《Harry Potter and His Twin Sister》Chapter Ten


"What is going on? Who are you?" Godric Gryffindor demanded.

"Holy Merlin! It's really you! Well, a painting of you. Still, this is such an honour! I'm Lady Rebecca Lilly Potter – Slytherin – Gryffindor – Hufflepuff – Ravenclaw – Black – Emerys – LeFay - Peverell - Pendragon and this is my twin brother Lord Hadrian James Lilly Potter – Slytherin – Gryffindor – Hufflepuff – Ravenclaw – Black – Emerys – LeFay - Peverell – Pendragon." I exclaimed excitedly.

"That's quite a mouthful child!" Godric chuckled.

"Hush Godric!" Helga huffed smacking him round the back of his head.

"So, you children are the heir to all of us? How did this come to pass?" Rowena asked.

"Well, Gryffindor is from our fathers line the Potters as well as the Peverell's, Ravenclaw is from our mother's line as well as LeFay, Emerys, and Pendragon. Hufflepuff was gifted to us from mother magic, and Slytherin was given to us via conquest." I explained.

"I see. You both hold much power now; I hope you use it well and do not abuse it." Rowena said wisely.

"May we come to you for guidance if we need it Lady Ravenclaw?" I asked.

"Yes, you may child. After all you are my heir." Rowena said with a small smile.

"Yes, yes, very well and good. Now, more importantly, are those baby basilisks?" Salazar asked somewhat eagerly and impatiently.

"Yes, they are. We got them from your vault, they hatched from an egg while we were there. We got the baby phoenixes from eggs in Gryffindor vault." I replied.

"Ah yes, I put those eggs in there, hoping that one day they would hatch for one of my descendants. You must be very powerful to have such a familiar. Raise them well young heirs." Salazar said.

"We will Lord Slytherin." I replied respectfully, Harry nodding in agreement.

"Now, now, none of that Lord and Lady nonsense dears, you are our heirs you can just call us by our first names." Helga said with a motherly smile. The other founders nodded their agreement.

"Thank you Lad... Helga." I said hesitantly.

"That's all right children." Helga smiled.

"Now that's all out the way, will you children be taking our portraits with you? They are rightfully yours." Godric asked.

"Yes, we will take you with us and put you up in our new home." I replied excitedly.

"Maybe we could put the four individual portraits in each of the Hogwarts houses common rooms?" Harry asked.


"We should have portraits up already, but they seem to be somewhere dark, we can't tell were. Perhaps try asking the Hogwarts house elves, they might know." Rowena commented with a frown.

"We will find them!" I promised.

Harry and I moved the portraits outside of the vault door and asked if Griphook could shrink them for us so we could put them in my bottomless bag.

"Now then which vault next? You still have the Potter, Black, Emerys, LeFay, Peverell, and Pendragon vaults." Griphook asked.

"Hmm... lets think... Should we go for Emerys next Harry?" I asked.

"Sounds good to me." Harry replied.

Griphook, Harry, and me all got back into the cart. It took off and once again we were swerving, rising, falling, and turning to our destination. We arrived at a large gold and red vault door with swirl patterns on it.

Harry and I got out of the cart after Griphook.

"All of your vaults are protected by blood, and magic, so the same process as your previous ones, prick your finger and the door will open." Griphook explained.

Harry and I went over to the vault door and pricked our fingers on the sharp point that appeared in the door. The sound of large heavy locks undoing sounded, and the doors swung open.

Harry and I went into the Emerys vault, the fifth vault we are seeing today with more still to come. I followed Harry through the vault which had the same as previous ones, piles of money, ancient books, magical artifacts, and so on. The magical artifacts were a little interesting as we found what we think might have been Merlin's staff! That was exciting. We decided to leave it in the vault for safe keeping and carried on looking around. I was walking when I suddenly felt another pull, it seems like Harry is feeling it too as we both followed it deep into the vault. It leads us to a medium sized suitcase, inside are two eggs resting next to each other. The eggs are a turquoise blue, and purple colour. They start shaking and cracks start to form, it takes a little while but to little heads pop out. The little creatures wiggle their way out of their eggs, and little wings suddenly unfold. They are Occamy, which are really rare.

I squeal in excitement as one of the little baby Occamy flap over to me, it's exactly the same colour of the egg, although as I look at Harry's I can see his has a little black streak. They are so cute though, another magical creature to my collection, now I just need to find a dragon and I'll be really happy.


"Are you my mommy?" The little Occamy hissed, being able to speak Parseltongue because of its half snake body.

"Yes, I am sweetie. Now are you a girl or boy?" I asked.

"I'm a girl." Came the hissed response.

"Ok then, I'll call you Skye." I said petting her gently as she cuddled up to me.

"How many more familiarss are you going to have?" Vasuki asked.

"I'm not sure Vasuki, but I do plan on having a lot of pets so you will have to get used to the company, ok?" I requested.

"Fine." Vasuki hissed grumpily. "Supposed to be my mommy."

"Aww, Vasuki, I can be all of your mommy's, you don't have to worry about that." I comforted the grumpy baby basilisk.

"Good." Vasuki hissed, settling down on my shoulder next across from Amethyst.

"Harry what did you call your Occamy? Mine is called Skye." I asked my twin.

"Mine is called Streak." Harry replied smiling.

"Aww, because of his little black streak?" I asked smiling.

"Yes." Harry chuckled, stroking Streak.

"That's cute! Let's go show Griphook." I exclaimed.

Harry and I walked out of the vault and over to Griphook, introducing him to our new familiars.

"Oooh! I hope we get a dragon next!" I squealed.

"How about we go to the Pendragon vault last? If there are going to be dragon eggs they will be in there and we need to see the other vaults, probably not best to do that carrying around a baby dragon." Harry suggested.

I pouted but nodded in agreement.

"Let's go to the LeFay vault next then." I said, wondering if another familiar was in the cards for us and if so, what it would be.

We climbed back into the cart and made our way to the next vault. This one had the LeFay crest carved into it. Harry and I got out of the cart and opened the vault with our blood on a sharp point that had appeared when we got close.

Harry and I made our way into the vault which once again was full of money, ancient books, magical artifacts, and some potion ingredients. I felt that familiar pull and wondered what it would lead me to this time.

The pull led to a trunk full of two different kinds of eggs, there are eight eggs all together. I felt a pull to a slightly smaller egg than the one Harry felt a pull to. The eggs both cracked as Harry, and I waited patiently for the new arrival. I watched in shock as a baby Griffin busted its way out of the eggs I had felt pulled too and a baby Chimaera pushed its way out of Harry's egg. I put Skye onto of my head and scooped the baby Griffin up, whose golden eagle eyes peer up at me. The baby Griffin is black with a mixture of gold. Harry's Chimaera is pure black.

Harry and I make our way back out to Griphook, cradling our new familiars. I wondered what gender they were so they could be named.

"Hey Griphook, can you tell the gender of these two as well?" I asked.

"I'll be able to tell. Let me have a look." Griphook replied.

Griphook took the baby Griffin off me much to its disgust as it squirmed in annoyance.

"Yours is a boy, Rebecca." Griphook said before moving over to Harry. "This Chimaera is a boy as well, Harry."

"Thank you Griphook. Now, let's see, you will be called Trouble." I said cradling the baby Griffin to me, who snuggled close.

"Hmm... I will call mine Chaos." Harry said, cradling the baby Chimaera in one arm.

"Now which vaults do we have left?" I asked.

"There is Potter, Peverell, Black and Pendragon." Griphook replied.

"Ok onto Peverell vault." I sighed; this was turning into a long endeavour even if it was worth it with all the familiars we had found.

We moved on to the Peverell vault which had more of the same as the others, but we did find some heirloom books on being deaths master and the language of the dead, and death magic, which was an interesting find.

Then we moved onto the Black vault which again had more of the same but with books on the dark arts, and dark magical artifacts, as well as some cursed items we didn't dare go near.

Now it is just the Potter and the Pendragon vaults left. I couldn't help but hope there is a moving and talking painting of our parents in the Potter vault, to be able to see them and talk to them would be wonderful. Well fingers crossed!

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