《The Throne》41


"We're here." I say and squeeze my fiancée's hand.

"Aww." Christen says as she looks out the window. "The kids are so cute."

Yesterday we got back from looking at our wedding venue and today we are visiting a children's home in London. The two of us brought Nando's for everyone along with a bunch of drinks.

"I'll get the food you get the drinks?" I question and Christen nods.

The two of us get out of the car and get the food and drinks from the trunk then we walk up to the Children's home.

"ANNA." The kiddies yell.

"Hey guys." I say and smile at all the kids as I approach the door. "You guys ready to eat?"


"Let's head inside then." I say.

"Hey Anna." Margret, the older woman who runs the home, says as she opens the door.

"Hey Margret." I say as I walk into the house. "Oh Margret this is my fiancée Christen."

"Hello." Christen says and smiles.

"Nice to meet you." Margret says then she turns to the kiddos. "Come eat little one's."

The kids line up and one by one get their food while Christen, Margret, and I stand off to the side and wait. Eventually the kids all have their food and they head to the tv room to watch cartoons so Christen, Margret, and I get our food then we head to the tv room to sit with the kids."

"Weren't there 10 kids in line?" Christen questions. "I only count 9."

"Follow me." Margret says and nods towards the dining room.

Christen and I follow the elder woman into the dining room and see a beautiful little girl sitting on her own.

"She's new." I mumble as we watch the little girl eat. "Who is she?"

"4 year old who just came in a month ago." Margret says. "Parents loved drugs more than her so child services took her away and brought her here."


"Nobody deserves that." I mumble as Christen approaches the little girl."

"What's your name sweetheart?" Christen asks.

"I don't have a name." The little girl says.

"You don't?" I question then I look at Margret.

"She only wants her parents to name her." Margret says.

"Oh Okay." I say then I look at the blonde little girl. "Would you mind if the two of us joined you?"

"I don't mind." The little girl says.

Christen and I sit down with the girl and talk to her while we eat our food. We learn her favorite color is green, she loves dogs, penguins, pandas, and lions, her favorite movie is the lion king, she wants to play football when she grows up, and many more things.

"Ms. Margret." The cute little girl says then she yawns.

"Yes sweetie?"

"Is it nap time?"

"It is." Margret says and smiles.

The little girl then looks at Christen.

"Can you carry me?" The little girl asks.

"Of course." Christen says and picks up the little girl.

Christen then walks the little girl to her room while I clean up the food and help Margret put all the left overs into tupperware. Half an hour later I go in search of my fiancée since she hasn't come back yet and I find her laying with the little girl, who's fast asleep.

"Princess." I whisper which gets my girls attention so I wave her over.

Christen slowly slips out of the bed then she tiptoes out of the door. My beautiful soon to be bride leads me into the empty dining room.

"Please tell me you felt what I felt with her." Christen says.

"I did baby." I say and brush some hair out of Christen's face. "I take it you wanna adopt her."

"Anna I'm not leaving without her." Christen says.


"Then we're in agreement then." I say and intertwine my hand with Christen's.

I then lead my girlfriend towards Margret's office and once there I knock on the door.

"Come in." Margret says so Christen and I do. "Hey, what can I do for you ladies?"

"We'd like to adopt the little girl with no name." I say.

"Oh wow." Margret says with a smile. "Let me go get her then."

Margret leaves to room only to return a few minutes later with our, hopefully, soon-to-be daughter.

"Sweetie these to ladies would like to adopt you." Margret says and motions to Christen and I.

"Really?" The little girl asks and smiles at my fiancée and I.

"Would that be okay with you?" Christen asks.

"Yay." The little girl says with a smile and nods her head vigorously.

"Let's go pack your stuff sweetie then we'll get the paperwork started."

"Okay." Our soon-to-be daughter says and drags Margret towards her room.

"So." I say. "What should we name her?"

- - - - -


"KITCHEN SWEETHEART." I shout while making lunch for Christen's sisters and my sister-in-law's.

"Hi Mama." Sophie says and hugs my legs

"Hi baby." I say and run my hand through my daughter's blonde hair.

"Where's Mummy?" Sophie asks.

"She and Gramps are out running an errand." I say. "Do you want some lunch?

"Yes please." Sophie says and sits down at the table in-between Kate and Channing.

"Wait I don't even know where my sisters at." Tyler says.

"She and your dad are getting her dress fitted one last time.


"I really like Sophie's name." Channing says.

Christen and I named our daughter Sophie Diana Stacy Press.

"Me too, but how did you two decided on two middle names?" Tyler asks.

"I wanted to honor your Mum and Christen wanted to honor mine so we just put both names down as middle names." I say.

"A week until you're married." Meghan says. "You ready?"

"Mhmm." I say as I plate Sophie's food then serve it to her. "We've got everything ready so I just need the day to hurry up and get here."

"I still can't believe the Queen actually gave you your claim back." Kate says.

The queen got a lot of shit for making me renounce my claim so she was basically forced into giving my claim back.

"So you're now what number in line for the throne?" Channing asks.

"Since my father had to renounce his claim I am now number 7." I say.

"Why'd he have to renounce his claim?" Tyler asks.

"The people of Britain didn't want an abuser being in power so after everything came out about father hitting me, he was basically forced to give up his claim." I say then I hear the door to our flat, or as Christen and her sisters say Apartment, open.

"MUMMY." Sophie shouts then she takes off towards the sound of the door.

"Hi baby." I hear Christen say then a minute later she carries Sophie into the kitchen while her dad follows.

"Everything fit?" Tyler asks as Christen sets Sophie down in her seat so she can finish her lunch

"Yep." Christen says then she comes over and pecks my lips. "Hi Baba."

"Hi Princess." I say and smile at my girl. "Everything good?"

"Yay." Christen says and stills one of my chips. "We're picking it up tomorrow."

"Awesome." I say then I hug my fiancée. "I can't wait to be Mrs. Anna Press."

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