《It's Not Over》What an arse


I woke up next to Matt who was still asleep. I slowly got up and looked down at Matt sleeping. I wish I never had to go through this, I don't know what triggered his attitude. I think it is because I moved in with him, and I said all his childish acts had to be gone but they were still present in his life.

I walked into the kitchen and turned on the tv to morning news and decided to make breakfast on this particular morning. I usually didn't make breakfast due to the fact that Matt wasn't here in the morning. I finally decide to throw my wellies off since I did sleep in them. After a couple minutes of getting out the necessary needs to make breakfast I heard the door close. Yeah Matt is up. I grabbed the eggs, bacon, and pancake and started with the eggs and bacon cooking. About five minutes later Matt appeared in the living room scratching at his head and sat on the stood then rubbing his face. Surely he was hungover and in no mood to talk so I went to the fridge to poured a glass of milk along with Pedialyte, but once I took the Pedialyte out he gave me a solemn look.

"Why the hell do you have that?" He said taking the glass of milk.

"Well it helps a bit with a hangover" I said putting both containers back into the fridge and going back to my cooking.

"Are you insisting that I was drinking last night?" He said taking a sip of his milk.

"Matt, it's not that hard to know when someone is drinking, in your case, I've known you for a little over 10 years to know when your intoxicated so yes I know you were drinking yesterday night or shall I say morning" I said turning away from him.


"What are you doing?"

"Cooking, is that not something I can't do now?" I said pulling the plate and putting the cooked eggs and bacon on the plate.

"I didn't say that"

"Good because you starve"

"Well I wouldn't" he said glaring at me while holding his cup to his mouth.

It was quiet for awhile then the door bell rang. Matt got up and walked to the door to answer it.

I looked out the door to see a woman standing there in a trench fur coat and heels. She gave Matt something but i didn't see it in time because he closed the door.

"Who was that?" I asked while Matt sat back down on the stool.

"Why do you always have to ask these unnecessary questions?" He yelled.

I stopped what I was doing and looked at him.

"I just- I'm sorry" I said stopping myself before I said something to make him more upset.

Once I finished breakfast I handed Matt a plate and made myself a plate and sat at the table. Matt then grabbed his plate and sat across me. Our diner table consisted of six seats, two on the sides and one on the end. We are in complete silences with nothing but the heater in the house.

Once I finished I put my plate in the sink and began on the dishes. After awhile Matt put his plate in the sink and I went into the bedroom. I grabbed some fresh clothes and went into the bathroom to take a shower. As I was taking a shower I heard the front door close, how did I know it was the front door, well I'm sure everyone knows how their front door sounds when it's being open or closed. I got out the shower and turned it off and changing into the fresh clothes. I got out the bathroom only to realize that Matt had left.


I didn't deserve to be treated like this, especially not from someone I loved for so long. I missed the old him, he acted normal when we were in front of everyone but when it was just us two, he would act like the asshole you seen.

I grabbed my phone and dialed his number, but no answer. I dialed it again, and again, and again, and again, 12 tries. I dialed it once more but nothing. I leaned against the wall and began to slowly cry. I knew I didn't deserve all this, I wish I had my dad back, I wanted my dad, I missed him so much, but I knew whatever I said or did wasn't going to bring him back. I sat against the wall on the floor silently crying. I just wanted the Matt I knew back, the Matt that would smile and tell me he loved me everyday, the Matt that promised me things and never broke those promises, the Matt that would tell me where he was and answered his phone when I called or text, but this Matt, this Matt was completely opposite of what I once had.

I slowly got up and walked into the room and started to do my makeup. Once I had finished I curled my hair and put on my winter boots. I grabbed my phone and started looking through the next flight out to Denver, I didn't want to be here anymore, all this was just bringing me down. After finding a ticket for next week I grabbed my credit card out of my purse and paid for it. After all that I walked to the kitchen and wrote a note.

Thanks again for leaving, the less you can do is pick up the phone, well I'm going to the grocery store so see you whenever, Jenna

I put the note on the counter and left out to the car.

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