing look and she quickly reverted her eyes back to the floor. As they waited she could not help herself, "Father, why are you up?"

William reluctantly replied, "I was told you were fighting and waved to make sure your were okay."

Edwin cut in, "His Highness would not rest and threaten to decapitate me had I tried to stop him." Edwin stated rubbing the back of his neck.

"I leave the bed to run to the aid my daughter only to find her in arms of a scoundrel."

Isabella opened her mouth to respond only to be cut off at the entrance of The Jarians and the messenger. She met the eyes of Aiden who have her a lop-sided grin and winked. Isabella blushed and studied the lad.

Charles spoke, "Son, you have come to my castle with what you say is an important message."

"Y-yes sir, 'tis to go to a Princess Isabella from a Sir H-Henry." The boy stuttered.

"Henry?" Isabella asked excited.

"Henry?!" Aiden asked.

"Henry?" William asked. "What could he have wanted?"

She walked over and took the letter from the young boy's hand. at the brushing of their finger tips, she noticed his coldness. "How long have you been riding?"

"W-What would be a two week ride became one week." He adjusted his bag. "H-Henry stated that 'twas important and gave me money so I rode almost without stop." She was impressed.

"Have you eaten lad?" The boy shook his head at Eric.

Mary spoke up feeling sympathetic, "Young man you did a lot of riding. Maids prepare a chamber and bath for him and give him dinner." The boy turned to follow the maids out. "Young man, what is your name?"

"Luke Milady." She nodded and he exited.

Silence filled the room as Isabella read the later. Everyone watched her facial expressions. They changed from happiness to shock to unquestionable anger.

She looked up for the letter, her brown eyes furious.

"I am going home."

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