《Your Name?》Chapter 6


Wei Wuxian heard a random voice and took out his sword and went to attack the other.

The two went on a full blown 5 minute battle before Wei Wuxian finally recognized the person that he stopped.

"Hey! Why'd you stop?" The Prince whined.

Wei Wuxian did not think twice and kneeled down before saying "Apologies Your Highness, I did not recognize you and—"


Lan Wangji was surprised at the skills this masked cultivator had.

And he was even more surprised when the two were on par with each other. If you ask him, he wasn't mad the other decided to attack him...it was his fault for scaring him anyway.

While sparring with him, he took the time to analyze the features the other had. And to be honest, he thinks he had fallen...so hard for a complete stranger.

What he didn't expect was the other cultivator to suddenly freeze.


Suddenly he saw the other quickly drop his sword and kneel "Apologies Your Highness, I did not recognize you and—"


"Stop stop stop!" He said and helped the other up.

Since he was now so close to the other, he noticed how they were near in height but the other was definitely shorter than he was.

"Now now, I should be the one apologizing since I was the one who startled you" Lan Wangji started and took 2 steps back so that the other could have some space.

"I just wanted to thank you for earlier, As you might know, I am Second Prince Lan Wangji but you may call me Lan Zhan" Lan Wangji said and made a dramatic bow which caught the other off guard.

"Inappropriate" the other said.

Lan Wangji pouted "Technically, if I allow you to call me by my birth name, then you can call me by my birth name, nothing inappropriate there cutie" he winked and saw the other's face turn slightly pink.

"Shameless" the other muttered and Lan Wangji pouted "Aren't you going to introduce yourself?"

"Not allowed"

"Huh?" Lan Wangji was confused at the other's answer to his question. "What do you mean by not allowed?"

The teen looked away "I am forbidden to night hunt, relatives don't like it"


Now he gets why the other is wearing that mask.


He didn't want to get caught.

"Well then, what would you prefer me to call you? If you don't have anything I might as well call you pet names" Lan Wangji said boldly and the other huffed.


"What was that?"


Lan Wangji smiled "I'll call you Bunny then!"

Wei Wuxian huffed at the prince and just walked back to his tent.

"Hey! Don't leave me alone! Let me join you!"

Wei Wuxian literally had no choice but to tolerate the prince who decided to talk his heart out.

"Bed time" Wei Wuxian said.

"Huh? But it's still around 9?" Lan Wangji said confused.

"Used to it"

Lan Wangji squinted his eyes "Do you live somewhere in my Kingdom? Because I would be sure to remember your innocent silver eyes"

Wei Wuxian huffed and got inside his tent, without forgetting to put a barrier around it.

Lan Wangji wanted to enter but he was stoped by the barrier.

"Whoever his relatives are, they're literally wasting this precious person, if it were me, id flaunt him to the whole cultivation world" Lan Wangji said to himself before heading back towards the town.


Wei Wuxian was there lying awake.

His heart was beating for some reason and he doesn't even know why it's beating so fast!? Why did that Prince have to be so attractive as well!?

When Wei Wuxian woke up around 5 am as usual, he got up and packed his tent before heading towards the town.

He wasn't that hungry so decided just to walk around the place.

But then he bumped into someone.


"Well, nice to you up so early my little Bunny" an oddly familiar voice said and he looked up and saw Lan Wangji.

Ghod. How could he forget?

Wei Wuxian decided to just keep his mouth shut.

"Bunnyyy, don't ignore me!" Wei Wuxian huffed and continued walking, he stopped his tracks and looked back to see the Second Prince still standing there, in place, looking at him woth puppy eyes.

Wei Wuxian sighed but motioned his head which made the Second Prince smile so wide and made his way quickly towards the other.

"So how long are you going to nigh hunt in this area for? And Can I accompany you until then?" Lan Wangji started.

"3 days" Wei Wuxian said and looked at him.

"Your Highness, don't you have other things to do than hang out with a lowly one like me?"

Lan Wangji pouted "Sweetie, you don't have to call me formally, I gave you the permission to call me by my birth name"


Lan Wangji then decided to answer his question "For the record, I don't have anything else to do and this prince would love it if the sweetie pie over here would let me join him"

Wei Wuxian huffed "You're not taking no for an answer?"

Lan Wangji shook his head.

"Suit yourself" Was all Wei Wuxian said and Lan wangji took that as a yes.

Lan Wangji clapped his hands "YOU WONT REGRET THIS!"

Wei Wuxian wanted to slap himself because he always enjoyed night hunting alone but he guesses that he won't be seeing the prince again soon enough so why not just let him join?

The first day the two were just walking around and getting rid of a few spirits and stuff like that, nothing big at all.

It was now around noon and Wei Wuxian was hungry and it seemed like the prince was starving too.

"Is there a town nearby where we could eat?" Lan Wangji asked and Wei Wuxian raised a brow. "It's still a few hours away" he said.

Lan Wangji huffed "I was going to say we could fly by sword but if we're hungry we don't have energy" He whined before widening his eyes and started clapping his hands "That rhymed!"

Wei Wuxian rolled his eyes "There's a river"

Lan Wangji looked confused. "OH! You're saying we could fish for our meal?"

Wei Wuxian nodded and Lan Wangji's ears turned pink.

Wei Wuxian noticed it and found it a bit cute—ah—Wei Wuxian pinched his thigh 'Fool, what is there to find cute!?'

"We could fish" was all he said and he went near the river and took off his shoes and folded up his pants and sleeves.

He turned as saw the Second Prince still not moving...he looked rather embarrassed.

"I don't uhh...I don't know how to fish" Lan Wangji admitted.

Wei Wuxian blinked before sighing "Expected"

Lan Wangji pouted and crossed his arms "What's that supposed to mean!?"

"You have money, you could ask people to do it for you" he said before fixing his mask and continued "I dont have any, so I have to do it myself"

Lan Wangji seemed to have understood what he meant because he was lucky to have been born in a family woth high status that he could have anyone do things for him and the most gorgeous person in the whole world (I'd doesn't matter that he doesn't see his face or even know his name) grew up with nothing.

That can't happen, he would make sure this boy is spoiled to the bone.

But he wants to impress the other, so he has to start learning the most basic things in life.

"Can you teach me?" He suddenly blurted out when the other was about to step foot in the river.

Wei Wuxian turned and stared before replying "Sure...take off your boots and fold up the sleeves and pants" He instructed before getting in the river.

It was knee deep, it would be a bit of an easy catch since he could see the fishes quite well.

Lan Wangji did as told before getting in.

'Dang, this feels weird' he thought before going closer to Wei Wuxian.

"Now what?" He asked but Wei Wuxian pressed a finger to his lips which signaled him to be quiet.

"Watch" was all he said before Wei Wuxian slowly walked towards where a few fishes were and moved his hand quickly to catch one and threw it towards the ground, far from the river so the fish wouldn't be able to flop back in the river.

Wei Wuxian then turned to Lan Wangji who just stared at him in awe.

Wei Wuxian pointed towards the small school of fish beside the taller and said "Your turn"

Lan Wangji nodded and just turned slightly before grabbing a fish but it accidentally slipped of his hands and the fish hit his face causing him to slip and land on his bum in the river.

"COME ON! I NEARLY HAD IT" The Prince whined before standing up "Great, now my clothes are wet" he grumbled before looking up to see the cutie holding a hand infront of his mouth and his shoulders were shaking.

"Stop laughing!" He whined.

Wei Wuxian immediately stood straight but he was biting his lip to stop himself from laughing out loud.

"Try again" was all he said before he grabbed a stick "Try stabbing the fish" he handed it over to the prince"

Lan Wangji being Lan Wangji, obviously being as shameless as ever, made sure his hands brushed against the other as he took the stick and started looking for fishes near him and stabbed it quickly but he missed-

He then did it for another 4 times before successfully stabbing a fish and throwing it besides the one Wei Wuxian caught.

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