《Badboyhalo x Skeppy》Boy friends part 4



Zak leaned against the brick wall, his head lifted upwards as tears rolled down his cheeks. His mind was elsewhere, he disassociated himself with this world and started to remember everything he had with Rebecca, it was all gone. He stared at the blue sky for a few minutes, until Darryl went outside to check on him.

"Oh my goodness what's wrong?"

Zak walked over to Darryl and hugged him tightly, his face buried in his chest and his crying became muffled. Darryl embraced Zak and rubbed his back to comfort him.

"Zak what happened?"

"M-My girlfriend b-broke UP with me."

Darryl: "oh..zak I'm so sorry, don't cry it'll be okay." He said quietly

Zak continued crying into Darryl for a few minutes, he was heartbroken. But when the sadness clouding his mind started to fade away he realized how close he was to Darryl, his face was in his chest and their bodies were touching. It made Zak smile, while his eyes were still like faucets.

Darryl: "Hey Zak~ how about we go to the store and get some icecream and forget about everything?"

It made Zak giggle a little, getting icecream like a teenage girl in a drama tv show, but it sounded really nice with Darryl.

"That sounds nice."

Darryl carried the grocery bag with the carton of Oreo ice cream inside, and Zak carried Darryl's free hand. (hehe) Once they reached the front door Zak opened it and pulled Darryl inside, their hands still latched together. Darryl's face turned red and let go of Zak's hand to put the Ice Cream on the kitchen counter.

I left Darryl to go to the bathroom, only to really text Rebecca that I wanted to talk. She left me on read, making me feel even more upset. Why did she break up with me? I was so confused and lost as to what went through her head when she called me. Was I really that bad of a boyfriend? I walked out of the bathroom to see Darryl sitting on a stool, he was faced away from me, his arms resting on the marble counter and his phone in hand. The senior didn't realize that I was in the room, so I walked over and hugged him from behind, I wrapped my arms around his waist and dug my face into his hoodie.


Zak: "Hey~" I could feel my cheeks burning, I felt so comfortable and safe. Everything seemed okay.

Darryl: "What!?"

My giggles sounded halfhearted and muffled, and I could see Darryl looking down at my hands and realized who was wrapping their arms around him.

Darryl: "Zak are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine now.."

Darryl: "Do you wanna eat your ice cream I got you?"


Darryl stood up and faced Zak and immediately hugged him.

He is so caring.. Zak thought as he remembered when he told Darryl that his ex was his friend before. He lied to Darryl, but why?

Once Darryl pulled away he smiled at Zak, his expression very motherly. Zak's eyes were very bleak, but he managed a small smile back. People that Zak care about have a way of hurting him so badly, but Darryl had a way of making him feel so much better.

Zak grabbed the biggest spoon they had from the drawer and started eating the ice cream directly from the carton. They were both sitting comfortably on the couch now, and Darryl was looking off somewhere daydreaming.

Zak: "Y'know I see why girls love eating this stuff after a breakup."

Darryl: "Yeah well, it always helped me."

Zak: "Oh? tell me about your past breakups."

Darryl: "Well.. I- uhm.. I dated this person.."

Zak: "Person?"

Darryl: "Yeah. Uhm it was a guy.."

Zak: "Oh, cool." Zak was a really good actor because he actually thought it was REALLY cool that Darryl dated guys. He played it off like he didn't really care.

Darryl: "Yeah he ended up cheating on me with some other guy and I just kinda stopped dating for awhile. I'm kinda just looking for the right guy."

Zak: "Oh, like me?" He whispered

Darryl: "What?"

Zak: "I can be your right guy."

Darryl: "What! You just broke up with someone!"

Zak: "But I'm in love with you."

Darryl: "You have to be kidding Zak! We just met!"

Zak: "YEAH, BUT you've read Romeo and Juliet right!?!"



Darryl: "oh my goodness..." he sighed

Zak started giggling while Darryl massaged his temples.

Zak: "I was kidding, don't worry."


Darryl: "Of course you were." He rolled his eyes and smiled, his cheeks turned pink and his eyes met Zak's. Zak's hand was on his face, his sleeve rolled up to his hand, covering his mouth. They were still looking at each other, and he started grinning, and they eventually both starting laughing from just staring at each other for so long.

They decided to play Minecraft and Zak stole his sister's laptop so Darryl could play. They logged in and got on hypixel.

Darryl: "Skeppy? What's a skeppy?"

Zak: "What's a badboyhalo?"

Darryl: "At least my name makes sense."

Zak: "Ahaha sure buddy."

They eventually joined a skywars solo game and Skeppy had already killed two other players.

Zak: "I'm gonna win!! I'm so good."

Darryl: "H-HOW DID YOU!" Darryl yelled as Skeppy hit him off into the void.

Zak laughed as Darryl's eyes were still wide with confusion. Zak was really good at PvP, compared to Darryl anyways.

Eventually Darryl saw that the time was 7:34pm and decided it was time to head home.

Zak: "Thanks for everything dude." He said and hugged Darryl.

Darryl: "No problem you muffin."

Darryl left and got in his car and drove away, but that wasn't the last he'd see of him... They would see each other frequently as the weeks went by, sometimes Vincent joining the two to Skywars or Bedwars. They talked almost everyday on teamspeak and played Minecraft together. And 'Badboyhalo' eventually got the trust of 'A6d' and they all had a group chat called "The trio".

Zak and Darryl's relationship remained mostly platonic for the next month or so. They referred to themselves as friends and saw each other everyday at school, and they always hung out in the mornings. Zak only had two friends at this point, Vincent and Darryl. Darryl on the other hand considered Zak his best friend, but he made some other friends as well.

So like I said anything after this is a month after the dramatic ice cream breakup

It was early in the morning at school, and Zak was happily waiting for Darryl to get to their usual meeting spot in front of his locker. Zak saw Darryl walking down the hallway with two coffee cups in hand. Darryl handed one to Zak,

Zak: "Yay thank you!"

Darryl: "Zak it's our one month anniversary!"

Zak: "hUH?"

Darryl: "Oh, of being friends."

Zak: "Oh, dude y'know only couples do that sort of thing?" He said while giggling

Darryl: "Yeah.. uhm- uh but we're close friends! Anyways I was thinking we could celebrate by hanging out at your place?"

Zak: "Or... we could go to the town fair?"

Darryl: "ehhh I don't know Zak.." he sighed

Zak: "What why not?"

Darryl: "The rides kinda scare me..."

Zak: "Oh come on, I'll be there! It'll be so much fun pleeeeaasse!"

It was hard for Darryl to say no to Zak, it was like saying no to a cute puppy. And he couldn't stand seeing Zak unhappy, it made him unhappy.

Darryl: "Ugh, fine.."


Zak threw his arms around Darryl, and Darryl froze. They've never embraced at school before, and he realized they were causing a scene. Students were looking at them, giggling, which made his face turn scarlet red, but Zak was still squeezing Darryl tightly unaware of what was going on around him..

Darryl: "Dude you're causing a scene.." he said quietly and pushed Zak off of him.

"Hey guys, am I interrupting something?" A familiar voice said behind them.

Darryl: "Oh, hey A6d I- uh I mean Vincent." Darryl was still flustered from the huge hug Zak gave him and the very loud 'I love you' Zak screamed. But the raven haired freshman didn't seem fazed at all by what just happened.

Zak: "Oh hey Vincent did you get my texts from earlier."

Vincent: "Oh yeah the ones about-" Vincent made eye contact with Darryl

Zak: "SHHhh!!" Zak interrupted "Uh Darryl I'll see you later.."

Darryl: "oh.. okay bye Zak."

Zak gripped onto Vincent's hoodie and pulled him into a empty classroom with him.


Vincent just laughed and said "Well I'm sOrry you have a crush on that muffin obsessed guy, but how am I supposed to keep a secret when it's so obvious he likes you back?"

Zak: "Wait, you think he likes me back?!"

Vincent: "Did you get hit in the head when you were a baby?"

Zak: "HE LIKES ME BACK!" Zak jumped with joy, lowering his voice because he was afraid someone heard him "I'm gonna ask him out tonight."

Vincent: "Good luck dude.."



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