《Badboyhalo x Skeppy》Bfs Pt 3- The Café


It was 3pm and Zak was waiting outside the school building where the seniors parked their cars. He was nervous, he had never hung out with Darryl like this before and things were moving so quickly. Zak knew what Darryl was after, and he knew this was secretly a date but he kept that in the back of his mind. He texted his mother that he was hanging out with his girlfriend Rebecca today to avoid explaining to his mother who Darryl was and began to think about how he was leaving Rebecca in the dark and hardly spoke to her all day.

Rebecca was still important to Zak, they were friends long before they were dating and she always had his back, but something powerful drew Zak closer to Darryl, a feeling he couldn't quite explain the reason behind.

Zak saw Darryl walk out of the school doors and they both made eye contact, and Darryl rushed over to Zak, car keys in hand.

Darryl: "Hey Zak!"

Zak: "Hey!"

Zak felt like hugging him right there, but he knew it'd be weird.

Darryl: "Lets go!" He said as he started to lead Zak over to his car parked in the parking lot.

Suddenly a red sports car sped in front of them (fr seniors drive really fast oml) nearly running them over, but they managed to stay out of its (very illegal) path. Before they knew it, they both were tightly holding hands and neither of them realized until they got to Darryl's car.

Zak: "Oh- uh," Zak let go of Darryl's hand "Sorry about that.."

Darryl: "Oh! I didn't realize, it's okay Zak." Darryl smiled sweetly at Zak, and it made the short freshman feel warm inside. He managed a small smile back, before going to the passenger side of the SUV.


Darryl started the car and connected the aux chord to his phone so he could play Spotify through the car speakers. He handed his phone to Zak so the freshman could control the music while Darryl was driving.

Zak: "Dude your playlist sucks, why are there so many Ariana Grande songs?!"

Darryl: "I- ugh I like her voice she's a good singer!" He laughed nervously

Zak: "Oh okay sure dude, you probably think she's super hot right?"

Darryl: "what? no!"

Zak: "Why not?"

Darryl: "Cus I just don't"

While Darryl was driving I looked through his phone giggling to myself as I found out all of his personal information. I looked through his texts with his mother, and came across my contact name and saw there was a heart next to it "Zak❤️"

Zak: "Why does my name have a heart next to it Dar?"

Darryl: "Did you just call me Dar? And it's just a friendship heart! Stop looking through my phone!"

I giggled and started blushing intensely, I tried not to let it show but I thought it was cute that there was a heart next to my name.

Darryl tried his best to grab his phone from my hands, I looked at his face and he was grinning whilst staring at the road. His eyes sparkled and seemed to emit maturity. (Idk sometimes you can tell when a person is mature by looking at their expression😖)

I parked my car at the Cafe Zak mentioned earlier, it was small and adorable, you could tell they hadn't changed the interior since the 80's and the floor was wooden. The moment I entered it smelled like coffee and bliss. I couldn't be happier to be in this city, with this great guy Zak. But I wasn't sure if I should tell him that I'm attracted to him or not, but maybe I should ask if he's straight or not. I've dated guys before, but none like Zak. Zak is popular and funny, how could he like someone like me? Besides, I'm graduating in a year and I'm not sure if I should get deep into a relationship with a freshman.


Darryl: "Wow! This place is so cute!"

Just like you, Zak thought.

Zak: "Yeah I don't come here that often but I thought you'd like it."

Darryl: "It's perfect," There was a moment where they just smiled at each other for a few seconds "I mean uhm- for studying of course haha."

"Of course" Zak said sarcastically

They both ordered their drinks (if you care Zak got a vanilla frappe and Darryl got a hot caramel macchiato) and they both sat at a table.

Zak was pulling his binder out of his backpack until Darryl said "Oh I was thinking maybe we could talk for a bit and study later maybe?"

Zak: "Oh, sure."

Darryl: "So um, what do you like to do?"

Zak: "I like to play video games."

Darryl: "Ooo What games?"

Zak: "uhm, well I play that block game Minecraft, you probably already know that by now."

Darryl: "Yeah I love that game."

Zak: "Wait.. you play Minecraft?"

Darryl: "Yess! It's the best"

Zak laughed, he thought it was funny that a senior was playing a game mostly played by children, but still Zak was 15 and some people would probably make fun of him for playing it as well.

Darryl: "what's so funny?"

Zak: "Nothing..so why'd you move here?"

Darryl: "Well my dad got a job here."

Zak: "What about your mom?"

Darryl started getting nervous and stuttered "Oh-uhh she's in Germany right now for work."

Zak: "Oh that's cool."

Darryl: "hah yeah..." Darryl didn't like lying to Zak, he felt really bad about it but he wanted this conversation to be light and happy.

Zak: "So.. do you have a girlfriend?"

Darryl: "huh? What! No."

Zak: "Boyfriend?"

Darryl: "Oh my goodness Zak! No!" He exclaimed, his face turning a bright red.

Zak laughed as he tormented his 'friend' and saw that he had an incoming call from "Rebecca💘"

Zak: "Oh UH I better take this."

Zak walked outside to take the phone call

Zak: "Hello?"

Rebecca: "Hey Zak.." the girl said through the phone, her voice very melancholy.

Zak: "Hey is everything oka-"

Rebecca: "I think we should split apart" she interrupted

Zak: "What! why?"

Rebecca: "I just don't think things are working out."

Zak: "I thought things were going great!"

Rebecca: "YOU barely even look at me!" She hissed.

Zak started choking up, he really did love Rebecca, but not the way she wanted him to.

Zak: "I-"

Rebecca: "Goodbye Zak."

The call ended and Zak started crying, he leaned against the wall feeling crushed.

It's all my fault, Zak thought.

To be continued



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