
Kai found Zane and Matteo, by the elevator, Zane's jaw clenched and his eyes a deep red. Matteo was rubbing his back and whispering sweet nothings in his ear.

Zane's eyes met Kai's and instantly switched to a yellow. Matteo looked and his eyes twitched to an orange tone and then back.

A breeze came over Kai's body and Zane was right in front of him, "he said such disgusting things about you and yet your mind isn't filled with hate."

"It's easier to hate someone when they want you to. When battling hate, you win with love." Kai explained.

Zane's eyes switched back to his normal color, letting out some heavy breaths. Kai wrapped his arm around Zane's waist, rubbing his thumb against the exposed skin when his shirt lifted.

Zane instantly relaxed, "princess, I have to go drink. My emotions are becoming uncontrollable."

Kai hummed softly, "what do you guys drink?"

"Mostly deer. Human blood is too addictive to risk drinking from a human without killing them." Matteo said, standing beside them, "you go on Zane, I got Kai."

Zane let out a hum, before dashing away. Matteo looked at Kai, "come on, baby." Matteo said, allowing Kai to latch into him. "Where are we going?" Kai asked.

"To get something in you." Matteo said, "then we will go get food."

Kai rolled his eyes, a faint blush reaching his face. "Shut up."

Matteo chuckles, "hold on, my little human."

So Kai did and they ended up in a random apartment, making Kai look around, before hearing a squeal and getting trapped in a hug.

"You brought this cutie to me." Mayvel squeal, pulling away and kissing Kai's cheek.

"Ah, yeah, there's no human food at me or Zane's house and neither of us can cook," Matteo admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.


Mayvel nodded, "ah, alright. I can cook him up something."

Matteo thanks her softly, leading Kai to the living room, both of them sitting beside each other. "Why does she have human food?" Kai questioned.

"Oh, she is only half-vampire," Matteo said, but that only left Kai with more questions, Matteo sensed it and he chuckled. "When she was going through her change, I tried to stop it by sucking the venom out. I didn't get it all, so when she changed her body didn't fully go through it. So she still has human traits as well as that of vampires. She doesn't have to have blood as much as us and human food still taste good and helps her compress her hunger for blood."

"So you were changed before her?" Kai asked.

Matteo nodded.

"Did you want it?"

"No, I didn't ask to be a vampire. The person who changed me, I wanted to kill and they knew that so they went after my family and once they got my sister, I told them I would leave them alone and they disappeared after that." Matteo said, letting out a sigh.

"Food is ready." Mayvel smiled, making Kai get up and walk to the kitchen, it was a simple chicken and rice, making Kai's stomach growl from hunger.

Mayvel giggles, "you sure are a cute little one. I see why my brother likes you. Eat up, I'll be in the living room with Matteo." Kai nodded, sitting down and eating the food.

Mayvel went back to the living room sitting beside Matteo, "hey." She said, "how are you?"

"Good, so good."

"Because of him, right?" Mayvel said, motioning her head towards the kitchen.

"He is something," Matteo said.


"He is, I sense it." She said, pointing towards her head, "I'm very smart, ya know."

Matteo laughed, "of course. Very smart for an idiot."

Mayvel shoved him, making him fall off the couch, "and I oops."

Matteo glared at her, getting up and dusting himself off. "You are way too human for me."

Mayvel giggles, "shut up. Go back to your boyfriend." She said, waving him off.

Matteo blushes, "he isn't my boyfriend."

"Not yet anyway, he's probably done eating and you should buy him food," Mayvel said.

Matteo nodded, walking into the kitchen seeing Kai pat his stomach happily. "You good, baby?" Matteo asked.

"Yes, Mattie," Kai said, getting up.


"You call me baby, I think I can call you Mattie." Matteo smiles, "that's perfectly fine baby, you ready to go."

"I should thank Mayvel."

Matteo chuckled and shook his head, "bring you here already made her happy. Consider it a trade."


"Being half human, makes her want to be around them. You being around her makes her feel more human then more of a vampire." Matteo explained, "you truly are a precious little human." Matteo spoke, leaning in and placing a kiss on Kai's forehead.

"Now let's get you back home, Zane probably missed his grounder."

Kai looked at Matteo confused, "you keep him grounded. You make him feel more and keep his supernatural side away. That's why he was able to calm down when he saw you leaving the office."

"What do your eye colors mean?" Kai asked.

Matteo shook his head, "I can't really say myself, but I know that orange means anger, for Zane at least."

"Is everyone else's different?"

"For the most part. It's hard to actually say what color means what. We don't come with a manual."

Kai nodded, wrapping his arms around Matteo, allowing them to leave Mayvel's apartment.

When the landed, they were met with Zane, who was putting stuff in the fridge. "Ah, you're back." Zane said, his back still turned as he placed things in the fridge.

"I keep forgetting you guys can hear like everything." Kai said, stepping away from Matteo, but latching their hands together.

Zane chuckled, "so I went to the store and actually bought human food and it was weird. Like what do you eat?" Zane asked, turning around and walking to the counter and leaning against it.

"What do you think I eat?" Kai asked.

"Dick." Matteo said.


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