《chimère》fantasies and realities


ten years later.

silver and gray are silver and gray.

close to forever; wait until may.

anika and bellamy are anika, and bellamy.

translucent forevers; everyone can see.

gray still visits his love from before.

it hurts like the alcohol running down his throat,

and the smoke dancing in his lungs.

old habits die hard.

anika is anika

anika with the allure, with the ice eyes, with the kisses; nocent anika

you just can't fix something that keeps breaking itself.

it seems we've stumbled upon a happily never after.

but what is a happily never after,

but our saviors from lingering in our own fantasies?

we need not more lies.

sometimes the guy gets the wrong girl.

sometimes he makes the wrong choices.

sometimes he can't save the damsel-in-distress,

and that's okay.

because he always has the next day.

the thing about realities is that there are so many more stories of stories.

gray has infinite stories;

anika has infinite stories, both yet to be told.

this story may be ending, but theirs' isn't, not in reality.

and that's the bit of magic those fantasies left out.

the magic to keep going.


;w; and we're out.

thank you if you stayed here for this long. this story was basically a train wreck in the middle, but iT'S FINALLYYYY DONE.

i had to revise that last part so much to make it sound like i'm not making a sequel *bleh*

btw, i'm not making a sequel *phew*

this song fits and i've been listening to it recently so why not (:

i love you all, thank you, and bye!

(listen to the music please you'll love me later)

(and also nIcE uPdAtE wAtTpAdD)

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