《Every Second with You // Luxiem & Noctyx》Info // Niji EN Headquarters


{Not a chapter, but pretty much areas I came up with for every Niji EN Wave's Territories. I'll keep updating this as chapters get released.}


{Secondary Waves' Territories}


{Main Waves' Territories}

Do not be tricked by the name of the establishment, it is pretty much a big cafe with multiple floors including a V.I.P. only penthouse (Where Luxiem Group often stays there to stay over the night}. Kind of like a jazz-themed skyscraper on the outside. The 'Lounge' has a couple of cafe staff, usually called staff or Luxiem staff-san(while the Niji HQ staff is also called Staff-San.) the establishment is located in the place where Luxiem's Original Song "Jazz on the Clock" is located in; a big city with a big clock tower. The city area's known as the Jazz Clock for a reason.

Every Luxiem member have their own floors, but only in the top 5 floors that are not the penthouse(Ike's Library-Studio, Luca's Gymnasium-Training Room, Mysta's Office Room, Vox's Throne Area, Shu's Sorcery Room.)

In the building, you can see shikigamis wondering around the building as healers/security spies, floofballs that are known as Ike's "Quilldren" as the helpers, and a couple of Luca's Mafia men as the defense line, and you would see a monkey named "Baba" lingering around the elevators.

This territory was first established by Shu and Ike, and then enforced with more features and security by Luca.

The Quarters is a futuristic headquarters, a big facility with multiple floors. Unlike the Luxiem Lounge, which has cafe business-sided floors, The building has a front desk lobby in the first floor along with a mini konbini area where you'll see a lot of white cats Alban just can't stop bringing them in as workers-

The building is guarded by a small group of VSF soldiers and officers, and a few of Fulgur's Legatus clones. Noctyx members have their own floors: Alban's Garage, Sonny's Weaponry Room, Fulgur Archive Section, Yugo's Music Studio, and the penthouse is pretty much occupied by Uki, the Observatory Room. In the floor that is between Noctyx's floors is where the members reunite. Also, you'll see a bunch of police dogs wither walking around the district or standing on guard at high areas.... While you can find a lot of floating jelly fishes with eggs on their heads floating around the observatory room, the highest place in the district.


This territory was first established by Alban(originally claimed to be a secret place until he invited Uki over and more people-), then the security there has been also enforced by Sonny and Fulgur. Sonny did most of that while Fulgur just put few clones and MORE bookshelves-

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