《Grand Magic Games: Fairy Tail X Magi Crossover》Chapter 25
In the infirmary, Wendy and Natsu slept peacefully while Sora stood next to him, Lucy stood next to Wendy, and Carla sat on a stool.
"Natsu...will he be okay?" Lucy asked for Sora and her concern.
"No need to worry about him. It's nothing more than motion sickness."
"Wendy?" Sora asked, turning to Por.
"She's already well on the way to recovery."
Bending down to Carla's, Lucy smiled. "Carla, you're all better now?"
"That's great!"
Standing up, Lucy walked towards the door. "Everybody's waiting, so...I'm headed out. What about you, Sora?"
"I'm gonna stay for a little longer."
"Okay." As Lucy closed the doors, she stumbled backwards to make some distance between her and Magi. 'That was close!'
"Lucy, right?" Alibaba asked.
"We were wondering if Sora and Natsu were okay."
Waving her hands in the air frantically, she smiled and closed her eyes. "Natsu's fine. He just needs some rest. Sora, on the other hand..." Looking down, she started to fidget underneath their stares. Looking up, she said, "She's really worried about Natsu. I mean, they're brother and sister, after all. As soon as he wakes up, I'm sure she'll be back to normal!" Turning away, she waved goodbye.
"Do you think we should go in there?" Morg asked.
"Well, I am!" Sin said before they could stop him. However, As Sora opened the doors, they hit him in the face. Blinking, she searched for the crash.
Looking to where Magi were looking, she saw him on the ground, holding his hurt face while rocking side to side. "Eehh?" Walking towards him, she looked at him with concern. "You okay, Sin?" Holding her hand towards him, she watched as he took it.
"Obviously. But I will be if you take care of me."
Tilting her head to the side, she was about to reply, but was interrupted by Muu, who slapped Sin's hand off of her's, making him fall to the ground, and Kouen, who put Sora behind him.
Smiling towards Sora, Muu reassured her. "I think he's fine if he has time to flirt."
Walking in front of Kouen, she helped Sin up. "Maybe. But it's my fault that he's hurt." Helping him up, she let Por see if anything was broken, and, after Por checked him, she took him to the Stadium.
However, Sin stopped her on the way. Turning towards him, Sora titled her head. "What's wrong?" Before she could react, he backed her up to the wall and caged her between his arms with him looking down at her. Keeping her guard up, she looked him straight in the eyes.
"Sora..." Cupping her face in his hand, Sin leaned down close to her lips, hesitant to kiss her. 'Is it the right time for this...?'
However, Sora snapped him out of his thoughts. "Sin...what are you doing?" Before she could react, Kouen took ahold of her wrist and walked (practically dragged her) her far away from Sin's reach.
As they were walking, Sora looked at his face. "Kouen, what'd you do that for?"
Keeping his gaze in front, he simply said, "No reason."
"Huh? If there's no reason, then ya wouldn't mind me goin' back to Sin?" Silence ensued. Smirking, Sora struggled out of his hold and walked back to Sin. Before she could get far, he stood in front of her. As she tried walking around him multiple times, he kept her from going anywhere. Getting an idea, she put her face close to his, watching him blush a bit, and was about to 'kiss', to which he thought she would do, and quickly ran out of his reach. Laughing, she smiled. "See ya!"
Without turning to see her go, he covered his mouth with his hand. 'Dang it. She tricked me!' Composing himself, he sighed, and went back to sit in the audience.
With Sora, she finally made it back to Sin only to see Muu and him arguing. Getting closer, she watched them. "What's goin' on?" she whispered to Alibaba.
"Let's just say they had a dispute..." Sweat dropping, he, Morg, and Aladdin kept their gazes on Muu and Sin.
Sighing, Sora took ahold of their heads, and clashed them against each other. As they fell, she put her hands on her hips. "Now, are you guys gonna stop bickerin' like children, and go back to your seats, or am I gonna have ta treat ya like the kids you are?"
Getting up, Sin pointed towards Muu, who stood up. "But he-"
"Nah nah nah! Don't wanna hear it!"
"But-" Muu started.
Holding their collars, she put her face close to theirs with a demonic smile. "Are you arguing with me?!"
Hugging each other out of fear, they said, "No Ma'am!"
Backing away, she went back to her cheerful-self. "Good. I'd hate ta have to beat you boys up." Turning towards them, she stood in front of them. "But~ I will if I have to~" Turning away, she walked towards her team.
As they noticed they were hugging each other, Muu and Sin quickly let go. Composing himself, Muu straightened his clothes. "Well, as long as you understand my words, then we'll have no problems." Walking away, he went to his seat.
Sin shook his fist out of anger. "How dare he-" Cursing Muu, he mumbled to himself. Patting him on the back, Sin looked to see Morg. As she walked away, Aladdin and Alibaba passed him.
"Good luck, Sin!" Aladdin said.
"Yeah! You'll need all the luck in the world!" Alibaba chuckled.
Sighing, he ran after them. "You guys really are no help!"
"We're not gonna get in the middle of this..."
"But you could give a little help to win Sora over. Morg, as a fellow girl-" Walking beside her, she only walked faster. "Morg."
"No." With that, she ran away towards her seat.
Turning towards Aladdin and Alibaba, he saw no one there. "Eeehhh?!" Searching for them, he sighed. "C'mon. Don't you guys wanna help out a friend?" Pouting he walked to his seat.
Meanwhile, in the infirmary, Por looked towards Carla. "You aren't going to tell her?"
Carla merely looked down, pouting. "What good would come from telling her about such a fate? She wouldn't believe me if I tried."
Turning away, Por started to stir a pot with herbs in it. "True. If you don't believe in yourself, then you can't expect others to do so."
"Exactly. I don't believe in it either. I mean, it's just a dream!...It was just a dream...not a premonition!"
However, in the arena, the battle of the 2nd day started.
"Now for the moment you've all waited for: the battles! And we have a bunch of tough matches for you!" Chapati announced. "The first match features the new Guild that currently tops the rankings: Raven Tail! Kurohebi V.S. Lamia Scale's Toby Orrolta!" Crossing his arms, he continued. "They're glaring like a snake and dog facing off! But which one will win?!"
"I'd like to see a fair fight." Yajima said.
"Tobyyyy! He's just like a doggy! Cooool!" Jason yelled.
Returning to her team, Lucy asked, "Has the match already started?"
"Just starting now." Elfman said, without looking at her.
"It looks like that dog-like guy from Lyon's Guild is in the arena." Gray said.
"And he's facing Raven." Erza said as Lucy ran up beside her.
"Raven?" Looking towards Raven Tail, she saw Flare, who had bruises all over her body, watching her. "Huh?" 'She's covered in bruises?'
With Raven, Maskie watched Kuro and Toby. "Flare...you will never fail us again! Just who do you think was responsible for your win?"
Pointing towards Lucy, Flare started to tremble from fear. "But...Blondie was glaring at me..."
Before she could react, Maskie grabbed her face, making her tremble more without a way to talk. "You want more punishment?"
"I-I'm sorry...Please forgive me..."
Looking away from the scene, Lucy watched the battle commence as the gong was hit against.
"Let the first battle begin!" Chapati said.
Getting ready to pounce, Toby prepared his long claws. As he slashed at the dodging Kuro, he said, "Ultra-Paralyzing Talons: Mega-Mega Jellyfish!" As Kuro fell to the ground, he vanished from Toby's eyesight. "He vanished?!"
Eyes widened, Jura realized what was happening. "You fool! That's Mimic Magic!"
Before Toby could react, sand was blasting him away. "Sand Rebellion!"
Annoyed, Max shouted, "That's my magic!"
"He can cast magic while in his mimicked state!" Ruka said.
"Mimic Magic...that's very rare..." Mavis said. Meanwhile, Romeo and Makarov cheered for Toby.
Getting up, Toby huffed out his breath. "Ohhh! You're good."
"You're tough, too." Kuro replied.
"And Kurohebi means 'Black Snake'. Pretty cool."
"It isn't my real name."
"...It isn't a real name?!"
"That makes you angry?"
Slashing at Kuro angrily, Toby said, "Listen, you! If I win, you're gonna tell me your real name!"
"No problem." Kuro replied as he dodged. "And if I win?"
"Then I'll tell you something I've been keeping secret!"
"Sounds like fun!"
"It looks like there's a weird bet riding on this battle!" Chapati said.
"I'm not interested in either of those things." Yajime said as Jason yelled 'cool'. However, before anyone could react, Toby was lying on the ground.
"Down; Toby can't stand up!" As Kuro walked away, Lamia facepalmed themselves while Raven Tail smirked. "The battle's over! The winner is...Raven Tail, Kurohebi!"
"He's strong..." Sora said.
"Yeah...I don't think he even got serious this time." Laxus said.
"That brings Raven Tail to 36 points! Lamia Scale is at 20 points."
Stopping, Kuro turned towards the crying Toby. "So? What's your secret?"
"My socks...I...can never find my other sock! I've been looking for 3 months...but for some reason, I can't find it...And I...was too ashamed to tell anybody..." Looking to see Kuro pointing towards his chest, he sat up, and held the sock tied around his neck. "You mean it was there all along?! You're...a really good guy...I've finally found it!"
Smiling, Mira clapped her hands together. "That's so good for Toby!"
"Out of everything, you cheer for that ?!" Sora doubled over.
As Kuro held his hand out to Toby, Toby was about to grab it. "Look at that! After their hard-fought battle, the contestants go to shake hands...!" Before Toby could react, Kuro yanked his sock off his neck and ripped it to pieces while smirking as he watched Toby cry more.
Eyes widened, Sora clenched her fists as she saw the smirking Kuro. "What?!" As her team held her back, she punched Laxus and Jellal in the face. Before she could jump off into the arena, Gajeel grabbed her from behind. "Let go!" As she struggled from being picked, she crossed her arms over her chest, waiting to be put down.
A few minutes later, she looked towards Gajeel. "When do ya plan to put me down?"
"When you calm down, Shorty."
Huffing, she returned to watch Kuro while glaring.
Letting it fall to the ground, Kuro walked away. "The more precious something is, the more I want to destroy it. But that's just me."
As Raven mocked the crying Toby, Chapati announced, "A hush falls! The only sound in the Stadium is the mocking squawks of the ravens!" Clearing his throat, he announced the next battle. Now, to get the bad taste out of our mouths, here's our 2nd battle! It's Bacchus from Quatro Cerberus!" Thus, Bacchus walked into the Stadium drunkenly. "And facing him, from Fairy Tail A..."
"It's us?" Erza asked.
"What'll we do if they call for Natsu?" Lucy asked.
"Beat him until he wakes up." Gray simply said.
"He's...the guy who fought Erza to a draw, right?" Elfman asked.
When Cana saw his face, she started to point, while waving it towards him, at him, glaring. "There he is! I don't care who, just get revenge on him for me!"
"Cana, calm down!" Makao said, holding her back.
"I'm surprised she could remember all that." Alibaba said.
"I guess some people can remember things when they're overly drunk." As Aladdin said this, Magi looked towards Sin.
Noticing their stares, Sin said, "What?"
"Tell me!"
"I think it's best we don't..."Morg said.
"No! As king, I command you to tell me!"
"Not a very good king, if you ask me." Kouen said.
"Why you-"
"Look! The King's coming out." Aladdin said, pointing towards the King.
As everyone but Sin looked to see the King, Sin sighed. "You guys..."
With the King, he walked alongside a random guard and Arcadios.
"Oh, ho! So you've provided the battle I asked for?" King asked.
"Your Majesty." Arcadios said.
"This will be fun, won't it? Bacchus V.S. Erza. Yes, this will undoubtedly be a good match."
"Huh?" Eyes widening, Arcadios turned towards the King.
"Hm?" Looking at Arcadios, King tilted his head to the side.
"Did...you...just say...Erza, Your Majesty?" As King nodded, Arcadios started sweating nervously. "T-the one I sent against Bacchus was..."
"Elfman!" Chapati said.
Angered, King's eyes widened. "What did you say...?!"
"Elfman...?" Mira said. Snapping out of her trance, she felt someone patting her shoulder. Looking towards the person, she saw it was Sora.
"I'm sure he'll be fine. It's Elfman, after all!"
Smiling, Mira nodded. "...Yeah..."
With Magi, they were confused.
"I kinda thought Erza would fight him..." Morg said.
"The match we wished to see was Bacchus V.S. Erza!" King said.
"I humbly beg for your forgiveness..." Remember the conversation between them, he sweated profusely. "I was negligent..."
"This will be no match at all! Bacchus will win, hands down, and you know it!"
"I-I imagine so..."
As the crowd cheered for Elfman, some questioned if he was good at fighting. Meanwhile, Bacchus smirked at Elfman while he layed on the ground. "Hey...How about we make a bet like 2 who fought here a minute ago?" As he got Elfman's attention, his smirk widened. "Your sisters are really pretty girls. If I win, I get 'em for a night. Both of 'em together!" As he saw Elfman's face darken, he sat up, setting his jug aside. "And if you win, let's see..."
"A man..." Elfman said as he clenched his fists.
"There are words that a man cannot forgive, you dog! I'll break you to pieces!"
Smiling, Bacchus looked towards the ground. "Then our negotiations are successfully completed, huh? My spirit trembles!"
In the infirmary, Natsu finally woke up. "Ahhh...That was a good sleep!" Looking towards Wendy's bed, he tilted his head to the side. "Hm? Wendy? Carla? Old Lady?" Searching for them, he continued. "Where'd everybody go?"
Wrapping his scarf around his neck, he narrowed his eyes. "I smell some guys I've never smelled before..."
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