《Every Second with You // Luxiem & Noctyx》{The Wonderland...}


// Companion(s) Equipped! //

// //


You find yourself at the infirmary of the facility with Sonny, a commander of the VSF department. The officer insisted to wrap up some oilment on the arm where you mentioned it felt pain, while the medic of the facility is still absent from his day off. (which you pretty much lie but still try to seeing as believable since oh my god, how did you even survived from that fall-)

Once the commander instructs you to sit on the exam table as he checks the cabinets, you oblige and try your best climb up on the exam table using your tip-toes which seems a little tall for you.

"Need a hand there...?" Sonny chuckles lightly as he closes the cabinets after getting the oilment, now looking at you struggle slightly. "Sorry, I should have lower the table a bit for you to be able to sit on it-"

"I'm fine!" You optimistically chirp as you put one knee on top of the table before pushing the rest of your torso's weight so your body can get to climb up to the table easier, while not touching your left arm. You sigh in satisfaction as you swing your legs lightly back and forth.

"Wow, most of the men here must be pretty tall to sit on this." You point out, already noticing the reason of the table's height adjustment. "So cool,,, I wish I could be much taller like them- and like you!"

"You have no idea..." The VSF commander trails off with a tiny smile, remembering seeing a cadet that is very tall to the point where he has to kneel a little to pass through the door. "But besides having perks, being tall has disadvantages as well."

"Here." Sonny opens the oilment bottle before spreading the oilment around your arm carefully, proceeding to massaging it.

If an audience witness the situation between you both, it may seem as pretty awkward. Yet, something made it seem as a merely calming, innocent scene of you smiling lightly and gently humming songs you have listened to lately. Which seems to make the yellow-haired officer struggle on not to look at your vibing expression as he focuses on treating your arm, trying not to get distracted by your unintentionally adorable demeanor.


"Are you sure that you don't need me to escort you back home safely...? Not meaning to sound persistent, I'm very worried for your safety." Sonny asks you with a sincere, concerned tone as he accompanies you to the exit of the facility

"My home isn't that far, It will just take a few minutes to get there- you seem like a very busy gentleman, I don't want to give you such trivial matter into your hands,,," You sincerely explain, holding your suitcase with both of your hands as if you're performing an acting role of a schoolgirl.

"Do not worry, I'm just doing my job to keep others safe. Escorting a citizen to their home at such an hour where thieves and rogues often wonder around would be understandable." Sonny assures as he waves his hand.

"I have a question." You ask while tilting your head slightly.



"Can I call you Taichou, too? You're such a cool commander, so I want to address you that way as well~!" You chirp, remembering one of the armed men calling Sonny "Taichou" before.

",,,I-I don't see why not,,,!" The officer suddenly stutters out, "I don't see why not,,,-"

"Neat!" You lowkey cheer before lightly saluting to the blonde man, "Taichou!"

Sonny can't help but salute back with a chuckle, "Stay safe then!"

"Alright,,, Have a wonderful day, Taichou!" You quickly wave goodbye with a jolly smile before running away to get to your transportation, aka portal-Chan...- But first you need to go to a certain spot where Shu instructed you and the other boys to meet up there. The boys at still currently taking their time to get their stuff before leaving the facility, o you'll have to wait for now.

"...Taichou?" Sonny mutters quietly before giggling, now seeing your figure disappear in such a hurry manner, like a bunny hopping away. "Cute..."

"Taichou- WE NEED REINFORCEMENTS!!!" A male voice can be heard from Sonny's walkie-talkie, in a panic tone.

"Now, what is happening..???" Sonny replies, now raising his eyebrows questionably as he holds out the walkie-talkie.

"The man with the fedora hat- He suddenly started to attack us, and he's trying to run away rig-" the connections suddenly cut off.

"...-" Sonny seriously says, now loading his gun with his unoccupied hand.

Today has been a strange one lately for VSF. Little does the commander know, Luca is already slipping out of the their fingers too soon.


"Here, älskling, here!" You can see Ike waving his arm higher as Vox is behind with his arms crossed. They're wearing relieves pressure smiles once they saw you running away safely.

"Ikey!" You squeal happily as you run into his arms, not wasting a second to hug him. "You're finally free now,,,!"

"Yes, and it's all thanks to you and the others." Ike gratefully says, "but next time, you should have brought Fulgur to help you guys, so it could have been easier." Ike then reminds you both as he keeps a hold on you in his arms lovingly.

"As if I'll let that tea kettle lend his metal for this...-" Vox mutters quietly, Ike seems to hear that but ignores it anyway this time.

"AAAAGHHHHH-" A voice is now heard from not so far away, you three immediately turn your heads to the source of the voice to see a sweaty Mysta, still wearing the maid dress-

"Mysta? What happened to you???" Ike asks with a concerned face, wondering what's with the strange attire.

"Sh*t. That is what i have in mind to say now." Mysta responds, already showing that he's extremely exhausted right now. "Y/N,,,," Mysta breathlessly says as he tries to step forward to hug you, but ends up collapsing into the grassy,or.

"Mysta!" You exclaim as you panic, now kneeling near Mysta's figure.

"I,,, Finally touched grass at least-" That is what the detective comments before getting into the unconsciousness.

"...hehe, Let's goooo~" Shu can be heard from the earpieces despite sounding nervous, also concerned for Mysta's condition.


"Luca will come out to where we are within seconds, so I'll start preparing for the teleportation-" Shu says as he eventually gets cut off by Ike.

"No need, let me handle this for now. You must have been saving for the drained mana, so keep it for now."

Ike reassures gently as he starts to get his hands on work. Once he receives an approval from the Sorcerer, he opens his magical book and starts writing something on the mysterious blank pages. Which make them glow into a bright blue before you all start to float up to a portal that is slowly appearing from above you.

"3... 2... 1- Woah woah woah!!!" Shu starts counting, until he now notices Luca running to where you guys are. The Mafia Boss seems to have lost a couple of armed men and shot a couple of them on his way by how bodies are starting to fly away from an explosion he must have caused,,,,-

"That's a lot of fire!!!" Shu still sounds calmer from the speaker, but he's actually sweating bullets. He's actually very surprised by how unusual the camera is making on a such chaotic sight unfold in front of him. "Luca, what happened???"

"They were literally planning to put me into an electric chair!!!" Luca protests as he jumps to where you guys are now, starting to float along too.

"We're losing him- what???" One of the VSF armed officer was about to call out until he realizes there's no longer anyone near the area. "He disappeared???"

"Connection went back up..." Another officer says as he checks on his communications, finding them running back to work once again. "Probably some hacker who was with him all along-"

"No... There were more people with him." A voice is heard from behind, the men turn around to see Sonny emerging into their sights.

"Taichou!!! You're here."

"There was also a raven-haired man who was self-claimed as a tourist in this facility- he appeared the same time when that rogue with the fedora hat shoved an innocent girl into a vent, making a double distracted..." Sonny seriously explains as he inspects the grass field area carefully for any clues left.

"What happened to the girl?" One of the officers ask Sonny.

"She's safe at home by now. But let's get vigilant with the man who just got run on the loose- He turns out to have brought a whole squad with him prepared...-"

Sonny explains more as he kneels into one knee to grab something, Mysta's grenade ring which Mysta unconsciously dropped when he collapsed.

"They're no joke, as they even took one of the prisoners successfully with them along taking down many of us on the road."

"What shall we do...?"

"We'll have to investigate deeper with this, it can be a possible lead to the new investigation." Sonny points out, motioning the ring that is in his gloved hand.

"Or else something similar will happen again."





"Ahhh,,,,~" Mysta mewls in bliss as he leans his head into your chest as you give him gentle massages on his shoulders, having his back facing your front.

"It have been like... 1 hour and 45 minutes omg- Mysta, you have been running almost like a marathon!"

You say with amazement once you check your clock. You remember the exact hour you all departed to save Ike 2 hours ago and the hour where Ike sends you all back home- 1 hour and 45 minutes and then 10 minutes...

"After all the mana draining, I still haven't rested after also summoning the shikigamis and using my hacking skills to disable at least 59% of the facility's security for Ike and Vox...-" Shu sighs as he slightly collapses into the couch beside you, wiping some sweat from his forehead before leaning his head into the couch's cushions.

Everyone must be super tired after everything... Even you, in terms of emotions since you were feeling constant anxiety and confusion back there. You gently make Mysta lay on the couch before handing Shu a clean cold, wet towel who thanks you for it with a smile.

At least you have some energy remaining to stand up and start making a yummy fruit salad to cool off,,,- 😋✨

"Where are you going, little one..?" Vox tiredly asks as he hooks his arms to trap your waist from the side once you pass by his armchair.

"To make snacks." You answer, "We haven't eaten anything this morning,,,,"

"You go rest...- I'll go cook." Vox says before standing up.

'???' You skeptically think but denies, "I still want to make my fruit salad- you can't stop me in this one. >:)"

You're aware you aren't a very healthy person, but then you're starting to miss your banana-blueberry-strawberry salad with condensed milk so,,,,-

You are already going to the kitchen with Vox before he can even protest- but then, he'll just have to vibe good while cooking with you around then. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

"Need some help with cutting the other fruits???" Vox asks thoughtfully as he sees you now starting to include watermelon cube pieces into your salad.

"I would let you help me- after you finish washing your hands after touching that bloody meat,,," you sincerely reply as you giggle, seeing Vox's hands trying to spank on the meet with a meat tenderizer.

"Very well." Vox chuckles as he places the meat, that is now on a bowl and well-seasoned, into the table for now before washing his hands nicely.

Vox pass you by, and thinking that he was just going to cross through, you just simply try to shrink and lean yourself into the sink in where you are washing and cutting the fruits. However, it was unintendedly unpredictable-

"Excuse me, darling...-" Vox says as he reaches for something.

"Don't wor-"

It turns out the cutting board was place on the cabinet in front of you so he has to lean closer to it, making his chest get lightly pressed on your back. He also rests his hand on the sink border, next to your waist, to maintain some balance.

.. You can hear his breathing brush your ear.

"Sorry, doll, the space is too small for kitchen work... Gotta ask staff-san to remodel the working area next time." Vox softly mumbles before headpatting you.

You merely nod with a slight flustered face.

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