《Grand Magic Games: Fairy Tail X Magi Crossover》Chapter 16
A/N: Hey guys! I know how you love this book soooo much, and how I always update on Sundays, right? Well~, I'm gonna be at a Renaissance festival this coming weekend, and I won't be able to update during Friday through Sunday. Sorry...Not really!
When the audience heard Chapati's announcement, confusion spread through everyone.
Hearing this, Erza looked down. 'A mysterious magical presence...Could it be them...?'
"Here we go! The team who came in 2nd in the Preliminaries..." Chapati made an anticlimactic silence in the air. "Well, now...this is definitely unexpected! Could the flapping of their fallen wings really carry them all the way here?! It's the least expected...the unbelievable..."
When everyone turned towards the Guild walking, Natsu and Lucy yelled, "No way...!"
"Fairy Tail Team B!"
"Whaaat?!" Team A yelled.
"Sis!?" Elfman yelled.
"Gajeel!" Gray yelled.
"Sora?!" Natsu yelled.
"The one and only!" Sora winked.
"Wait, what about Laxus?!" Lucy pointed.
"Fairy Tail has another team?!" the audience yelled.
"B-but...what is Mystogan doin' here?!" Natsu's eyes popped out.
"It can't be...are you..." Erza sweated, stumbling backwards. "Jellal...?"
Jellal put a finger to his mouth. "Shh..."
"Seriously?!" Natsu and Gray yelled.
"Sora..." Lyon smirked as he blushed, mumbling this.
Sherria pouted. "Is that the person that's in love with Lyon?"
"That's wonderful, Fairy Tail still has 2 teams in the competition." Hibiki said as he and his friends smiled.
"Laxus...and Gajeel..." Ivan said.
"Hey, what's goin' on?!" Natsu yelled.
"Well..." Sora started to tell them what happened.
As Sora watched Natsu dancing at being in the Games, Magi came up to comfort her.
"Don't feel bad, Sora!" Aladdin said.
"Yeah. I think your Master had to choose between you two. Otherwise, he would have chosen you." Alibaba patted her back.
"Besides, I would have chosen you any day." Sin sat beside her, and wrapped an arm around her. Looking at Muu, he smirked. Leaning into her ear, he whispered, "Anyways, you're the best in everything, especially certain things...if you know catch my drift." (A/N: I am so very sorry for this terrible flirting! I have never flirted before, or had a guy flirt like this with me. Again, I am very sorry for this much cringy-ness.)
Causing a shiver run up her spin, she tensed up. Growling, Muu pulled him away from her. Looking at her, he fake smiled, and put an arm around Sin's neck. "Well. I think Sora looks happy, don't you think?" He started choking him.
Smiling, Sora thanked them as Mor hugged her sideways. "You guys are the best!" However, Kouen interrupted her.
"I think your Master chose what's best for your Guild."
Laughing, Sora waved her hands in front of her. "It's fine. Kouen, you sure don't sugarcoat things, do ya? Makes me wonder how you deal with things."
As they continued to talk, Mira walked up to her. "Sora, Master needs to speak with us."
"Okay!" After Mira walked away, Sora looked back to see Magi worried for her. "Guys, it's gonna be fine!"
"By now, you should know me; I wouldn't get in trouble except for a really~ good reason."
"What about when you beat those two guards, making a building crash down?" Sin pointed out as the rest of Magi, besides Kouen, had shocked faces.
Laughing nervously, she scratched the back of her neck. "Well..." Running away, she went towards Makarov's office. Opening the door, Makarov told her to close it. When she saw Laxus, Jellal, Mira, and Gajeel present, she tilted her head. "What's goin' on?" And so, he explained his plan.
Flashback end~~~~~~
"Aaaannnndddd...that's the story!"
"Well, it seems as though there's a lot of people still confused over the new revisions to the rules this year, don't you think, Yajima?" Chapati asked.
"That's right...this year, each Guild can have not just one, but two teams enter into the Games."
"Nobody told us!" Lucy looked at her Guild.
"Master..." Elfman said.
"Though, it was pretty hard to keep the secret!" Mira said.
"I even didn't say anything to Natsu and Aladdin and his friends." Sora said as she grinned over to Magi.
As Fairy Tail laughed, Makarov said, "You see that?! That's how we do it in Fairy Tail!"
"You didn't even tell your own brother?!" Natsu pointed at her from betrayal in his eyes.
"Sorry big bro! But Master threatened me not to tell a soul!" She even laughed at him.
"But in this Tournament, each team has the possibility of being matched up against every other team...Will members of the same Guild be capable of fighting themselves?" Chapati said, looking worried.
"They'll be fine." Yajima picked his nose.
"But...that seems kind of unfair, doesn't it? Like...what if the competition has each time send out 1 member at a time for a Battle Royale...then Fairy Tail would be the only Guild to have 2 members in the ring at once, right?" Jenny stated.
"Oh, shut up, Lady! You're just jealous!" Sora pointed at her.
Fuming with anger, she stood up. "I am not jealous!"
"Whatever you say..."
"Why you little-"
"Of over the 100 Guilds that entered, Fairy Tail is the only one that still has 2 teams in the running..." Chapati looked towards Yajima. "This is their advantage they've earned, don't you think?"
"It's definitely in their favor, Ma-boy."
"I see...so that's why there were so many teams that entered..." Lucy said.
Before they could react, Natsu jumped in front of his teammates. "Don't give me that crap?! I'm serious here!" Shocking everyone, he continued his rant by pointing at Team B. I don't care if we're part of the same Guild or not. If we're fighting against each other, we fight with all our strength. Don't you dare hold back! Any team we get matched against is an opponent! I'm not losing to anyone!"
Bending close, Gajeel smirked. "Exactly what I was hoping for Mr. 8th Place Preliminary."
Brows furrowing, he was silence where the arrow hit his heart.
Clapping, Sora smirked. "Hey Natsu~ Since you don't care so bad, then if we get matched up against each other to battle one on one, you wouldn't get such a temper if I won, would ya?"
"And don't say you don't have a temper whenever we fight and I win. You always pout in a corner and grow mushrooms." Upon hearing this, Magi tried to hold their laughter in. Meanwhile, Mor and Kouen had emotionless faces, faking their amusement.
"Does he really do that?"
"What a bother."
"I thought you promised you wouldn't tell everyone?!" Natsu pointed at while his teammates laughed at him.
"Oops. Cat's outta the bag."
As they kept bickering, Elfman walked towards his sister. "Sis..."
She merely smiled at him. "Let's do our best, Elfman."
Erza stood befor Jellal. "Je-Mystogan...you..."
"Master really is an understanding guy. We told him about our situation, and he was more than happy to consent to this."
"You said you weren't able to get near the event grounds, didn't you?"
"That was before I thought of this idea. Anyway, haven't you heard? For all our purposes, Mystogan and I are the same person.
"This is still against the rules. You're not a Guild member."
Laxus came up behind him, and put an arm around his neck. "Anyway...don't get so worked up, this is a 'festival', isn't it? Right, Mystogan?"
"Exactly, Erza."
"And watch it...Mystogan is a lot less talkative, remember?"
"Gotcha." Erza nodded.
Debating on her thoughts, Mavis found her answer. "That person in the mask isn't a Guild member, is he?"
Shocked, Makarov cried, and repeated that he's sorry again and again.
"I told you we shouldn't have let them!" Makao said.
"We tried to stop you!" Wakaba said.
"But, he's not 'evil'. It's strange, but he has the same 'heart' as everyone else with the Guild crest." Mavis kept her emotionless façade.
"What does she mean?" Aladdin asked Levy.
"It's kind of a long story, but I guess you could say he's a Guild member." Happy looked at them.
"I see...so that's the Jellal of this world?" Lily asked.
"Is he strong?" Mavis asked, watching him.
"O-of course! That's the man who once held the Celestial title!"
Turning to him, she smiled. "I'll allow it."
Her eyes started to sparkle. "For Fairy Tail's victory."
"Way to go, 1st Master..." Droy said.
"I don't even think all the reasons involved mattered..." Jet sweat dropped.
"She's definitely part of our Guild." Levy said as they all sighed.
Standing beside Erza, Jellal whispered, "...So...have you noticed anything, yet?"
"Raven Tail seems a bit suspicious, but apart from that, nothing."
Looking at them, he kept a close eye on them. "That's the Guild that came out first, right? Their magical presence feels different than it has previous years.
"Have you felt the 'mysterious presence' yet?"
"No...not yet."
'Ivan' smirked. "Gajeel..." He smirked as he watched Gajeel.
"Now, for the last team that made it through the Preliminary round..." As Chapati said this, the crowd started cheering. "That's right! You all know who they are! The strongest; the invicible; the complete dominators: Sabertooth!" As Sabertooth, Sting put his arms in the air as everyone cheered for them, waving to his fans; Rogue looked at Fairy Tail, watching Gajeel; Yukino looked away from everyone; Orga waved to the audience; and Rufus bowed to everyone.
Natsu watched them as his brows furrowed, glaring at them. "Here they come..."
"Looking forward to Natsu." Smirking at him, Sting waved his finger at him. Finding Sora glaring at him with her arms crossed, he winked at her. "I hope you'll join me for a date sometime, my Sora."
"I ain't your girl! And I wouldn't be caught dead on a date with you, you idiot!"
Glaring, Gajeel's face darkened. "Don't you dare talk to her."
"Gajeel." Rogue mumbled.
"Over there..." Gray said. Lucy followed his gaze. "That's Fiore's strongest Guild."
"Do your best, Sting!" Lector cheered.
"Fro's cheering for you, too!"
"Don't you dare lose, Natsu! Gajeel! Sora!" Happy yelled as he copied Lector and Frosch.
"They've got an Exceed over on their side, too?!" Lily asked, watching them.
"That makes up all the teams that will be participating. Looking at the lineup, do you have any thoughts?" Chapati asked.
"Ah, to be young again." Yajima smiled.
"Er...that isn't exactly what I meant..." Finally, the lineup board came from the ground. "Thank you for waiting. Here is your lineup! The Grand Magic Games' program has been unveiled!" As everyone cheered, the Guilds looked at it.
"There's going to be some contest and a battle every day?" Gray asked.
"A battle!" Natsu's face was elated with joy.
"Hmm...this ought'a be good." Sora smirked, putting a hand on her hip.
"I wonder where they're goin' with this..." Mor said.
"Who knows." Alibaba shrugged.
"As far as the matches go, this is how the points will be distributed amongst first through 8th place." Chapati said as the scoreboard sprung up. "As the rankings fall, the amount of points received decreases.
"For the contest part, you can select anyone from your Guild to participate.
"For the following battle part, the organizers will pair up cards selected from the fans' votes."
"What the...?" Erza said.
"They're going to match us up on their own?" Gray asked.
"So, if you have bad luck, you could use up all your magic power in the contest part and end up being selected to battle?" Lucy asked.
"This should be interesting..." Kouen smiled when he learned something new that peeked his interest.
"K-Kouen, you look scary..." Aladdin said as everyone backed away from his darkened face. This only reminded Aladdin of the time when he wanted him to come to his country.
"The battle part's rules are simple; each team will battle, like so. The winning team will receive 10 points; the losing team will receive none. If it's a draw, each team will receive 5 points." Chapati explained. "Without further ado, I bring you the Grand Magic Games' opening game! Let's begin, 'Hidden'! Each team will have 1 participant. After each team submits their player, I'll explain the rules."
"It sounds like hide-n-go seek." Alibaba stated.
"That may be it." Sin said.
"I'll go first. Leave this to me!" Quatro Cerberos' Yeager said.
"Don't forget: your soul is always...Wild!" All the members said.
"I think I should go first, if you don't mind..." Mermaid Heel's Beth raised her hand in the air.
"I'll permit it." Kagura nodded.
"You're up, Nalpuding." Maskie said.
"I got this." Eve fixed his tie as his teammates cheered him on.
"One after another, each team is deciding on their player. Who will Sabertooth choose?"
Bowing, Rufus said, "I'll go. The birds are singing a sweet song today."
"They've chosen! The singing bard of the red moon: Rufus has entered!" Hence, the audience cheered.
"Why is everyone cheering like crazy over that jerk?!" Natsu yelled.
"As a man, let me take point for the team!" Elfman yelled.
"There's not a thing about you that feels 'Hidden', Meatball." Gray stated, sighing.
"We don't know anything about the rules of the game, but judging from the name 'Hidden', it's going to involve stealth." Erza stated.
"Wendy should go, since she's so small." Lucy looked down.
"If small is better, then maybe Yuka or I should go?" Sherria asked.
"Don't call me 'small'."
"No..." Lyon started smirking. "We should grab this from the very start. I'll go."
"Already?!" Toby yelled.
"Settle down." Yuka sighed, rubbing his temples.
"You're going, Lyon?" Sherria asked.
Watching the scene, Gray smirked. "In that case, I'll go, too. Let's find out just what kind of game this really is."
From the audience, Juvia was pouting. "If Juvia was in Sora's place, Juvia could go in with Gray-Sama."
"I'll go!" Sora said.
"Hey! If you lose on purpose, I'm gonna kick-" Gajeel threatened, but she turned around having a dark aura surrounding her.
"What were you gonna say?"
Shrinking away, he laughed nervously. "Nevermind..."
"That's what I thought."
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