《SkepHalo Stuff [Discontinued]》The Cute Kid Likes Me


The two boys quickly separated from each other as the loud, blaring noise of the bell was heard. Zak looked at the taller boy, before sending him a charming smile and heading to class.

Darryl gave him a quick wave before turning around and heading to his Science lesson. He still hadn't quite processed everything that had transpired all in the span of 30 minutes.

He made his way into the classroom and sat next to Dream. Looking at him suspiciously, Dream looked at his friend - Red tinted face, signs of severe sweating, frazzled hair and a bashful look ever present on his face.

"Either you ran a marathon or what I think happened, just happened - so spill," Dream demanded, putting his hands around Darryl's arms and staring at him intensely.

Darryl flushed an even deeper shade of red as he recalled the kiss he shared with Zak earlier that morning. Dream raised a knowing eyebrow, "You definitely did something with Zak, didn't you?"

"I found out Zak is Skeppy... and we kissed,"

Dream stared at Darryl in carefully concealed surprise before releasing his tight grip on his arms.

"...Darn, I missed it - the look on your face when you found out must've been hilarious,"

Lightly punching him in the shoulder, Darryl scolded him, before pouting in annoyance and turning back to the front of the classroom. Dream snickered quietly to himself before turning to face the front of the class just as the teacher walked in.


Zak practically flew into class, flinging himself over to Vincent, a blinding smile gracing his face.

"Oh my God, you're usually energetic and all but this is too much," Vincent groaned, as Zak essentially bounced in his chair.

Excitedly, Zak faced Vincent, grasped him by the shoulders and violently shook him.

"I! just! made! out! with! BadBoyHalo!"

Vincent stared at him dumbly for a second, before asking for Zak to elaborate.

"Ah well, you see - that adorable kid who looked at me in Math, riiiiight?" Zak asked, drawing out the vowel of the last word.

The brown-haired boy nodded slowly, and then squinted through his bandana - realising -

"Oh my God, he's BadBoyHalo I-"

Squealing, Zak nodded energetically - releasing his iron grip on his friend's shoulders. Vincent quietly whisper-cheered, "Yes, my ship has sailed!"

Zak rolled his eyes at Vincent's cheering and stared out of the window, still slightly lovestruck over what had occurred moments before.


Darryl grabbed Dream's arm and dragged him over to meet his unofficial boyfriend as soon as second period had ended. After a few tedious seconds of searching, he spotted Zak with his friend and skipped over to them.


As Darryl eagerly made his way over to them with Dream lingering behind - Zak spotted them and enthusiastically waved them over.

"So, this is the boy you've been pining over for all this time - up close, in the flesh," Vincent remarked - looking up at the boy before him.

Zak nodded, "He's adorable, right!?" He exclaimed, before interlocking his hand with Darryl's free hand and pushing his face up against Darryl's side - causing Darryl to sputter in surprise.

Dream slipped out of Darryl's grip and stood near Vincent to watch the romantic display of affection happening in the hallway.

"Wasn't Zak a popular kid, aren't the girls that were crushing on him going to go crazy - especially since it's happening right in the middle of the corridor?" Dream whispered to the boy next to him, Vincent shrugged half-heartedly in reply.

"The author is too lazy to take that into account, just go with it; be happy we aren't being swarmed by other students about it," he whispered back, eyeing the two love-struck birds awkwardly.

Zak finally detached himself from Darryl, still holding his hand tightly.

"Ok you two, time for Lunch," Vincent said, turning around to walk towards the cafeteria - Dream following closely behind him as Darryl and Zak walked through the halls, hand in hand.

Dream sighed, "Are these two going to become one of those 'lovey-dovey' super gooey relationships?" he asked.

Vincent nodded, "Zak is really clingy, so most likely - who am I kidding - they will definitely be gooey."

"Can't say I'm surprised," Dream snickered, turning back to look at the two boys. Vincent smiled mutely before taking a seat at a four seater table, Dream sat down next to him as Zak and Darryl sat on the other side.

"So, can you two explain?" Vincent asked, leaning back in his chair and taking a bite out of a baguette he materialised out of thin air.

Darryl rubbed the back of his neck and laughed awkwardly, "Well, I'm not really sure how it happened - but I did have a tinyyy-" Dream coughed quietly in disagreement, "-Crush on Zak, and while I confessed to him, he whispered my Minecraft gamertag, which confused me at first. Turns out he was regularly talking to me under the alias 'Skeppy'."

"Wow, what a coincidence," Dream said, his eyes widening in interest before taking out a bag of potato chips stuffed in his bag and taking a bite out of one. "Have you two kissed yet?"

"Actually yeah, we have - but it was more like an 'in the moment' kinda thing..." Zak answered, before giving them a demonstration - cupping Darryl's face in his hands and bringing his face down to give him a quick peck on the lips, and then looking back at the interested pair.


Vincent squealed excitedly, as he rubbed his hands together vehemently.

Dream gaped, "You two, leave that for the bedroom," he teased, as Darryl gave him a pointed look of annoyance.

"So, are you planning on keeping this a secret?" Vincent asked, looking around the cafeteria warily to see if anybody had witnessed the kiss.

Darryl looked at Zak with a nervous expression on his face, the other looking at him before nodding in recognition.

"Nah, we'll keep it a secret - just between us four," Zak announced cheerfully, "I might tell the others though," he added on as a quick afterthought.

Darryl looked at him in slight alarm, "W-wait, what others?" He asked, looking at his boyfriend tensely.

"Haha, do you think Vincent is my only friend?" Zak asked, rolling his eyes playfully as Darryl's face grew red.

"No, no! It's just that I- uhm, you just don't seem to hang out with anyone except him," Darryl responded back, looking a little guilty as he spoke.

Zak's teasing smirk softened a little as his boyfriend stared at the ground in shame.

"Yo it's fine, I understand," Zak assured, wrapping his arm around the other's shoulder and giving him a bright smile.

"Wow, that is a lot of goo," Dream stated, taking another potato chip from his bag and chucking it into his mouth. Vincent elbowed him gently as Dream let out an 'oof'.


Zak took a step out of the History classroom and sighed as he looked out of the window. Rain.

'Great! Just wonderful!' He thought to himself sarcastically, pulling up his iconic hood and pulling up his dark blue bandana up to his face. He began his slow trek to the entrance of his school, making a quick stop at his locker to stuff his books in and continue onward.

As he made his way to the entrance, he saw the familiar black hoodie with red accents waiting patiently by the doors. He quickened his pace to a slow jog and tapped the boy lightly on the shoulder. The taller male let out a quiet gasp and turned around.

"Zak! Don't scare me like that~" He scolded quietly to the shorter boy, as the other snickered behind his sleeve sweater.

"Anyway, I would have expected you to have gone home by now," Zak stated, looking Darryl up and down, his hair was slightly drenched and his sweater was damp.

'Oh my God, he looks so attract-'

"Oh, ah well, I guess I thought it would be a good idea if we walked home together," Darryl suggested shyly, looking down at Skeppy hopefully.

'Oh God how am I supposed to say no to that, oh God I didn't think I could get any gayer but this is too much.'

"Uhm, I gotta take a leak..." Zak murmured, before turning around and rushing a few paces down the hall before and frantically pulling out his phone.


I sat down on the couch and took a sip of the Earl Grey tea one of my servants had prepared, before setting it down on the coffee table and leaning back into the fluffy cushions - pulling out 'The Fault In Our Stars' whilst simultaneously bringing the tissue box closer to me.

As I began to continue reading, I heard a notification sound coming from my phone. In mild annoyance, I grabbed my phone off the coffee table and stared at the notification in surprise.

'He never walks home though...something's up.'

I quickly called the servant to turn the limousine around and brushed off any lingering feelings of suspicion.

'I'm sure it's nothing.'


"So, where do you stop at?" Darryl asked, a few blocks down the path away from the school, his hand intertwined with Zak's. Rainwater still poured down over the couple.

"Oh, a few blocks ahead of here and then a right, then another right, then a left - and then quite a bit of walking from there...then another left," Zak replied, moving his hands animatedly as he explained the elaborate directions to his house, or rather mansion.

Darryl stared at him in stunned silence, before nodding slowly, "That-that sounds kinda far," Darryl muttered to himself quietly.

"Oh it's not as far as it seems, just a lot of turning," Zak said, shrugging halfheartedly.

"Oh ok, well - this is my stop," Darryl said, pointing towards a two-storey building sat snugly in between a row of houses. "I'll see ya tomorrow, you'll show me your house one day, right?"

Zak nodded and hesitantly let go of Darryl's hand as Darryl entered through the gates - giving Zak a shy wave before unlocking the front door and disappearing from sight.

The dark-haired male turned around and sighed in content, taking his phone out of his hoodie pocket to ring his mother.

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