《Badboyhalo x Skeppy》Part 5- The Fair



I was so nervous about going to the fair with Zak, I would rather just go to Zak's house and play video games but instead we were going to a crowded place with a bunch of death machines. I love my lil muffin, and as hard as it is to say I would do anything for him. I drove home and got ready to go with Zak to the town fair. I'm supposed to pick him up and Vincent is going to meet us there and I was honestly excited but also super nervous. Did I say I was nervous already?

It took me so long to find an outfit that would impress Zak, but I went with a button-up shirt and some black pants. I probably should've just worn a hoodie but it didn't feel right when I put it on. I felt like Zak would judge me or make a stupid comment and make it an inside joke that only he would laugh at for the rest of my life. Or I was gonna vomit on a rollercoaster and he was gonna just laugh at me.. or abandon me to go talk to some cute girl or-

My panicking was halted when my mom walked in to tell me I should get ready to leave because it was time to go.

"Oh..uh thanks mom."

"Darryl, is everything okay?"

I ignored her and hopped in my car to go pick up Zak. On the way there I admired how pretty the port city looked during sundown. It seemed like everything had an orange filter over it, and the ocean bay reflected the sunset. I felt much calmer, like everything was gonna go right tonight.

When I got to Zak's house I texted him that I was here, and I waited a couple minutes but he didn't come outside. There were two cars parked in the lot, which was new to me. I've never really met Zak's family, he always wanted me to come over when he was alone to play video games, but I never dared to ask why. I texted him again "Hey ZAK I'm here???"


No reply.

I walked to the door and rang the doorbell, only to hear unintelligible yelling coming from Zak and a man I didn't recognize.


Zak opened the door and looked up at me, a scowl planted on his face.

Man: "Where are you going Zachary!?!"


He slammed the door behind him and grabbed my hand, squeezed it tightly and pulled me over to my car. He obviously wanted to get out of the house as quickly as possible, so I just let him hold my hand with all of his strength.

We hopped into the car and drove to the fair, we were in complete silence for a few minutes until I finally asked "What happened back at your house?"

Zak: "I just accidentally said something to my parents..."

Darryl: "What did you say?"

Zak: "I'll tell you later, so Vincent told me he's not coming:"

Darryl: "Oh no why not?"

Zak: "You sound disappointed."

Darryl: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Zak: "Oh nothing.."

Darryl: "UgHhh oh my goodness."

Zak giggled a little, he finally seemed to be out of his fowl mood.

We pulled into the crowded parking lot, and looked at the huge amusement park in front of our eyes.

Darryl: "It's so pretty!"

There were multicolored lights on each ride, some of the lights blinked or created cool patterns. The entire place smelled of funnel cake and you could hear the screams coming from people on the rides miles away.

We got out of the car and Zak looked at me with a small smile on his face. He looked me up and down and his his pupils got larger when he met my eyes. We walked to the ticket booth, and I noticed a group of pretty girls staring at Zak, giggling. It took me a lot of effort to not cling to him and show the world that he was mine.


Zak paid for the tickets because I had driven him there, and we walked around. Suddenly a roller coaster had rushed beside us, it was filled with screaming people and it terrified me. Instinctively I grabbed Zak's arm (his hands were in his pockets) and we walked like schoolgirls clinging our arms together, our bodies touching. We looked like boyfriends, but I didn't really care at this point.

There was a comfortable silence between us, we were happily admiring the lights and the stars in the sky. I pressed my body against Zak to keep warm, it was late autumn and it was starting to become cooler.

Zak: "No homo."

Darryl: "I'm using you as a heater you muffin."

Zak: "It's only 40 degrees outside."


Zak: "Dude whatever lets ride the Ferris wheel since you're scared~ of the other rides."

Darryl: "I'm not scared I'm just being smart about things!"

Zak: "You're so cute HAHA! you actually think you're not scared~"

Every time he called me cute if made my heart soar and my cheeks turn red. Zak loved teasing me, and I loved babying him. I guess we were both equal.

We got in line for the Ferris wheel and after a lot of banter and giggling later we got inside the ride.

Zak sat right next to me.

"You know you can sit across from me."

Zak: "Yeah you're just so comfy..."

Zak leaned his head on my chest, we were practically snuggling.

The short boy closed his eyes, he couldn't be bothered with the view around him, he wanted to savor this moment with Darryl. He was tired and felt the beat of Darryl's heart beat grow faster when he held his hand.

"Darryl.. can I tell you something?"

Zak wasn't sure what he was doing, he told Vincent he was going to confess tonight but he didn't know if the senior would really take his feelings well.

"Yeah what do you need to tell me?"

"I think I have a crush on you." Zak's lips started to form a grin after he spoke those words.

Darryl laughed , "You have a CRUSH on mE?"

His voice was a loud and he thought the freshman was joking. Zak lifted his head off of Darryl and looked him in the eyes, "Yes."

Their faces were both scarlet and their eyes sparkled with multicolored lights coming from the sides of the Ferris wheel they were on. They were constantly moving in a circle. Once they reached the top of the ride again, Darryl slowly wrapped his arms around Zak, paused to stare at his lips, then passionately kissed him. Both of their eyes squeezed shut and..

The ride .

Darryl quickly pulled his lips away from Zak's and looked below him. They were very high up in the air, and his arms were still wrapped around Zak.

Darryl: "Wait what happened!?"

Zak: "Calm down, I'm sure it's fine."

Darryl: "Yeah were like 50 FEET IN THE AIR ZAK! HOW IS THIS FI-"

Zak interrupted Darryl with a kiss... and they continued making out for awhile. Darryl forgot he was stuck up in the air, he was afraid of heights but he was just focused on the rhythm of their kissing and their touch.

Zak was giddy, his first kiss was with his crush, Darryl. In his mind he thought that was super middle school but he didn't care.

Eventually the Ferris wheel was fixed and it started moving again. Once they reached the bottom, the Ferris wheel worker let them out and their hands clung together.

"How was the make-out session?" A guy from school asked the skephalo couple, smirking.

Embarrassment rushed over the two's boys and Zak immediately took his hand away from Darryl's and shoved it into his pocket.

Oh no oh god, Zak thought

To be continued💕

This is unedited btw sorry for grammatical errors

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