《Every Second with You // Luxiem & Noctyx》{Tick Tock!}



{Your House, 10 am}


As a modest darling you are, you always tell yourself you are merely an ordinary person; but in people of Nijisanji's eyes, they usually see you as a genius.

As an example, you once tried to make the process of heating and cooling drinks much quicker and easier by making a simulation of a soda dispenser.... Instead of just soda, you make VERY clean, metal container fountains of many different variations of drinks with their own puller function of cooling and heating; coffee, juice, tea, soup. And when you try to pull a switch from the drink of your choice, the liquid that falls down through the pit will immediately turn hot/cold.

Pomu couldn't help but frequently use one of the nearest dispensers you installed in the Niji EN headquarters when drinking coffee in the morning- haha.

The surprising thing is that you don't work for the company- as you merely somehow knew certain friends who work there and staff-San started to take fond of your friendly presence whenever you visit.

Y/N // *adjusting gears*

Y/N // Mm...

Oh, yeah. As a part-time inventor, you sometimes get too much fun to the point you lose track of time...

And your sleeping schedule-

*Knock Knock*

Mika// Ne, Yin? You have been stuck in this basement for who knows how long- have you eaten yet? *enters carefully with a tray, which has Y/N's breakfast meal in it*

Y/N // Morning already? Oops-

Mika// Oh sh*t, you haven't slept again...? That's sick.

Y/N // Hehe, yeah.... *scratches neck, shamed for being irresponsible*

Mika chuckles nervously before ghost floating on your working figure, placing the tray

Mika// There's no choice, I'm gonna have to stay here until you finish your breakfast, and better head to bed- or else you're going to look like another ghost in the next day-


Y/N // Heh... if that's the case, i shall pause for a moment then-

Y/N // BUT BEFORE I DO- Let me pull a switch to test something-

Mika// ?

Mika tilted her head slightly before shrugging, quickly scorching to the nearest corner for a cover with the food and slightly peeking in slowly.

Once you make sure that Mika is well covered, you quickly pulled your goggles on and rubbed your hands together with a cat grin, giggling like a dork- Then, your turned to gaze at the invention you were working on lately.

A time machine.

Nonetheless, you slowly move the switch and waited, a blue light slowly appear on the portal and intensifying the size on the entry...

Before you even make a happy dance after a few minutes, the machine's light turned off suddenly.

Mika// ...?

Y/N // ....

Y/N // Oh well-

Mika// The f*uck..?

Y/N // *takes out an audio recorded and presses record* Entry #23: The machine improved a little with the light intensification, but is yet far from closer to my goal...

Mika// Oh well... At least that's something. *exits from her hiding spot*

As much as you love to talk to people you're closer with, you tend appreciate certain moments where you don't have to talk while doing something...

Food first, sleep first, socialize later. :3

So as you eat quietly, Mika would sometimes look around your workshop to see the many variations of inventions you have invented. You couldn't bring your older ones from your parents' home as there's no much space in the luggage nor in your new room- you pretty much prefer to bring at least 3 bags full of clothes, snacks, and other essential items.

Not like those inventions would come in handy after all,,, *sweats at the yeetus the fetus electric gun*


But anyway- you politely thank for the food before placing the bowl back to the trait.

As much as you want to use your teeth protector(because you grit your teeth unconsciously in your sleep-), you don't want to dirty it as you don't want to brush your teeth immediately after eating. Tasting the toothpaste is honestly unpog after eating an egg meal,,,,-/ih

Mika// Sweet dreams, Y/N- May the ghosts don't pull ya legs!

Y/N // The only ghost that can bite me in my sleep is you, you know~? ;)


Mika// LOL-

Y/N // But quit the jokes- luv you, Mika/p. See ya later Mika// Bye...

As the door quietly closes, you cover yourself lightly with the blanket as the AC keeps mumbling lightly. You look at the ceiling before shifting around to take a last look at the time machine before lightly and slowly closing her eyes, suddenly feeling the exhausting overcome her.

But little did she know, the portal's switch hasn't turned off.

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