《Grand Magic Games: Fairy Tail X Magi Crossover》Chapter 23
That night, Fairy Tail were at the bar, having drinks and food.
"Pathetic! You're so useless, no one'd believe this is the best Fairy Tail has to offer!" Cana said, drunkenly.
"Big talk from someone who's been to every bar in town, but didn't even come to cheer us on." Elfman said.
"I saw everything! All the bars were showing the competition on Lacrima-vision."
"Let's just toast to our defeat!" Makarov cheered.
"Master!" Levy said.
"Mmmmaaaannnn! Fairy Tail sure does know how to party~!" Alibaba said, drunkenly.
Hiccupping, Sin clunk his glass against Alibaba's. Putting his arm around his shoulder, they cheered for Fairy Tail while the other Magi sweat dropped.
"Do you think they've had enough to drink...?" Muu asked.
"Naw! They'll be fine!" Aladdin waved his hand in the air, drinking away.
With Erza, she sat next to Mira. "It was a tough day, wasn't it?"
"True. Let's both give it our best tomorrow!" Mira smiled, closing her eyes.
"It'll be my turn to compete tomorrow! And I'm gonna turn this around and make us winners again!" Natsu pumped his fists in the air, smirking.
"Oh? If Salamander is competing, then I will, too!" Gajeel watched Natsu, smirking.
"Yes, it's time for you to show everyone the fruits of your training." Lily smiled.
"Well...I'll be the one to fight him first! You can count on it!" Sora said. Hence this caused a fight. After a while, Erza hit them in the head, making Gajeel fall off his seat as they both fell to the floor, unconscious.
Looking around, Levy noticed two certain people missing. "Huh? Lu-Lu and Gray aren't here?"
"Come to think of it, I haven't see 'em." Jet said.
"Well, both of 'em suffered pretty bad losses." Makao said.
"I'm sure it's tough to show their faces in front of everybody." Wakaba pointed out.
"Really? I think they both looked really cool, especially Sora!" Something struck Romeo, however. "Hey. Since Sora lost, wouldn't she be depressed."
"W-well...Sora is..." They couldn't come up with an answer.
'Gray-Sama...' Juvia overheard them as she searched for Gray.
In a room, far away, Gray stood at the window while it rained as Lucy looked down, sitting.
"Are you still pouting?" Gray asked.
"Aren't you?"
As silence grew, Gray frowned. "I hear everybody's at a bar nearby. I don't want to, but I'd better put in an appearance..."
However, as Gray was about to reach the door, Lucy walked towards him, taking ahold of his shirt from behind. When he looked at her curiously, she blushed as she looked away. "Don't leave me alone."
"Lucy...You..." Starting to blush, he turned towards her.
"I...The truth is, I've always felt..." Before he could react, she pushed him down to the bed, laying on top of him.
"Stop it! What about Juvia...?!"
"I love you, Gray!"
"How could Gray do that to me?!" Juvia started to cry as she held her cheeks with her hands.
"I'm not." Gray deadpanned.
"She let her imagination run wild again..." Lucy sighed as she looked down.
"Lu-Lu, are you okay?" Levy stood up, looking worried.
"I'm cool! Just fine! Actually, it's made me more determined!"
"What about Wendy and Carla?" Gray stood in front of a sitting Lisanna.
Turning towards him, she shook her head. "They're still under the weather. Porlyusica is looking after them."
"Good! We're all here!" Standing upon a table, Makarov smiled. "Listen to me, Brats! We're gonna change today's failures into tomorrow's victories! We're gonna climb out of this, right?!" As he heard them cheer, he continued. "Because the word 'surrender' has no meaning for us! Let's aim for No. 1 in Fiore!"
As everyone cheered, Sin drunkenly walked towards Sora as she talked to Erza. Putting his around her neck, he whispered, "Hhheeeeyyyy! How 'bout we go somewhere alone, just the two of us?" Slurring his words, he started leading her away from the rest.
However, Muu walked towards him. Taking her away from him, he stood in front of her protectively. "You will not lay a hand on her!" Upon seeing no Sin, he blinked. Looking behind himself, he saw Sin lead Sora towards the door.
Before he could march over to her, Aladdin and Alibaba offered him a drink. As he tried getting out of the situation, they took 'no' for an answer. Sighing, he looked towards Sora and Sin walking out the door.
As Sin and Sora were outside of the bar, Sora leaned her back against the bar, crossing her arms over her chest. "So, what did ya want to talk 'bout?" Tilting her head, she watched him curiously.
"I just thought we could 'talk'..." Leaning in towards her, her put his head close to her ear. "Or...we could do somethin' else...if you wanted to..." About to kiss her, he fell forwards upon feeling air. "Huh?" Looking around, he saw Kouen and Lyon standing in front of her as she blinked with confusion.
"What're you guys doin' here?"
"Oh~ I was just walking around and decided to pay a visit to Fairy Tail." Lyon said as he kept his eyes close on Sin.
"What 'bout you Kouen...?"
"I wanted to get some fresh air..."
"Hmm..." Smiling, Sora chuckled. Shaking her head, she looked towards Lyon. Grabbing his wrist, she started leading him towards the door. "Well...since you're here, let's go look for Juvia~" However, he stopped walking. Turning towards him, she tilted her head.
"Sora..." Looking down, he blushed. "C-can we go somewhere else...alone..."
However, Sin didn't agree. "No! She's staying here!" As he reached to grab her hand, Kouen held his wrist tightly, daring him to take another step. Struggling, he cried out in pain as his grip tightened. "Let. Go." Glaring, neither backed down.
"If you so much as touch her, I will not hesitate breaking you're pathetic arm."
Before anything could escalate, Sora stood between them with her hands on their chest. "Stop!" Pushing them away from each other, she glared at them. "What are you? Children?!" Glaring at them, she watched them try to take a step. "Take a step further, and I'll tie you to a chair and leave you there for a week!"
Taking them inside, she dragged them towards Erza. "Erza, could you watch these two as I talk with Lyon?" As Erza asked her why, she simply said, "They're too immature for me to look after 'em." Glaring at them, she saw Erza nod. "One more thing: if they try fighting, then tie 'em up." Huffing, she walked outside as the others made a path for her, sensing her anger.
However, Natsu was the only one without the hint. "Hey, Sora!-" She pushed him aside. Stumbling, he walked towards Lucy. "What's her problem?"
"I wouldn't mess with her for awhile..."
As Sora dragged Lyon somewhere else to talk, Lyon kept quiet from her anger. Stopping, she crossed her arms over her chest. "What do those...those idiots think they're doin'?!" Ranting to herself, she stopped suddenly, noticing his silence. Sighing, she looked at him. "What did you need to talk about?"
"Sora, I need to apologize..."
"For what...?"
Looking down, he didn't dare to look her in the eyes. "I've been...lying to you..."
"About loving Juvia..."
"What d'ya mean?"
"I've been using her to make you jealous, but now-"
"Whaa? What d'ya-"
"I like you, not Juvia!" Taking a step towards her, he put his hands on her shoulders. "Haven't you ever noticed my feelings for you, at least once?!"
"W-well...I guess...not..." Looking away, she widened her eyes. "Wait- You've been using Juvia?!"
"Yes, but-"
Slapping his hands away from herself, she glared at him. "You jerk! How dare you use one of my friends!"
As she walked towards him, he backed away. Stumbling, he fell down. Eyes widening from her anger, he stayed on the ground, hoping not to anger her more. "I get that you like me, but that still doesn't give ya the right to use my friends! What do you think gives you the right to use 'em like that?!" Waiting for his answer, she glared at him.
"I just..."
"I just got jealous with you being with Gray...I wanted you to like me!" Standing up, he put his hand on his chest. "Is it so bad that I wanted to have you look my way?!"
As silence ensued, she sighed. "Look...I get that, but using my friend, my family, isn't the right way to go about it." Looking away, she put her hand on his shoulder. "If you really wanna know, Gray is like a brother to me, and you are too."
"Are you sure you can't find a piece of romantic feeling for me...?" Taking ahold of her hand, he held it close to him as he looked down at it.
"Sorry...but I can't seem to find anything like that with you." Smiling bitterly, she patted his shoulder. "You're like a brother to me." Hearing silence, she brightened up. "Hey! You could still try to win Juvia over! I've noticed you glanced at her a couple of times!"
Blushing, he looked away. "W-well, I have started to see her in a different way...but-Hey! Don't change the topic!" Slapping her playfully, they erupted into laughter.
"So...friends...?" Holding out her hand, she smiled.
Taking ahold of it, he smiled. "Friends."
Starting to walk away, she stopped, and looked at him. "Hey, Lyon! Cheer up! You'll find the right girl for you, one day! 'sides, I think Juvia and you would be good for each other! That's to say that Gray and her don't either...but that's besides the point! Just don't use people, you hear me?"
"Yeah..." Nodding, Sora walked towards the bar while he watched her fade into darkness. Smiling bitterly, he wiped a tear away. 'Guess getting shut down by your first love really sucks...' Walking away, he stuffed his hands into his coat pocket. "Augh...Can't believe I got friend-zoned?! Gray, you lucky son-of-a-gun!"
Meanwhile, in the throne room of the castle, Arcadios bowed before the king. "Your Majesty...the 1st day of the Games has come successfully to an end."
"Mm. They were good games."
"Would you have any requests for the battles on the 2nd day?"
"Let's see...I'd like to see Sting and Rogue in battle, but I think I will put off such pleasures until later." Until, the King had a bright idea. "Ah, Bacchus! I wish to see Bacchus. Make sure Bacchus is involved."
"Which team would you like him to face?"
"What about that one...the one who transforms from Fairy Tail? You know! Don't remember the name." Thinking about the name, he couldn't place his finger on it. "...! Er...El..."
"Understood. It will be done, Your Majesty!"
"Make it a good game. Oh, and let the Dragneel twins fight each other! I want to see who the strongest is out of each other. Maybe...an extra battle...?"
"Understood. If you have no other preferences, then I should..."
"Yes, good work, Chevalier Captain. You have earned a rest."
Standing up, Arcadios bowed again and left. Closing the door as he left, he smirked. " 'Rest', Your Majesty? No time for that! Soon, everything will be complete!" Walking away, he started laughing.
Back with Fairy Tail, Natsu stood on top of a table. "So, who's next?! Come at me! Let's have an exhibition match!"
"Good, Natsu!" Makao cheered.
"Max, you stink!" Wakaba insulted.
"How'd he get so much better in only 3 months?" Warren sweated.
"What about our standing in the Guild...?" Bijeeter sweated.
"Good idea! I'll take you on!" Gajeel smirked.
"Don't...If it's you against Natsu, It'll stop being an 'exhibition' in no time flat." Laxus warned.
"Oh? You've gone soft on us, Laxus!" As Gajeel patted his head, smirking, Levy hugged him from behind, telling him to stop.
"Y-you little...!" Freed hit his fist against the table. "How dare you do that to Laxus?! You've dragged our pride through the mud! Fall in, Laxus' bodyguards...Raijin Tribe!"
However, Bacchus walked in the bar and towards Cana as she was surrounded by beer. "Sister, you look pretty strong."
"Wanna face off against me?" Setting a glass down on the table, he smirked.
Smirking, Cana stood up. "Oh? I dunno who you are, but...you wanna drink against me?"
"Hey! Whoever you are, give it up!" Makao said.
"That lady there's a monster!" Wakaba yelled.
Popping her head up, Sora raised her hand. "I'll be the person who takes count of who wins!" After some complaining, she yelled, "And get ready, set...Go!"
Later, Cana fell to the floor, stars in her eyes. "And the winner is...the guy with the bun!"
"No way!"
As Bacchus laughed, he burped.
"A-are you serious?!" Jet shook from shock.
"Cana lost a drinking match?" Lucy furrowed her brows.
"1st time I've ever seen Cana go down!" Warren said.
"Actually, that would be the 2nd time." Sora said.
"Eh! With who?!"
"Who won?"
As Cana layed on the ground, unconscious, Bacchus took her bra off. "I'm taking this as my prize!" As he walked out the door drunkenly, Wakaba and Makao yelled at him.
"What're you doin', you creep?!"
"Gildarts is gonna kill you!"
"Let's get it back!" Makao yelled.
"We can't let him mock our Guild!" Wakaba smirked.
As Makao ran after him, he punched him, making Bacchus fall to the ground. However, Bacchus didn't fall to the ground all the way, and slapped his hands on their face, making them fall to the ground. Lifting himself up, he puffed out some oxygen.
As Warren, Romeo, and Laki were worried, Erza walked towards Bacchus. "Bacchus?"
Looking towards Erza, he walked towards her, smirking. "Yo! So, you're here, huh, Erza?" As he hiccupped, Erza told him he stunk. "You always were a knockout!"
"It has been a while."
"So you haven't aged over the last 7 years, I hear?"
"That is true. I heard you were also participating in the Games."
"You know each other?" Lucy and Sora asked.
Laughing, Bacchus held his stomach. "I thought I'd leave things to the kids in our Guild this time, but...when I saw what happened to Warcry, my manly spirit couldn't just stand by! So, I became a reserve member, and got into the Games. It makes my spirit tremble!" Turning around, he walked away and waved towards her. "If we meet on the field...I'd like a final showdown." Turning towards her, he continued. "My spirit is always...Wiiiilllld!"
"...Fwoo...?" Erza tilted her head, deadpanning.
Laughing, he turned away. "You gotta give that more umph, Erza!"
As he left, laughing, Lucy turned towards Erza. "Who is that guy?"
Clenching her fists, Erza looked down. "He is the S-Class wizard of Quatro Cerberus. I often ran into him on my jobs, so I know just how strong he is. The Drunken Hawk...Bacchus of the Drunken Pigua Quan School. We've fought many times, but neither of us has ever had a decisive win."
"He's on a par with Erza...?!" Lucy and Sora said.
"What? That's ancient history, right? Ain't no way Erza would lose now!" Natsu said as he tried getting Gray's face out of his own since they were fighting.
"He's assuming that he's going to battle you?"
"He fan faigh me anyfime!" Natsu had trouble talking since Gray held his mouth, stretching it out.
Meanwhile, Por sat across from Carla. "So, what are you saying you saw?"
"Well, this always seems to happen, and I can't say anything for sure, but..." Carla touched her head, sweating. "A white knight...and a huge magic pattern."
"Aside from that?"
"An unbelievable sight."
"What do you mean?"
"The Mercurius Palace crumbling. And, singing amid the ruins...Lucy."
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