《Your Name?》Chapter 7


"So what do I do with my wet robes, it's a little too early for me to strip infront of you" Lan Wangji teased and Wei Wuxian threw grass on his face.

"Shameless" he muttered before going back to get rid of the scales from the fish.

"It's my middle name!" Lan Wangji smiled before huffing "But really, I don't feel like changing out of these robes"

He was shut up when he felt a cool breeze then his robes were all dry.


"Is the problem solved now?"

Lan Wangji turned to the other who was just staring at him already.

"What was that!?" Lan Wangji asked and Wei Wuxian looked confused "A talisman"

Lan Wangji huffed "Yeah I can see that but I've never seen a talisman that dries up my clothes as fast as that! How'd you make it? How long did you have it? Where—" and the teen and on and on while Wei Wuxian just decided to answer the other's curiosity.


Wei Wuxian did not want to admit but the last three days he spent with the prince, he felt happier than he ever has been.

Mainly because he had a friend. Someone who never judged him but is willing to listen to whatever he has to say and is curious and willing to learn more about his inventions.

"You're really talented! When you no longer have yo hide, promise me you'll sell these! I'll be your first customer!" Lan Wangji promised him and Wei Wuxian could feel his cheeks turn red.

Over the three days he showed him a few of his other talismans, his wind talisman, invisible talisman, and illusion talisman.

"Not really" Wei Wuxian said and Lan Wangji playfully punched his shoulder.

"Aiyoo Stop looking down to yourself, I didn't know how to catch fish until you taught me...that was embarrassing" Lan Wangji laughed quietly.


The two were just saying their goodbye's before returning back to where they should be.

"I'll see you around!" Lan Wangji said while smiling and walked away sadly before turning back and ble a flying kiss "I'LL FIND OUT YOUR NAME AND WHO YOU ARE SOMEDAY!" He yelled out before running away quickly while laughing when he saw Wei Wuxian pick up a talisman.

Wei Wuxian huffed and made his journey back to Lotus Pier.


Lan Wangji was sulking when he arrived at the palace.

"Did something happen?" Lan Xichen asked and Lan Wangji nodded and started acting dramatically "Yes something did happen!"

Lan Wangji made himself look like a damsel in distress "A brave cultivator saved us and I never got his name! I don't even know how he looks like because of the mask he was wearing!"

Although Lan Xichen was almost fed up from his younger brother's antics but this one he finds amusing.

"Has Wangji fallen in love?"

"If it wasn't that obvious to you then I don't know what is"

Lan Xichen chicked on his tea before clearing his throat "What's the maiden like? Perhaps Mingjue would help"

"Brother it's not a maiden, It's a guy"

Lan Xichen blinked "Well then I guess that's fine as well, now tell me the details"


"So how did my favorite little kid do? Any injuries?" Jiang Fen immediately went on and did a full body check up on the teen after Wei Wuxian settled in.

"I'm fine Jie..." his cheeks then turned red.

Jiang Fen then checked to see if he had a fever "Well you don't seemyou have fever at the given moment" She then closely examined the boy.

"Oh my" She raised a hand to her mouth before smiling "Is this what I think it is?"


Wei Wuxian refused eye contact and was going to rush out the infirmary.

"No no no, you are not leaving!" Jiang Fen said as she made her way and blocked the door.

"You are going to sit your ass down and spill whatever happened without missing a single detail" She said.

Wei Wuxian huffed "I met the second prince"

Jiang Fen stilled before blinking and started laughing "HAHAHAHAHAH I KNEW YOU BOTH WERE BOUND TO MEET ONE WAY OR ANOTHER!"

Wei Wuxian huffed "Jie..."

"Whattt?? He's perfect for your uptight strict bean! So how much did he annoy you?"

"He couldn't fish"

Jiang Fen started slapping the floor while laughing harder "AS EXPECTED FROM THE GREAT SECOND PRINCE! Trust me Jiang Wanyin doesn't know how to fish either!" She said while wiping off her tears.

"Go on...don't be shy, tell me everything"

Authors note:

Sorry for the short chapter and short update, I had school the whole week and literally crashed back to my bed


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