《Badboyhalo x Skeppy》Boy friends pt 2



I woke up to the sound of my phone alarm blasting into my ear. I rubbed my tired eyes, clicked stop alarm, and checked my phone to see a message from my current girlfriend Rebecca.

Rebecca: Goodmorning babe 💕

Me: Gm ❤️

I got out of bed to go brush my teeth, I usually eat breakfast but I had better things to do, like my homework. I spent all night talking to that guy and failed to finish my geometry worksheet. I wonder if he forgot to do his homework too, or if he finished every bit of it. I wonder if he wants to talk in videography, or meet my friend Vincent...

Zak's mind was racing, a wave of possibilities of what Darryl's thoughts were surged into his brain and kept him from focusing on his homework. For the first time ever Zak was nervous about 5th period videography, his easiest class turned into a stressful thought and he began to bite his nails. Zak was in the car now, and his mother could feel the tension in the air.

"Zak is everything ok?" Zak's mom said with a concerned look on her face.

Zak stopped biting his thumbnail, which was now a rigged microscopic white line. (Idk how to describe that lol he basically bites his nails a lot so you can barely see the white part)

Zak: "Yeah mom, I'm fine.."

Mom: "Well if you ever need to talk to me you know I'll listen."

Zak: "I'm fine mom, oh look we're at the school now I better go!"

Mom: "ok! Have a good day sweetie"

Zak: "bye mom!"

While Zak was getting out of the car Darryl pulled his car into a parking space nearby, and he watched him from afar. Instead of sitting there watching Zak's every move like a creepy old guy Darryl grabbed his backpack and went inside the school building.


Most students had time before class to go to their lockers and hang out in the hallways. Zak usually immediately went to his locker, unlike his friend Vincent a lot of his "friends" were fake and used him so he avoided them at all costs. And Vincent, well, he enjoyed vaping in the bathroom in the morning. (Don't Juul in school kids)

So Zak was usually all alone until his girlfriend showed up sometimes. Zak put his backpack away and gathered his books and was anxious to see Darryl walking down the hallway at some point. He looked down the hallway and didn't see him and became disappointed. He missed Darryl, even though he barely knew him. To avoid looking weird, Zak faced his locker and played Minecraft on his phone for a few minutes.

Zak was immersed in his game and felt a heavy hand touch his shoulder. Rebecca usually watched him play Minecraft, and assumed that she was the one peeking over his shoulder.

Zak: "Hey Rebecca!" He didn't look up from his phone.

"Who's Rebecca?" A slightly deeper voice responded

Zak looked up from his phone wide-eyed to see none other than, Darryl. Zak's face turned red and his cheeks were burning, their faces were close and Darryl's hand was still on his shoulder.

Zak: "I-Uh.. Rebecca is a friend of mine."

Darryl: "Oh, oh my goodness I think a zombie is killing you.."

Darryl lifted his hand off Zak's shoulder to point at his phone.

Zak looked back at his phone to see a Minecraft zombie repeatedly hitting him, and the "You died!" Message appeared on the screen

Zak: "Bruh moment."

Darryl: "A what?"

Zak: "A bruh moment, dude you don't know what that is?"

Darryl: "is it like when something bad happens?"


Zak: "I guess.. It's more of a shocking moment but yeah," Zak looked up at Darryl's eyes and down to his lips. There was an awkward silence between them until Zak said "I have to break my neck to look at you, why are you so tall?"

Darryl laughed, blushing a little "I'm not that tall you're just so short!"

Zak: "You're like 14 feet tall"

Darryl: "I can't be 14 feet tall Zak, nobody is. You however are 3'8 or something"

Zak: "Wow dude that hurt.." zak faked a sad voice and frowned

Darryl: "Oh no no I didn't mean it! You're not that short I'm-" Zak interrupted as he bursted out laughing and Darryl started blushing and giggled.

Rebecca was talking with her friend Hanna (hannapeyton hee hee) as they watched the whole scenario between Zak and Darryl.

Rebecca: "Who is that guy?"

Hanna: "I don't know, I think he's new."

Rebecca: "Well why is he talking to Zak?"

Hanna: "Maybe they're friends?"

Rebecca: "Then why is Zak redder than a tomato, and he's never looked at me like that!" She said pointing to Zak who was a blushing mess, scratching the back of his neck.

Hanna: "I mean.. they do look in love." Hanna snickered

Rebecca: "Ugh hanna I don't know if I should break up with him or not, we've been dating for months and he still doesn't wanna kiss me or anything."

Hanna: "Well maybe he really is gay, there was that rumor that went around a year ago about Zak being gay, my boyfriend never looks a guys like that."

Rebecca: "Do you think you could come over tonight? I'm gonna break up with him over the phone."

Hanna: "of course." Hanna and Rebecca both hugged and parted ways.

Mrs. Kimberly left the classroom to go make copies, so Zak, Darryl, and Vincent used this as an opportunity to chat.

Zak and Darryl chatted and bickered for a few moments until Vincent interrupted with a strong French accent.

Vincent: "Uh who's dis?"

Zak and Darryl were smiling like that couldn't be happier to be in school

Zak: "Oh this is Darryl, Darryl meet my buddy Vincent."

Darryl: "Nice to meet you!"

Vincent: "Nice to meet you too."

Darryl: "So, Zak I was wondering if you'd like to go to a coffee shop after school with me and I could help you study later, if I can even remember freshman year."

Zak: "Like a date?"

Darryl: "Uh- no you muffin!"

Zak was actually disappointed, but he tried not to show it. He knew he'd say it wasn't a date but he tried.

Vincent: "it's totally a date, when's the wedding planned?"

Zak: "Shut up Vincent, so we could go to Three Cups Cafe and then go to my place afterwards?"

Darryl: "oh uh you're place..sure, I'll drive."

Zak: "Alright," Zak laughed at Darryl's nervous expression "You okay dude?"

Darryl: "Yeah I'm fine."




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