《It's Not Over》Monster



I got home to the door locked. I took the key from under the rock that we usually hid it under and open the door.

The TV was still on, but sign or noise from Jenna. I walked to the kitchen and to the garage to see the car gone.

I walked back to see a note on the counter.

Thanks again for leaving, the less you can do is pick up the phone, well I'm going to the grocery store so see you whenever, Jenna

I looked only to see that I was gone for 6 hours, yet she wasn't home. She could've written that right after I left or just 30 minutes ago.

I walked outside to see that it must've been a couple hours because the tire tracks weren't visible and the icicles were formed against the garage door outside. I went back inside and changed into fresh clothes. I sat down, after awhile I began to get annoyed at the fact that Jenna wasn't home. I began tapping my lap and waiting but nothing. It past an hour with no signs of Jenna coming back. I got up ad grabbed my phone dialing her number.

"Hello?" Her voice came.

"Where are you at? I'm here and home and you're not here, what the fuck?!" I said practically yelling.

"I'm in Wales, I came to visit your parents, I'm on my way home"

"Why the fuck are you visiting my parents? I didn't say to visit them, they didn't ask you too, did they?"

"Actually they did, relax Matt! I'll be home" she said hanging up the phone.

I throw my phone against the wall. I felt anger starting to rage within me. Why was I getting mad when Jenna was to have the right to be mad, she should be mad at me but I couldn't help but be mad and get pissed as every minute passed that she wasn't here.


I heard the garage door open. I looked and saw the car pull into the garage. The car door closed, followed by another one, she then opened the back door from the garage to the kitchen with a bag of food. She was talking on the phone.

"Yeah, next week, yes I'm excited" she said, sounding happy.

She hung the phone and put the bag on the counter then she looked up at me. I stared her down as she continued to look at me.

"What's happening next week?" I said as she started unpacking the groceries.

She stopped and looked at me.

"I'm not spending Christmas with you because I'm going to be with my family" she said.

"Fucking liar" I yelled.

"I'm not lying, unlike you I actually want to visit my family, I've been kept in this place for so long without seeing my family, you can't keep me from going, I already booked the flight, it's too late" she said.

Rage started to fill me even more. I couldn't help it. I walked to her and pushed her against the wall.

"You don't make rules, I do! You don't go anywhere without asking me first, and you don't leave unless I know, got that?!" I yelled.

"It's too late" she said pushing me back and walked.

I guess it hit me even more. I grabbed her and slapped her. I didn't mean to but it came out.

She held her cheek and didn't even look at me.

HE JUST SLAPPED ME!!! Matt slapped me!!!

"Cancel the flight now" he said throwing me my phone that was on the counter.

I just stood there holding my cheeks. Tears began to stream down my face as he went into the room. I guess this was my chance to leave. I quickly grabbed my jacket and purse and keys then ran out the door, suddenly felt an arm grabbed me. I let out a scream as I knew it was Matt. He pulled me back inside and threw me to the ground.


"Stop!" He yelled.

I began to cry, this was something I couldn't hold back. My life had just turned upside down, it was then I realized that I was in an abusive relationship with him.

I got up and walked to the bathroom, locking the door. I began to spit out blood, I looked to see that there was a cut on my cheeks from my teeth when Matt slapped me. I spat the blood out and just sat in the bathroom not wanting to come out of it.

Matt then began to knock on the door.

"Jenna, open up." He said while knocking, "I don't know why I did it, I can't believe I did that to you, I'm so sorry, please forgive me, Jenna?"

I didn't open up the door. I stayed inside the bathroom then began to fall asleep slowly.

I couldn't believe I just did that to her. The promises I made to myself that I wouldn't hurt her, and I just crossed the line. I didn't want this for her, I knew she deserved better than what I was giving her, she needed to leave, but for someone reason I didn't want her too. I couldn't imagine my life without her. After 10 years of all this, I couldn't just let her leave, my life with her means everything to me.

I continued to knock at the bathroom door when I finally assumed she fell asleep. I leaned against the bathroom door and slid down, causing me to sit on the floor.

"Jenna? I know you can't hear, but I'm sorry baby" I said knowing she was sleeping, "I'm sorry I'm putting you through this, I know you miss the old Mattie, but he's long gone" i began to cry slowly as my voice started to break, "I can't believe i did that to you, old Mattie promised to never hurt you, but new Mattie is hurting you" I was quiet for a moment, nothing but the tears streamed my face, "I just want my old life back" I said gently hitting the back of my head against the door.

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