《Grand Magic Games: Fairy Tail X Magi Crossover》Chapter 13
'The capital of Fiore Kingdom, the Flower Blooming Capital, Crocas. Once a year, this festival for mages is held...the Great Magic Games. The city is bustling full with the mages of Fiore and its citizens.
In the center of the city is the King of Fiore's palace, Mercurias. And in the mountains to the west, the Great Magic Games is being held in the Domus Flau. And in the middle of town, there is us.' Lucy thought as Wendy, Gray, Happy, Natsu, and Carla were sitting/lying on the ground.
"H-hey...I still don't feel so great about all this...We don't know for sure if that spell worked..." Gray said.
"Yeah, but I do feel like my magic power has increased. All my joints are still totally sore, though..." Lucy looked away.
Standing up, Erza looked at them. "Geez, don't you guys feel embarrassed for yourselves?"
"Why are you completely fine, Erza~?" Lucy asked, sweat dropping.
"She probably had her second origin from the start." Gray said, sweat dropping.
"That makes sense."
Sora smiled, helping Natsu up. "Well~, let's just say we're stronger than all you compared."
"Eh? That's not fair!" Lucy said.
"Aww, don't be such a baby." While Sora said this, Lucy pouted and looked away with her arms crossed over her chest. Sora patted her head.
"This is my first time being in a city this big." Lucy looked around after she got up.
"Ai~" Happy said.
"Me too." Erza said.
"It's a lot bigger than Edolas Kingdom." Sora said.
Interrupting them, Alzack, Levy, Bisca, Makarov, Jet, and Droy walked up to them with the Magi crew following.
"So, you guys finally made it." Makarov said.
"Master." Erza said.
Stopping in front of them, Makarov had Asuka on his shoulders. "Let's get on with this event already!"
Laughing maniacally, Natsu and Sora said, "We'll show 'em the power of Fairy Tail!"
However, when Crocas' citizens heard this, they began muttering about them.
"Did you hear that? Fairy Tail!"
"Where? Them?"
"The weak little Guild forever claiming last place."
Overhearing this, Sora narrowed her eyes. Meanwhile, Natsu heard someone laughing. "Who laughed just now?!"
Erza put her hand on his shoulder. "Knock it off."
"Tch~ They'll know what's comin' to 'em when we win. They'll eat their words right up!" Sora stated.
"You guys gonna come get last place again this year, too?" A man hit his butt.
"Everyone knows Sabertooth is gonna dominate!" His friend did a thumbs up.
"Is this what they have to deal with, now?" Alibaba asked.
"This seems unfair." Aladdin said.
Shaking his fist, Natsu tried to hold himself back.
"Whoever wants to laugh, let 'em go ahead and laugh." Makarov looked down.
"What's 'last place'?" Asuka asked.
Sin got to her level, smiling. "Well...-"
"Don't you even explain to her. She's too innocent to find out!" Sora said.
Happy flew in the air. "M'kay...so I don't have to hold it in any longer..." He turned towards Jet and Droy, covering his mouth, and keeping his laughs in.
"Don't look at us and laugh!"
"You ready? 30,000,000-" Makarov coughed. "Give every last bit of your strength, we're aiming for the number one Guild in Fiore! So we can face Mavis, who saved our lives!"
This boosted everyone's confidence up.
'In the Great Magic Games, each Guild will elect 5 members to represent them as competitors.' Lucy started to remember the day returned to the Guild.
In the Guild, Makarov was thinking who should be in the Games. Everyone, aside from the Magi crew, crowded around him as he stood on a table.
"Alright! The ones who'll be in the Games are Natsu, Gray Erza." As he said this, Natsu yelled when he heard his name.
"Now, all we need is Sora to get picked!" Natsu put his arm around Sora, making her bend down.
Laughing, she nodded. "Then the team will be complete after Gramps chooses the last one."
"The last ones are...Wendy and Lucy."
"Ehh?!" Lucy gasped.
"We can't possibly do this! What about Laxus, Gajeel, or Sora?"
Makarov looked away, sighing. "Laxus and Gajeel haven't returned."
"What about Sora?"
Erza smiled, standing in front of them. "Master decide the teams based on the strengths of people that are here now, so let's give it all we got."
"I'll give it my best."
"If we really wanted to take this thing...I think we shoulda gone with Gildarts, Laxus...and Mirajane or something..." Makarov looked down.
"We heard that!" Natsu and Gray shouted.
"The matches will begin tomorrow...unfortunately, we don't know anything about the rules." Makarov said as he let Asuka down.
While Asuka ran into Alzack, he bended down to pick her up. "The competition changes every year."
"Sharpshooting popped up the year we didn't come..." Bisca sweat dropped.
"The year I didn't come, it was a race." Jet started running to emphasize his point.
Droy started eating chicken. "Victory is based on who can dominate across several different kinds of competition."
"Where does all that food appear from...?" Muu sweat dropped, doubling over.
"I've read up on all the competitions of the past years, but they're always completely different." Levy complained.
"Who cares! We'll just take on whatever comes up!" Natsu fist-bumped.
"Though, I hope it's a battle~!" Sora said.
"Too bad you won't be in it. If you were on another team, then we could battle it out, and see who's the strongest!" Natsu pouted.
"We can always do that at the Guild." Sora waved him off.
As Erza thought back to the conversation she had with Crime Sorciere, Makarov snapped her out of her thoughts by handing her a book. "Erza, read the event Rulebook by tomorrow, okay?"
"R-read this?!"
Levy took the book away from her, and put her glasses on. "Leave it to me! I brought wind reading glasses." Starting to read the book, she pointed out stuff. "If I were to summarize things, there are 3 really important points. First of all, each Guild's Master cannot participate."
"Ah, well..."
"That was a given." Sora said.
"What do you mean?" Kouen asked.
"Think 'bout it; wouldn't it be unfair if the Guild's Master were to participate?"
"I suppose."
"Anyone without the Guild's insignia cannot participate either, and must simply observe."
"W-well, that's to be expected." Gray looked away.
"Each event will remain a secret up until right before they begin, at which point the rules will be explained."
"Well, that's a bit unfair." Aladdin said. "Wouldn't that just mean that people couldn't prepare themselves for what's to come?"
"Ah! There's a warning written at the end..." Levy peeked their interests. "All participants must return to the lodgings by 12:00."
"So, they're talking about tonight, right?" Sora asked.
"This is just like the story of Cinderella." Lucy said.
"We've still got plenty of time!" Natsu said.
Sin came over to Sora. "What's Cinderella?"
"You don't know what Cinderella is?!"
"I'll tell ya later..."
"Hopefully in my room." He whispered, seductively.
Coming over to her, Natsu started dragging her with Lucy following and Happy flying. "C'mon Sora! We've come all the way to this huge city, we may as well hit the town!"
"Ai Sir~"
"Hey! Do you even know where the lodgings are?!" Erza yelled.
"Honeybone, right?!" Lucy said.
"We'll be there by 12, for sure!" Sora yelled as she waved to her.
After they left, Erza scratched her chin. "12:00...Designated lodgings...?"
With Sin, he doubled over. "Well...that was easier than I thought..." He sighed. Turning towards Kouen and Muu, he pointed at them with victory written on his face. "Ha! Bet you can't win Sora over now! I bet you won't get her in your room like I can! This deal is as good as mine!" Doing a victory dance, he smiled.
"We'll see..." Kouen stated.
Muu sighed, rubbing his temples. "Guess Sora is dense of all dense. She could be the queen of denseness."
As Erza stood in the team's room, she put her hands on her hips. "I guess this is our room..." Searching the room, she went to take a bath. After the bath, she searched the room, cleaned her sword while smiling, and searched more all in her towel. Sitting on a bed, she put her hair up. "There doesn't seem to be anything suspicious about it..."
As everyone walked around town, shopping Juvia shouted at Gray.
"Juvia...why are you..."
"Well, I came to cheer for everyone in the Guild." Hands behind her back, Juvia started fidgeting. "Um...would you like to get something to eat...A-alone...alone with me...?"
"Now that you mention it, I'm getting pretty hungry."
However, Leon appeared behind them, smirking. "Well, in that case, there's some pretty good restaurants in this town."
As Juvia yelled, he put his arm around her. "How about we go check out the aquarium?"
"Huh...? Err...umm..."
"You jerk! Don't just go taking what mine!" Gray yelled.
Leon had other ideas since he saw Sora walking near them. This was all a ploy to get her attention and make her jealous. "You're going to be competing in the Games, right, Gray?"
"Ah, well...we of Lamia Scale are going to be the ones winning." As Sora heard this, she walked near. She wasn't too far from Natsu and Lucy, so she could return if she wished. As Leon saw her coming closer he smirked. Putting his head on Gray's he continued. "Up until last year, our Guild has gotten 2nd place even without Jura or me competing. You know what I'm trying to say, right?"
"Don't forget, we have Erza...and she's like a monster." An irk mark formed on Gray's face.
Leon blushed as he put a hand on his chest. "Why don't we make a bet? If Lamia Scale wins, Juvia will join our Guild."
"What the?!"
"Ooh~ So my plan of getting you two together worked? So glad you two are in that kind of relationship!"
Sora did a V sign. "The one and only!" Grinning, she walked up to Gray, leaning on him. "And if we win?"
"We'll give Juvia back to you."
"She was ours to begin with!" Gray said.
"This is a promise from man to man. Don't forget it, Gray."
"What kind of bet is that supposed to be?! Quit messing around!"
Leon's smirk widened. "You afraid of losing."
"What did you say...?" Gray furrowed his brows.
As Juvia's head was spinning, she finally cracked. "Gray-Sama! Who is it you really want, me or Leon-Sama?! Tell me the truth!"
"You have no idea what's going on...do you?" Gray sweat dropped.
As Wendy, Carla, and Aladdin stood in front of the castle, they marveled at it.
"Look at that, Carla!"
Wendy looked down at Carla. "This is called Castle Mercurius."
"I wonder what kind of person the King is?" Aladdin asked.
"You think he's got a beard?"
What they didn't notice was that a small creature was watching them. It laughed at them.
With Lucy, Natsu, and Happy, they searched for Sora. Shouting for her, they couldn't find her.
"Wonder where she could be?" Lucy asked.
"She's gotta be here somewhere! Her scent is close by!" Natsu said.
Walking around, Sora left Leon, Gray, and Juvia. As she heard them yelling for her name, she tried closing her ears. "Calm down. I'm right here."
Before she could react, Natsu hugged her. "Sora!" He rubbed his cheek against hers. "I thought I'd lost ya forever!"
Sweat dropping, Sora struggled against his hold. "Of course you wouldn't lose me. I'm pretty hard to lose."
"We were all worried." Lucy said.
"Aye Sir~"
"Well, thanks for worrying, but I'm a strong girl." Getting fed up, she got her arms free. "Natsu, will you let go?! You're practically chokin' me!"
Letting her go, Natsu scratched the back of his neck. "Sorry."
However, they heard people shout 'fight'. Intrigued, Natsu and Sora grinned.
"Who's trying to start a fight during the festival?!" Natsu yelled.
"I don't know, but it should be interestin'!" Sora yelled.
"All the Guilds of Fiore are here, right?" Happy flew beside them.
"Hold up!" Lucy said.
As they caught up to the crowd, they saw at least 10 men lying on the ground.
"Sill want more?" Sting asked as he put his foot on a guy's head.
"That was a total joke..." Lector looked down at the man with his paws crossed over his chest.
"Fro thinks so, too."
However, the crowd were mumbling.
"Those are the Dragons of Sabertooth?"
"Sing and Rogue!"
"The strongest members of the strongest Guild!"
Natsu crawled while Sora tried getting in the front.
"Sabertooth?" Natsu tilted his head.
"You must be..." Sting said.
"Natsu Dragneel!" Rogue's eyes widened.
Alarmed, Natsu stopped crawling.
"Cat?!" Happy backed away from Lector and Frosch.
Lector started walking towards him, smirking. "What's with that cat and its idiotic face?"
"Idiot!" Frosch said.
"They spoke!" Happy screamed.
"Should I even bother butting in here..." Lucy sighed.
"Happy, you're a talkin' cat, too!" Sora said.
"Oh~ Sora's here too." Sting started laughing. He bended towards Natsu and Sora. "So those rumors about you entering the Games...those were true?!"
"You know about us?" Natsu asked.
While Sora and Natsu were running after what they heard, Sin, Alibaba, Morg, Aladdin, Muu, and Kouen all met up with one another.
Surprised, Sin asked what Muu and Kouen were doing following them but saw Sora run with Natsu. Before they spoke, Sin left them. As they rushed after him, they saw Sting was really close to Natsu.
"Acnologia...You're the Dragon Slayer who couldn't defeat a dragon...right? Then...what's the point of being a Dragon Slayer?"
"Acnologia...?" Sin mumbled. The Magi crew looked towards Sora, to see her shaking with anger.
Sting straightened himself, smirking. "I used to look up to you, a long time ago...By the way, this is Rogue."
"So, just like you, we wanted to become Dragon Slayers." Rogue stated, smiling a bit.
"Dragon Slayers?! You two are?!" Natsu started sweating.
Sting tilted his head to the side. "You should probably call us 'true' Dragon Slayers. After all...we'd probably be able to defeat Acnologia." He turned to Sora and made his way to her. Getting in her space, he made her look into his eyes. "I could probably protect you in the process."
Sora was close to punching him. As Sin and Muu saw this, they wanted to wrench him away from her, Kouen kept his emotions inside.
Clenching his vest in her fist, Sora pulled him to her forehead, making his eyes widen. "Listen here, Sparky; you don't understand what went through at Tenrou. So, it would be nice if ya shut your mouth because you have no idea what happened! You have no idea how strong he was. Even our strongest member couldn't defeat him. If I were you, I wouldn't say anything unless you were there. Got it?"
"Yeah. You're only able to say that because you haven't seen Acnologia!" Lucy yelled.
"Yeah, that's right!" Happy said.
"What a stupid-looking cat." Lector said.
"You're so smart, Lector." Fro said.
"It doesn't matter if we've seen it before." Rogue said as Sting stood beside him.
"This is the difference between the kind of Dragon Slayer you are and we are."
Lector closed his eyes. "Let me explain things. Natsu and Sora having gained their Dragon Slaying magic from an actual dragon, is known as First Generation.
"Laxus and Cobra of Oracion Seis, who are able to us Dragon Slaying magic from Dragon Lachryma being embedded in them are known as Second Generation.
" And then, Sting and Rogue...are hybrids, having both a dragon parent like you, and also having Dragon Lachryma in their bodies, and known as Third Generation! The ultimate Dragon Slayers!"
"Third Generation?!" Natsu and Sora shouted.
"Did you lose your dragons in the year 777, too?!" Natsu asked.
"Ah...well...not exactly..." Sting said.
Rogue sighed. "Let's tell them the truth." He stepped in front of Sting. His face was void of emotion while Sting smirked. "The dragon that taught us Dragon Slaying magic...we destroyed it with our own hands...in order to become true Dragon Slayers."
Lucy gasped. "They killed...a dragon?!"
"Humans...killed a dragon..." Happy said.
"You killed...your parents...?!" Natsu said. Sora and him clenched their fists out of anger.
"What do ya mean...you killed your parents?!" About to go off at them, Sin and Muu held Sora back. "Let me go!"
"Calm down."
"No! They disserve to learn a lesson. And I wanna teach it to 'em!" Sting simply smirked at her remark.
With Erza, she sat on the ground, in pajamas, sipping tea, and playing cards.
"They're late."
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