《The end of the Beginning》Chapter 14


Annalise rubbed her baby's head and kissed Rosie, "everyone meet your niece, Barrett Daisy Donna Villa-Rosewood" "I love it!!" "Hey Barrett" "such a cute name for such a cute baby girl" were some of the replies they received.

After the team left, Donna, Daisy, Ira, Pippy and TM came to meet the baby girl. "Oh mi amor she's beautiful" Daisy said, "she looks just like you guys" Pippy said holding her Niece, "I'm a Grandma!" Donna said which made everyone laugh, "so what's her name?" Ira asked. "You tell them babe" Annalise said to Rosie, handing him Barrett, "okay guys meet your granddaughter/niece miss Barrett Daisy Donna Villa-Rosewood" Daisy and Donna were now in tears hugging their children and kissing their grandchild, "I love you mami" Annalise said kissing her mom on the cheek. Everyone was so excited about the new addition to the family.

When the new family were finally released from the hospital Rosie installed the new car seat into the car and they were on the road, they decided to go get drive through on the way home because neither of them wanted to cook, when they got home they ate while Barrett was sleeping in her Baby carrier. Annalise still hadn't seen the nursery yet and she was getting impatient, maya and Vic had done the nursery while they were in hospital as a surprise and a baby gift, Annalise was so excited to see it.

"Babe can we go put her in the nursery now please" Annalise begged as she put her dish in the sink, "okay fine" he laughed although he was just as excited, they made there was upstairs with their baby girl in Rosies arms, Annalise had tears in her eyes when she opened the door, it was perfect! It was exactly what she had envisioned, it was Winnie the Pooh themed which was Annalises favourite Disney character and it was neutral colors because she didn't want it to be too loud, she wanted it to be a calm place in there house. They put there baby girl to bed and spent the night being woken up by her cries, Rosie got up for most of them because Annalise had just been in labour the day before and he knew she needed to sleep.


When he finally got Barrett back to sleep it was 3 am and he just watched his baby girl sleep, he was ecstatic that this was his new life, a year ago he couldn't even admit his feelings for the love of his life and now he was sat here with their baby. It was everything he ever dreamed of, when he got back in bed he wrapped his arms around his girlfriend and held her close, "I don't want you to just be my girlfriend anymore baby" he said before he drifted off to sleep.



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