《The Throne》30


"Hey Anna."

"Hey Dawn."

"So Christen tells me you can walk now?" Dawn questions.

"Only in water." I say. "My legs aren't strong enough to support the me when I walk...Christen can explain more about why that is."

"Alright." Dawn says and writes some things down on a notepad. "Well if you want we can do some leg workouts while the girls do their workouts so we can speed up this rehab."

"That sounds good." I say. "Three months of not being able to walk sucks."

"I bet." Dawn says as Christen walks up to us.

"Ready to go?" Christen asks and I nod.

My girlfriend wheels me out of the hotel and helps me into the rental then she puts the wheel chair in the back and gets in the car.

"I hate this." I mumble as Christen follows the bus to the gym they're using.

"I know you do Baba." Christen says and rubs her thumb over my knuckles.

"I just want to be able to walk."

"I know Anna...You know your legs are getting stronger and I bet by the end of the camp Dawn will have them strong enough for you to walk."

"God I hope so." I say as we pull up to the gym.

Christen parks in the closest spot to the door before she gets out and helps me into the wheel chair then I roll myself into the gym. A minute later Christen and the rest of the US national team come into the gym and Dawn gives them their instructions then they split up. Once everyone splits up Dawn and I head over to the leg area then Dawn gives me some workouts to do.


I do Dawn's workout for what feels like hours and by the time I'm done my legs are on fire.

"Were about to leave so you can stop when you want." Dawn says.

"Okay." I say then my fellow country woman walks away so I finish my set.

After I finish my set I grab my wheelchair then slide into it and drink some water. I then wheel over to Christen and wait for her to finish.

"Hey Anna." Christen says and pecks my lips.

"Hey...What are you guys doing after this?" I question.

"Since this gym session was really light we are having another training session."

"Glad I'm not on the team." I say. "I can't feel my legs."

"Are you okay?" Christen worryingly asks.

"Yes My Love." I say with a smile. "I just haven't worked them out in a really long time."

"Good." Christen says and starts pushing me. "We need to go."

Christen pushes me out to the car and I pull my self into the car as Christen puts the wheel chair away and gets in the car then we follow the bus. We follow the bus to the training ground then we get out and head onto the pitch.

"Have fun." I say.

"I will." Christen says and pecks my lips.

"I miss Gal...and the kids" Tobin mumbles as she walks by causing me and Christen to laugh.

Christen joins her teammates on the field so I get out my phone and text some people.

Me: So how is it living with Tobin


Gal: She treats the girls like they're her own and she treats me like a queen

Me: Good

Me: If that changes then I will kick her ass.


Gal: I know you will.

Gal: How's living with Christen?

Me: It's okay.

Gal: Oh? Why just okay?

Me: I just hate having to rely on her for everything

Gal: I know but you need to let her help you so can get healthy and get back to changing the world.

Me: I know.

Me: So when are you and Tobin getting married?

Gal: Well would you look at the time.

Me: Bye Gal 😂

Me: Give the kids a hug for me.

"Hey Anna." Someone says and sits next to me causing me to look up to see who it is.

"Oh hey Becky." I say as I look back at my girlfriend.

"Everything alright?"

"Am I a burden?"

"To who? Christen?" Becky asks.

"Her, you, Kelley, the entire Utah Royals organization, the Women's national team...hell everyone."

"No Anna you're not. Christen was very happy that you decided to come stay with her."

"Oh." I mumble.

Becky squeezes my hand then she heads back onto the pitch and a few seconds later my phone buzzes.

Duchess Meghan: ANNA

Duchess Meghan: I MISS YOU.

Me: I miss you too Duchess Meghan

Duchess Meghan: I don't miss you anymore.

Me: Love you too.

Duchess Meghan: When are you coming home?

Me: After I finish rehab

Duchess Meghan: And when will that be?

Me: No clue.

Me: I still can't walk so It may be awhile

Duchess Meghan: 😩😭

Me: I gotta go.

Me: Give the rugrats a hug and a kiss for me.

Duchess Meghan: I will.

Duchess Meghan: Love you

Me: Love you too.

"You ready Baba?" Christen questions causing me to look up from my phone.

"Mhmm." I say and nod.

Christen wheels me back to the car then we get in the car and head back to the hotel. Once back at the hotel, my girlfriend and I head up to our room then I take a nap while Christen has a tactics meeting for the last game of this camp which is against Austria.

"Baba...Baba wake up" I hear an angelic voice whisper while feeling kisses all over my face.

"Sleep." I mumble then pull the angel down onto me causing her to giggle.

"We can sleep later." Christen says as she runs her hand through my red hair. "But for now I need you to be awake while I massage you."

"Massage?" I question and open one eye.

"If you wake up then I'll massage your legs so they feel better."

"Deal." I say then peck Christen's lips.

Christen moves off of me and moves down to my legs and starts massaging.

"Ahh." I say and sigh in content. "This is nice."

"So how was the workouts?" Christen asks.

"Sucked." I say then wince as Christen massages out a knot. "I couldn't feel my legs after."

"How do they feel now?"

"Great now that your hands are on them."

"Kiss ass." Christen mumbles while blushing.

"I mean I can try that if you want."

"ANNA." Christen shouts and smacks my leg.

"Sowwy." I say with a pout.

Christen rolls her eyes as she kisses her two fingers then she puts her fingers on my lips.

"There." Christen says and returns to massaging my legs.

"On a more serious note." I say. "Thank you for doing this."

"Of course." Christen says. "Anything for my Princess."

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