《The Throne》40


"Will they like me?" Christen asks.

It's a month before our wedding and Christen and I are going to look at our wedding venue one last time before our wedding. Christen is also meeting my Mum's siblings for the first time.

"Yes baby they will." I say as we pull up to the Althorp Estate.

Once we park I get out of the car and go around to open Christen's door.

"Thank you." Christen says when she gets out of the car.

The two of us walk hand-in-hand to the door then we are let in by my Uncle Charles.

"Hey Anna. It's good to see you." Uncle says and hugs me.

"It's good to see you too Uncle Charles." I say.

"Come on we can do introductions in the drawing room."

The three of is then walk to the drawing room where my two aunts are sitting.

"Hey Aunt Sarah...Hey Aunt Jane." I say and hug them.

"Hi Anna." Aunt Sarah says.

"Congrats Sweetie." Aunt Jane says

"Thanks." I say then I pull Christen into my side. "Well Aunt Sarah, Aunt Jane, and Uncle Charles this is my Fiancée Christen Press...Christen these are my aunts and Uncle's."

"Nice to meet all of you." Christen says then she's pulled into a hug by my aunt's.

The four of us talk and get to know each other for awhile until Christen whispers in my ear.

"Where's the bathroom." Christen asks

"Down that hall. 3rd door on your right." I say then my fiancée heads toward the bathroom.

While Christen is gone I talk with my aunts and uncle about some things for the wedding and they agree to everything.

"Can I take you somewhere?" I ask Christen when she returns from the bathroom


"Of course." Christen says and intertwines our hands.

I lead her up two flights of stairs to a private wing of the Estate where the Families bedrooms are. Once we get there I unlock a door, we step inside, then I lock it back when we step inside. We then walk to the end of the hall and I unlock the door and lead Christen inside then lock the door.

"Where are we?" Christen asks causing me to sigh.

"My Mum's bedroom." I say.


"I need to show you something."


I walk over to a hidden panel in the wall and push on it. The panel reveals a safe and I input the code which opens the safe to reveal a locked box that only I and my aunts and uncle have the key to.

"Come here." I say as I put the box on the table.

Christen comes over and I open the box to reveal the contents of the box.

"Oh my." Christen says.

"This is the tiara my Mum wore for her wedding." I say.

"It's beautiful."


"Yes Baba?"

"I'd like you to wear it on our wedding day."


"You're my princess and on the day we marry you will become my queen and I want you to have a tiara fit for a queen."

"A-Are you sure."

"100 percent."

"Okay." Christen says.

I put on the gloves to handle it then I grab the tiara and have a little moment with it before I place it on top of my future wife's head.

"H-How's it look?" Christen asks.

I take a picture so she can see then step closer to her.

"Perfect." I say and show my girl the picture.


"I look like a queen." Christen mumbles.

"Because you are." I say and look into the eyes of my girl. "And you always will be."

"I love you Anna." Christen says.

"I love you Christen." I say then I softly kiss my girl which swiftly turns very heated.

After Christen and I come up for air I take the tiara off my future wife's head and place it back in the box, lock it up, put it back in the safe, then put the safe back in the panel in the wall. Christen and I head back down to where my Aunts and Uncle are then I tell them about the tiara and my Aunts and Uncle tell us they'll have it polished up in time for the wedding. My Fiancée and I then head out to look at the grounds and look over where the ceremony will take place and where the reception/after party will take place.

"This place is so beautiful." Christen says as we walk hand-in-hand around the Estate.

"Yeah." I say.

"Did you come here a lot as a kid?"

"Yeah." I say with a smile. "Mummy would take my brothers and I here some during the summers.........I wish you could've met her."

"Me too Baba." Christen says. "I wish you could've met my Mom."

"So do I." I say as we get to my least favorite part of the estate which causes me to stop walking.

My Mum's burial island

Christen keeps on walking, but she stops when she feels me not moving.

"Baba what's wrong?" Christen asks.

"I have to do something." I say.

I let go of Christen's hand and walk down to the water then I get in a waiting canoe and start rowing to the island.

"Wait." Christen says and she tries to follow me, but I hear someone stop her.

"Let her go." My aunt Jane says as I start paddling out to the island

As I row over to the island I barely hear Christen talking to my Aunt.

"Where's she going?" Christen asks.

"She's going to talk to her Mum." Aunt Jane says.


I continue rowing over to the island then, when I hit the shore, I carefully get out of the canoe and walk to my Mum's grave. Once at the grave I sit down next to it and stare at my Mummy's tombstone.

"Hi Mummy." I say and run my hand over her grave. "I gave that ring to My forever like you told me too."

I try not to break down, but ultimately I do.

"I really wish you could meet her Mummy. She's so beautiful, so free, so joyful, so bubbly, so happy, so...perfect."

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