《It's Not Over》Hurting wounds



I woke up on the bathroom floor, practically forgetting why I was in there, until I open the door to see Matt sleeping on the floor by the bathroom door. I walked over him and into the bedroom where everything laid. I sat on the bed debating whether to wake Matt up or leave him now while I had a chance.

After a couple minutes the doorbell rang. I got up walking to it and opened it only to see Jay, Bullet For My Valentines bassist, standing in front of me.

"Hey Jenna, is Matt here?" He asked as I stood in the doorway with minimal opening.

"Yeah, but he's asleep"

"Oh okay, well just tell him that i stopped by and what not" he said giving me a weird look, "Are you okay?"

I gave him a painful look as he looked at me, only then did I realize that a bruise had formed on my cheek from earlier.

"I'll-yeah I'll tell him" I said practically stuttering my words.

He came closer and gave me a hug.

Jay knew the pain I was going through because he had to see his own sister going through it when he was a teen. I began to let bits of tears stream down my face when suddenly I heard the door close. I pulled away knowing that Matt would've thought wrong.

"He's up" I said, "Here come in" I open the door widely as he walked in and sat down rubbing his hands together as if they were cold then closing the door.

I walked into the room to see Matt sitting on the bed.

"Jay's here to see you" I said.

I just stood against the frame of the door as he rested his face in the palm of his hands.


"Matt?" I said walking closer to him.

"I heard" he said getting up and walking out into the living room to speak with Jay.

I turned to see my duffle bag laying in the doorway of my wardrobe, I grabbed it throwing it on the bed and going into my wardrobe.

I changed my clothes that I was still wearing from yesterday into another set of clothes. Once I had finished changing I grabbed my duffle back and walked out into the hallway looking to see if Matt was looking. Matt sat in front of the TV as Jay to the side of it. I slowly walked into the kitchen as quietly as I could so i didn't Matt's attention. Jay turned and saw me but didn't say anything. I grabbed my purse, totally forgetting the keys were in my bag. It made a cling noise that caused Matt to turn around. I quickly dropped my bag as Matt looked at me.

"I forgot my purse in here" I said as Matt just turned around ignoring my comment.

I opened the cabinet door and threw my duffle bag in there. I took my purse and walked back into the room.


At the corner of my eyes I saw Jenna leave back into the bedroom. I looked at Jay and leaned to him.

"Why are you doing this to her?" Jay said giving me a stare.

"What do you mean?" i knew what he was talking about and i wanted to answer him so bad, i wanted him to take Jenna far away from me, but as much as i wanted to i couldn't, "She's fine, she accidentally slip when she was getting out the car, she's fine" I lied.

"Well I came to talk to you because if this goes through then Ceri and I agreed to take it, that way it'll be easier for you" He said.


I knew fully what he was talking about. Honestly i just didn't want to know about any of it, tour started in two more months and I haven't yet to go into the studio to work. I knew what i was doing wasn't right.

"Can you promise me something?" I asked Jay in a light tone so Jenna wouldn't hear me, Jay shook his head and leaned towards me, "Promise you won't tell Jenna? i don't think i can stand to hurt her this much"

Jay shook his head and stood up.

"Thanks, it means a lot" I said as Jay just gave a small smile and left out the door.

I know I messed up so badly, I should've never did what i done. The pain I'm going to have to pull myself through, it was the pain I was going to go through, but the pain that I would have to see Jenna go through if she ever found out. It was for sure that she wouldn't hesitate to leave me. By now it was so obvious that Jenna was going to leave me if I didn't clean up my act. I had to be through with this.

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