《Badboyhalo x Skeppy》Boy friends pt 1



The world seemed to revolve around Zak, he has lots of friends, his girlfriend loved him, and his grades were..ok.

I looked down the blinding white hallway to see a handsome guy with brown hair and glasses, he looked a bit older, with some facial hair already forming on his chin. My eyes followed him until our gazes met for a split second. His eyes were a pretty pale green, and once he passed me I whirled my head back around to my locker, and stared at my books. I could feel my cheeks turning red, and my ears burning. I felt a poke on my shoulder and a "boop boop! Earth to Zak!" Coming from my girlfriend.

"Uh- Hey Rebecca!"

Rebecca was somewhat popular, she had long black hair and pale skin and always wore a beanie. She loved to play video games with me and that's mostly how she started to fall for me

"Woah you look.. red. Is everything okay?"

What may be surprising to some, me and Becca have never really kissed, I kissed her on the cheek before but that was about it. She was pretty, really pretty in fact. But being with her was great but I still felt the need for something else, I felt empty.

"Yeah, you look pretty as usual." Zak smirked

Zak wrapped his arms around Becca and looked into her brown eyes

"And you look cute as always." She giggled

Zak closed the distance between them and kissed her on the forehead (Becca is short lol)

Zak was talking with his buddy Vincent, a foreign exchange student from France in their videography class when the senior Zak saw earlier walked in.

"Oh you must be Darryl!" Mrs.Kimberly piped up and shook the senior's hand


"Hi! Nice to meet you!" Darryl said.

Zak noticed Darryl's voice sounded high pitched, almost cute. He was wearing a basic hoodie and jeans with some adidas shoes on 'why am I analyzing this dude..' zak thought.

The class had already all been seated and Darryl was late because he couldn't find the classroom, which amused Zak.

Mrs Kimberly: "Well class, this is our new student Darryl. Darryl go ahead and have a seat anywhere I think we only have two seats left hon'."

Darryl shifted his view to the class of teenagers staring at him, and immediately his gaze fixed on one student. His skin was tan and he has almost black colored hair, the freshman's eyes looked back at him, his expression looked bored but his eyes shone brightly when he looked at him. There was a seat to the left of the boy that was open , so he sat down in it.

Darryl glanced at Zak then looked back at the teacher, Zak looked back as well and they exchanged a few glances. Zak was relaxed in his chair, his legs were spread apart and he was chewing on his nails which he had a habit of doing.

Darryl looked at the teacher, resting his head in his hand, trying to stay focused on the stuff that he had already been taught at his old school.

Zak leaned over towards Darryl

"hey!" Zak whispered loud enough for him to hear

Darryl: "what!"

"What's your name?"


"I'm Zak"

"Hello Zak, do you need anything?"

"Maybe your phone number would be nice."

Mrs.Kimberly: "Zak quiet down!"

Zak: "Sorry mRs.Kimberky." Zak giggled with a voice crack and looked over at Darryl, who grinned and rolled his eyes at Zak. Darryl grabbed a pink sticky note out of his pencil pouch and wrote out his number.


The bell shrieked and Darryl stood up and stuck the sticky note on Zak's desk while he was gathering his things. Zak looked up to thank Darryl only to see him walking out the door.

'Thicc' (NO JK LMAO)

"What the hell is that?" Asked Vincent pointing to the hot pink sticky note on Zak's desk

"Oh it's NOTHING." Zak's face turned red and quickly grabbed the sticky note and shoved it into his pocket.

"Uh huh okay well I'm going to 5th period now.."

"nO wait for me!" Zak screeched

'Who was that guy' I thought as I laid in bed looking at the speckled ceiling. I felt my phone vibrate and saw someone text "hey"




Who is this?-


-Zak, from videography lol

My heart skipped a beat and my eyes grew wide. Was I really crushing on this dude I knew was probably straight and was just trying to be nice?


Oh hi Zak😊-


-lol emojis 🤪👻😈💓

-also ew you have an Android?


Yeah they're good

phones Zak

-whatever you say dude 🤓


Stop making fun of me freshman-


-wow okay stupid senior

And they basically talked all night


-I think I'm gonna go to bed


Okay goodnight❤️-


- gn ❤️

I'm supposed to be sending goodnight hearts to not

Zak rolled over in his bed and listened to some Troye Sivan while he fell asleep

Let's just say Zak's dreams were not straight

(But they were holy)

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