《chimère》mornings and snow white


two - fifteen on a tuesday

it's too early for the sun to wake

while the moon left the peace of its make

anika called gray here

she was feeling more sad than she usually felt

perhaps it was because her parents were gone again

perhaps it's because it was her birthday yesterday

and knew

perhaps it's because it's the anniversary of the breakup

perhaps it's because she's failing nearly every class

perhaps it's because she feels lost

and has no one to turn to

no one except gray

her sweet, naïve

she pulls out a clear ziploc bag with leaves occupying it

gray is curious

"we're gonna smoke some weed "

gray's blood turns cold

he can't

anika's eyes are a blue

a candle without light

yet still gray's snow white

but gray needs to remember

snow white doesn't hold marijuana

he just wants her

the feeling overwhelms him so much he suffocates

he hurts

then he realizes that he'll hurt if he lost her

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