《Everything I Broke》Doesn't Matter


I was reading a book when Kosmar called me. "Hi Naira. Lucy will be home alone since we are going to visit an uncle of ours and she can't come with us. Could you please keep her some company?"

"I don't think she would like that. You know that we fight often and all." He sighed.

"Can I tell you something?"

"Of course."

"I am not inviting you because I think it's a good idea. I mean, I do, but Lucy asked me to invite you. However, she cannot know you know this, or else I will die. You can come over at seven and stay overnight. I have to go now, bye!" And then he hung up on me. I remained silent, staring at my screen. Why would she want me to come over?

I got up and went to the kitchen, where my mother was cooking and chatting with my uncle. "Mum, can I go to Lucy's house this evening to keep her company? She asked me to stay overnight." I said. She turned around, looked at me and smiled.

"Of course sweetie. But you will sleep on separate beds this time, okay?" My uncle started laughing really loudly and mum elbowed him.

"What the fuck Mum? I have a girlfriend." She just laughed and went back to the soup she was making.

"What time do you need to be there?"

"At seven."

"It's three o'clock now. You have enough time to tidy your room, as well. I don't understand how you can study with such a mess."

"You were the only one to tidy your room as a kid." Uncle said and I went back to my room, since I didn't want to hear another lecture, or them arguing.


I put on music just as loud as the voices coming from the kitchen and started putting away my clothes that were all over my desk.

I was done within fifteen minutes and didn't know how to pass the time, so I just lied in bed planning out what I could talk about with Lucy. Needless to say that it went way differently than all of my made up scenarios.

Mum left me outside of her house, Lucy opened the door, she sighed when she saw me and offered me a drink. We didn't even talk until we weren't just tipsy.

She was staring at me for a while before she started laughing. "You look like a fucking rat. A pretty one though." If that happened while I was sober I would probably hit her. Instead, I laughed along with her.

"If you believe I look like a rat, then why the fuck do you look at me as if you want to kiss me?" I asked. Turns out, drunk me was smarter than sober me.

We both started laughing, probably because what I had said was true. Or because we were drunk. Who knows? "Get up." she demanded when we finally calmed down.


"We should go to my room." I followed her, trying too hard not to trip. I was feeling dizzy. She closed the door behind us and then turned to face me. Before I knew it, her lips were on mine, kissing me aggressively.

I had kissed a few people before, but it wasn't like that. It never made me feel so alive and dependent on someone, which was even more weird since we were far from sober. It felt so right, even though I knew I should deal with some other things first. "We are too drunk for this." I whispered between our kisses.


"Doesn't matter." I think we passed out shortly afterwards, but I can't say for sure. However, I can confirm that we were, in fact, too drunk for that.

I woke up in her bed, with the worst headache of my life. It took me about five minutes to get up. Lucy was putting away some books and when she saw me, she stopped and turned towards me. "Um, Naira?"


"Do you remember that we kissed last night?" I had just figured out I liked her since I remembered most of the things that happened the previous night, and she was just going to tell me that she was just drunk and I would have to explain that to Annika.

Oh my God.

"I remember that."

"About that-" She seemed unsure, which was strange for her, so I cut her off.

"Yeah, I know, it meant nothing to you, we were just drunk, no need to make it awkward."

"Actually I just wanted to let you know that I am still recovering from a cold but yeah, that too." It was too awkward after that, so she gave me some of her clothes to change to, and I went home.

The first thing I did was to call Annika. "Hi."

"Hey, did something happen? You sound upset. Should I punch someone?" Annika was worried about me, and I was getting drunk and making out with another girl. God, I was so stupid.

"No, it's fine. I just need to tell you something. You know that I have been acting weird lately?"

"Yes, go on." I was getting anxious, how could I tell her about it?

"It's because I like someone. I thought I should tell you because it would be unfair to you if I didn't."

"Okay. I mean, we never liked each other in that way, I guess? We can still be friends, though." I certainly did not expect that reaction, but then I remembered that she just wanted to flirt with me for the fun of it.


"So, who is the lucky one?" I could imagine her winking at me, ready to make some joke that I would not like.

"There isn't a lucky one, there is an unlucky one, and that's me." I responded.

"It's Lucy, isn't it?"

I sighed. "Is it that obvious?"

"To me, yes. I don't know about the others."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I complained.

"You are asking your ex-girlfriend why she didn't tell you that you like someone else?"

"I didn't know it would sound so stupid." I protested.

"Listen, Naira. I got to go now, but we will talk some other time. Okay?"

"Fine. See you."

"See you." And she hung up, leaving me to question my life choices again.

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