《SkepHalo Stuff [Discontinued]》Bucket Of Coffee


Darryl stared down at his 14th cup of coffee, swishing the remainder of the now cold liquid in the mug. He yawned loudly before looking towards his PC monitor - the unfinished editing presented in front of him.

Surprisingly enough, Darryl found himself exhausted- yet unable to will his eyes to close and drift to unconsciousness, his mind was a mess of random rambling and his eyes couldn't focus properly on the video he was attempting to successfully edit.

He stared at the screen, limbs unable to work coherently in his sleep-deprived state.

A deafening ring of his phone brought him out of his stupor and the sudden shock of adrenaline that ran through him urged him to grab his phone and answer. He read the contact information and felt his breath hitch nervously.


'Should I just let the call go to voicemail? He can't see me in this state! Oh my goodness, what do I do, oh muffi-'

A ping was heard from his phone and took a quick look at the message he had just recieved.

Darryl sighed quietly to himself, as he typed an '' into the textbox and felt the familiar vibration from his phone, indicating another call from Skeppy.

"Hello?" Darryl said, attempting to cover up his exhaustion as discreetly as he could.

"Hi! Can you join me on Minecraft?" Zak asked, feigning innocence.


Zak made a noise akin to a mix of a choke and a wheeze.

"Are you really BadBoyHalo?? This feels very unBadBoyHalo like," Zak teased lightly, waiting expectantly for Darryl's response.

Rubbing his eyes, he lightly laughed at Zak's playful teasing.

"Whatever you muffin, I'm not always ske-" he yawned mid-sentence and prayed that Skeppy didn't catch on. "-ptical of you, haha get it- Skeppy, Skeptical," A faint groan was heard from Zak's side as Darryl mentally congratulated himself for his pun.


"Just get onnnn," Zak whined impatiently. Darryl found himself unable to focus on what Zak was saying to him.

"W-what did you say..?" A faint slur behind his words had developed.


Zak repeated what he said, but screamed it into the microphone. A quiet "Oh my goodness Skeppy" was heard from the other side. He smiled giddily to himself as he looked back in awe at what he had built in game. A giant Skeppy head right in spawn - very original I know.

A faint groan was heard from the other side of the line and Zak looked at his phone in contempt. Now, it's not like he was worried about BadBoyHalo, it's just-

"Hey dude, are you okay? Are you drunk like last time?" He snickered to himself as he recalled the incident.

"No-Nooo, I-I thinkk I'm jusst a bit tiredd,"

That was a little suspicious.

Zak snapped his fingers as he thought of a compromise, "Just drink a cup of coffee or something - I realllyy want to show you this. Then you can go to bed," he suggested helpfully.

"I, I alreaddyy had one, andd I've got editting to do afterr t-thiss," Darryl replied back. Zak found himself confused, has was he still tired after a cup of coffee? Is he really okay??

"Ok maybe you should just go to bed, I can show you later!" Zak said - although a Moderator would probably get rid of his build before Darryl got any chance to see.

"Nahh, i-it's g-" A sudden soft thud of keyboard keys was heard from Darryl's line and Zak felt himself grow worried.

"D-Darryl, are you there?" He asked quietly - though his question was left unanswered. Hesitantly, Zak left the call, knowing that there was nothing else he could really do and coming to the reasonable assumption that Darryl had passed out.


He quickly shot Darryl a text '' and turned off his phone.


The first thing he felt was the uncomfortable feeling of keyboard keys on his face, delightful!

'Ok but seriously, what happened?' Darryl thought to himself, shaking his head and attempting to remember the events that had led to his current situation. He took note of his surroundings: computer monitor on the start screen of Minecraft, his editing program window, the eyebags he was able to now able to see clearly in the reflective blackness of his monitor.

He picked up his phone that lay on his desk when it suddenly triggered the memory with Skeppy's phone call.

Sighing shakily, he opened up his phone and read Skeppy's text.

"Oh my goodness, how embarrassing..." he muttered to himself.

After a while of thinking, he decided it was probably easier to just call him than type a text explaining what happened - the familiar ringing played for a few seconds before Zak picked up.

"Dude what hApPenED!?" He practically yelled into the microphone - causing Darryl to flinch away for a few seconds, before hastily attempting to explain himself.

"I, I guess I was trying to finish editing a video and y'know I was getting just a little tired so I had a cup of coffee - which just kinda kept going until I was too tired to bother drinking anymore. Then you called and yada yada you know the rest." He said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly and hoping that he had amswered all of Zak's questions.


Zak eyed his phone suspiciously, and then asked, "So how long has this been going on?"

Darryl laughed nervously and Zak grew increasingly worried for his friend.

"Truthfully, I- I don't know??" You could hear the silent 'oh my goodness this is so awkward AaaaAaAaAA' just from the tone of Darryl's voice.

Of course, that did nothing to quench Zak's worry over Darryl. Honestly it just made it worse.

Zak let out a sigh, "Just, please get enough sleep tonight, pinkie promise?" Putting up his pinkie finger, even though Darryl couldn't see the motion through the phone screen.

Darryl chuckled on the other side of the line quietly before repeating the gesture, "Alright, I'll try, no promises though."

Content with the response, Zak smiled.

"Now wanna see your epic new spawn?"

"Wait what?"

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