《Your Name?》Chapter 4


The day Lan Wangji formed his core, Lan Xichen was the most excited out of everyone in the palace.

He literally made sure everything was in place and not a single thing was out of line because it's rare wore someone Lan Wangji's age to fully form a core and Lan Xichen being the proud brother he is decided to buy some gifts for him.

Meanwhile Lan Wangji decided that since he finally formed his core, he can basically make things easier for himself.

Like for example, making pranks-

Not like he'd get caught immediately anyways, he's known as the boring rule follower as of now.

He might as well take advantage of the title he holds right now because he knows for a FACT he is going to lose it someday.

But that someday isn't today so right now he's going to get into plotting.

He didn't want a party but it will probably give him a bit more freedom.

Wait...this is a special occasion.

There will be alcohol.

And since he can't drink alcohol because he's a kid, he decided to switch the alcohol into very sour juices.

He stole a servant's clothes. Obviously the one for children and decided to make his way to the kitchen when he was sure he doesn't look recognizable to the cooks.

He then decided to get to work because he only has 1 hour to replace all 10 jars.

He's thankful that his Kingdom doesn't allow people to drink much so only 10 jars were brought.

He never felt so satisfied seeing the faces of the guests from other kingdoms that night.

By other kingdoms, only the Jins and the Nies came.

The Wens and Jiangs were not able to come, people could understand why the Wens wouldn't come but they couldn't understand why the Jiangs couldn't come.


That wasn't Lan Wangji's problem anyway, right now his plan begins!

Well his plan today was to make sure that pervert Jin King got the most sour one. His reaction was priceless.

To be fair this prank was really dull, he needs to come up woth something better.

He should review some of the reasons why cangse sanren got punished, his mother would be proud of him.


Lan Qiren doesn't know why but after the small party, he would find small things out of place and he doesn't even know why.

And it lasted for atleast 3 months.

Was this his sister-in-law's revenge on him? Was she haunting him? BECAUSE WHY ARE HIS SCROLLS APPEARING IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE CASTLE!?

Literally everyday there's something missing and he would find the scrolls.

Now once he finds who's messing with his stuff, he's going to make them copy the rules more than he can count because his blood pressure can't take it.

Lan Xichen wasn't having it any better.

His brushes were missing time to time and he would find it again in the most obvious place even when he SWEARS he had not seen it there before.

Believe it or not even his under robes were all over the castle and he was dying of embarrassment.

That was until suddenly everything stopped, nothing was missing and both Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren were awfully confused.

"Shufu, was anything missing lately?" Lan Xichen asked his Uncle when they were all in their private diner once the three were done eating.

Lan Qiren shook his head, "I'm guessing the person decided to give up" he concluded.

Lan Wangji looked at both Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren in a way Lan Xichen could not read.

"Missing?" The 6 year old asked the two.


"Nothing to worry about" Lan Xichen assured him.

'Brother, I thought you could read me well but apparently today is not the day for that' Lan Wangji inwardly laughed.

He gave them a small break before decided to start drenching them both or anyone in particular with water.

And hus poor brother was the one who got soaked in water the most.

Sometimes Lan Wangji would forget where he places those pranks of his and he, himself, would become a victim but he guesses that it was good since they weren't aiming at him.

One night when Lan Wangji was going up to his Uncle's room to prepare a new formed prank, he yelped when he suddenly found himself upside down.

His ankle was caught in a rope and he was the one upside down.

He struggled a bit then saw two figures coming forward.

"Wangji?" Lan Xichen said confused.

"Wangji, what are you doing out past bedtime?" Lan Qiren asked him.

Seeing as he had been caught, the 6 year old decided to just start talking.

"I was preparing another new prank I came up with but unfortunately you guys caught me and here we are" Lan Wangji said and he saw that the two were not moving at all he decided to continue.

"Yes, those missing things and water bucket pranks and a few others were from me...I learned it from some of the students reasons of punishments in Uncle's Study" he continued on and Lan Qiren spat blood.


Lan Wangji shrugged "Yeah yeah, surprise! Now get me off this thing! I'm getting dizzy"


Jiang Qiong wasn't surprised when Wei Wuxian was learning the sword forms quite quickly.

Wei Changze was a really fast learner as well, Wei Wuxian got this from his father and Jiang Qiong was sure that this boy would grow to become a fine gentleman.

A few months ago he wanted to bring Wei Wuxian to the party since the Lans had a small banquet to celebrate Lan Wangji's finally formed core in such a young age.

The two could be friends but since the Queen here didn't like the fact her son wasn't the one who formed the core, jealousy took over and now none of them went.

Seriously if he could, he'd get her head chopped off for breathing.

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