《Your Name?》Chapter 8


After the meeting, Lan Wangji literally went all over the castle learning different things.

But most of the time you'd see him either in the training grounds or the pond.

"Wangji, that's enough, the fishes here are probably tired from you trying to grab each and every one of them" Lan Xichen said and watched how his brother whined.

"I can barely catch any fish with my hands and bunny literally caught one! FIRST TRY!" Lan Wangji whined.

"That's probably because he was used to it, he probably fishes a lot back in his home" Lan Xichen explained.

Lan Wangji paused "Right...but STILL I NEED TO IMPRESS HIM!"

"There's plenty of time to do that, besides you don't know exactly when you're going to meet him again.

"Right..." Lan Wangji sulked.


Wei Wuxian was doing a lot more than usual this day because His Highness the Crowned Prince Jiang Wanyin had killed a beast apparently.

The beast in question was the one that the Second Prince Lan and him had killed.

He said nothing because...why The heck should he speak up and say that he was the one who helped the Second Prince Lan kill the beast?

He doesn't even know why the Jiangs went so far and captured the said beast that was slightly far from their territory.

Anyways, they're throwing a feast, the other clans are free to come if they wish.

Madam Yu was expecting them to come so everything had to be perfect and Wei Wuxian was meant to be somewhere out of the area.

One hour before the feast, he decided to check on the beast to see if there's anything that was left. So that if anything was familiar to the Lans that it was them who killed the beast, the Jiangs wouldn't get embarrassed.


But his plan failed because before he could get in, he was called to the Infirmary because Jiang Fen apparently collapsed.

He rushed immediately there and found her laying on the bed, she was breathing but she was barely conscious.

"Jie!" He rushed towards her side and held her hand before looking towards the other Healer.

"She's fine, she just didn't eat properly and overworked herself, kindly look after her the whole night" He told him "She looks awake but she won't be able to hear or see us properly, it's best if she just sleeps"

Wei Wuxian nodded and bowed to the Healer "Thank you"

The Healer smiled and patted his head "Nothing to worry about boy, Stay here, I don't think you'd want to be suffocated woth that large crowed in a while"

Wei Wuxian shook his head.

He hated parties, he was fine just staying where he was.

The Banquet would last for three days anyway, he doesn't mind going out of this room.

Madam Yu seemed to prefer that he doesn't show himself during Banquets and he's fine with it, not like he enjoys her presence anyway.


"What kind of Beast do you think they killed?"

Lan Wangji asked his brother and Uncle because he was very...you know...curious.

"I'm not sure, we'll find out soon enough though" Lan Xichen said.

"I want food, we literally starve back at home"

"Wangji" Lan Qiren hissed.

"Whaaaat??? It's not like I'm lying? The rules were like only around 500 and it never stated how much we should be eating" Lan Wangji whined.

"Behave now, we're here" Lan Xichen said.

Lan Wangji huffed before he saw Nie Huaisang.

The two made eye contact and there was sparkles in both their eyes.

Lan Wangji raised both his brows twice woth a smirk.


Nie Huaisang raised a brow and fanned himself.

Lan Wangji then mouthed 'I'll tell you about it later'

Nie Huaisang smiled and nodded.

"Greetings Lan Kingdom, It's such an honor that you all have arrived to celebrate" Jiang Fengmian said.

"The Pleasure is ours" Lan Qiren nodded.

"The servants will guide you towards where you'll be staying" he explained and the Lans made their way inside.

"I can't wait to eat the food here" Lan Wangji said "I heard it's very flavorful"

Lan Xichen nodded.


It was around near midnight when Jiang Fen woke up and was fully conscious.

Wei Wuxian noticed and helped her sit up.

"A-Xian? What are you doing awake? What time is it?" Jiang Fen asked.

"Near midnight, Jie fainted" Wei Wuxian looked disappointed at her.

"Aigoo sorry about that" She chuckled and patted his head.

Wei Wuxian huffed and stood up and grabed the glass of water nearby and gave it to her "I'll cook" was all he said before leaving the room.

He looked around the dim hallways.

It's already late night, no one's going to be awake.

He made his way towards the kitchens nice and quietly.

He hoped not to bump into anyone or make even the slightest noise.

As he was walking towards the kitchens, he felt as if someone was following him so he stopped.

When he stopped, he felt the person come closer towards him.

Before the mysterious person could get ahold of him, he quickly grabbed the other's hand to stop as he turned and he froze.

"Nice reflexes you got there hehe"

It was that shameless prince. He was stunned in place.

"Can I get my hand back now? Dang you're really strong" Lan Wangji said.

Wei Wuxian snapped out of his thoughts and released his hand "This lowly servant apologizes-" he was about to kowtow but Lan Wangji stoped him.

"Hey hey hey! It's fine nothing to worry about! Completely normal reaction! I understand"

Wei Wuxian looked confused in what the prince was doing alone in the palace.

Lan Wangji couldn't understand but the short servant infront of him looked oddly familiar.

"You look quite familiar, have we met?"

Wei Wuxian panicked "No, I have never seen you before Your Highness"

Lan Wangji seemed to not quite sure beleive him but he seemed to brush it off "Well I apologize then, do mind pointing me towards the direction where the Nies are staying?"

Wei Wuxian nodded and gave the directions before entering the kitchen.

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