《The Throne》42


"Is everyone here?" I ask.

"Yeah they last guest arrived five minutes ago." Harry says.

"Sweet...nobody tried to sneak in?"

"Nope." William says.

"Good." I say and let out a sigh of relief.

"Now go put your suit on and get ready for your wedding." Meghan says and hands me my suit bag.

Today's Christen and I's wedding.

The two of us decided not to disclose the location of the wedding to anybody so we told our guests to be in a specific location in Birmingham by 2:30 on December 11th. Once it the clock struck 2:30 we had 40 Rolls-Royce Wraith's drive the 120 guests an hour to Althorp Estate where the wedding and reception is being held.

"Yes Ma'am." I say and head to the bathroom in my Mum's old bedroom.

Once in the bathroom I brush my teeth then put on my white button up shirt, navy suit pants, navy suit jacket, and my brown shoes.

"I'm done." I say as I walk out of the bathroom while fixing my cuff links.

"Not fully done." Meghan says and holds up my necklace with Christen's name on it and my Burgundy tie.

Christen and I's wedding colors are Navy, Burgundy, and Blush.

The bridesmaids are wearing blush colored dresses.

"Okay almost done." I say as Meghan and Kate walk over to me.

Meghan clasps my necklace around my neck then Kate ties my tie for me.

I have learned how to tie my ties, but I guess they just do it out of habit.

"Now your done." Kate says.

"Auntie Anna you match with Daddy." Charlotte says causing me to look at my brothers.

"Yes we do Princess." I say then I twirl my niece. "And don't you look all pretty."

"Mummy picked it out."

"Good." I say. "Cause your Daddy has no sense of style."

"True." William says and nods.

"Where's Sophie?" Louis asks.

"She's getting ready with Auntie Christen." I say.

"Where are you guys honeymooning?" Meghan asks.

"Well since Sophie isn't fully comfortable with any of our family yet the three of us are going on a vacation then Christen and I will go on our honeymoon once Sophie's more comfortable with everyone."

"Well where are you going on vacation?" Kate asks.

"We're going to the Seychelles." I say as Meghan approaches me.

"One last thing." Meghan says and hands me a box

I hold the box in my hands then Meghan opens the box to reveal a blush colored boutonniere. Meghan takes the boutonniere out of the box then she pins it to my lapel.

"Now you're ready to get married." Meghan says.


I nod then I hug my niece's and nephew's and my sister-in-laws before they all head to their seats. My brother's and I then leave my Mum's bedroom and head to the place we're meeting the officiant of the wedding, Christen's sisters, and their grandmother.

"You ready Anna?" Christen's grandmother Fran asks.

"Ready when you are Fran." I say and offer my arm to the woman as the officiant makes her way to the alter.

Once the officiant gets to the altar I escort Fran up the aisle to her seat.

"You take care of my grand baby." Fran whispers as we get to her seat.

"I will...I promise." I say then Fran kisses my cheek.

Once Fran is seated I go stand at the alter and wait for my brother's and Christen's sisters to walk up the aisle.

As my brother's and Christen's sisters are walking down the aisle I look at the front row and see the seats Christen and I left reserved for our Mother's.

I really wish they could be here today.

Once my brother's and Christen's sisters are in position, Christen and I's daughter walks up the aisle and tosses flowers every couple steps.

"Hi Mama." Sophie says when she gets to the end of the aisle.

"Hi baby." I say as Sophie sits down next to Meghan.

A few seconds later music starts playing so everyone stands up then looks to the back of the aisle.

"Holy shit." I mumble when I see my soon-to-be bride walking up the aisle.

Christen and her dad get to the end of the aisle so I hug Christen's dad then I lead Christen up to the alter.

"You look absolutely beautiful." I whisper.

"Thanks Baba." Christen says. "You look gorgeous."

"Gotta keep up with you." I say as we get to the alter.

The officiant starts talking, but I tune out and just stare at my beautiful soon-to-be wife.

Mum's tiara looks perfect atop her head."

"And now the vows." The officiant says.

Ooh shit I missed a lot of the ceremony.

"Who'd like to go first?"

"I will." Christen says then she looks at me.

We wrote our own vows, but they aren't to personal. We saved the super personal vows for just ourselves and we gave them to each other last night.

We read them to each other while on FaceTime and needless to say both of us cried while reading them.

"Annabeth Sophia Amelia Grace, from this moment on I take you as my best friend for life. I pledge to honor, encourage, and support you through our walk together. When our way becomes difficult, I promise to stand by you and uplift you, so that through our marriage we can accomplish more than we could alone. I promise to work at our love and always make you a priority in my life. With every beat of my heart, I will love you." Christen says.


"And Anna." The officiant says.

"Christen Annemarie Press I promise to give you the best of myself and to ask of you no more than you can give. I promise to accept you the way you are. I fell in love with you for the qualities, abilities, and outlook on life that you have, and won't try to reshape you in a different image. I promise to respect you as a person with your own interests, desires, and needs, and to realize that those are sometimes different, but no less important than my own. I promise to keep myself open to you, to let you see through the window of my personal world into my innermost fears and feelings, secrets and dreams. I promise to grow along with you, to be willing to face change as we both change in order to keep our relationship alive and exciting. And finally, I promise to love you in good times and in bad, with all I have to give and all I feel inside in the only way I know how...completely and forever." I say.

"The rings please." The officiant says.

I turn to William and he hands me Christen's ring then I turn back around.

"Anna." The officiant says and motions for me to talk.

"I, Anna, take you, Christen, to be my wife. To share all that I am and all that I have, for all time to come. And I promise to do all in my power to keep my love as deep and as strong as it is today." I say as I slip the ring my Mum gave me to give to Christen on my bride's finger.

"I, Christen, take you, Anna, to be my wife. To share all that I am and all that I have, for all time to come. And I promise to do all in my power to keep my love as deep and as strong as it is today." Christen says as she puts my ring on my finger then we smile at each other.

"It gives me great pleasure to announce you as wife and wife." The officiant says. "You may kiss your bride."

Christen and I smile at each other then I bring my wife into a passionate kiss.

"I love you Anna." Christen mumbles against my lips.

"I love you Christen." I say.

Christen and I kiss one more time then I look over at Sophie.

"Come here baby." I say then Sophie comes over to me so I pick her up.

"Hi Mummy." Sophie says.

"Hi baby." Christen says as I intertwine our hands.

The three of us walk up the aisle then we go take a gazillion pictures. Once the pictures are done we head to the reception area and I let Sophie down then she goes and sits with Christen's sisters.

"Ladies and gentlemen it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you Anna and Christen Press." The MC says then Christen and I walk to the dance floor and have our first dance.

The whole time we're dancing Christen rests her head on my shoulder and I periodically kiss her head while we sway to the beat of the song. When our song is over I head to Christen and I's seats then Christen and her dad have their dance.

"Hi Mama." Sophie says.

"Hi baby." I say then pick Sophie up and set her on my lap. "You look beautiful princess."

"Thank you." Sophie says and blushes. "So does this mean we have the same last name?"

"Yes it does." I say as Christen comes over to us.

"You ladies ready to eat?" Christen asks.

"Ooh food." Sophie and I say in unison Causing both of us to laugh.

The three of us make our way over to the food and get what we want to eat then we return back to our seats while everyone else gets our food. We then eat our food for a while then we sit Sophie with our families before Christen and I make the rounds to thank everyone for coming to the wedding.

"ANNA." Maya and Alma shout.

"Hey Munchkins." I say and hug the two kids.

"Hey Mrs. Press." Gal says and hugs me.

"Hi Gal." I say.

"You're married." Gal says with a smile.

"I am." I say with a smile. "Now we just need Tobin to pop the question."

"Yeah Tobin." Christen says.

"In due time." Tobin says.

Christen and I talk with the four ladies then we continue our rounds.

"Kelley is really hyper." I mumble as we walk back to our seats.

"She's always been that way." My wife says as we sit down in our seats.

Once in our seats the two of us take a drink of our fake champagne.

"I think this may be the first drink I've had today." Christen says.


"Did you go visit your Mom?" Christen questions as I help her into her faux fur capelet.

"After lunch I did." I say. "It was nice."

"That's good." Christen says then she leans her head on my shoulder.

Yeah...I think I'm gonna enjoy being Anna Press.

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