《The Throne》27


"Ah there's the lady of the hour. Everyone meet Princess Annabeth." The commanding officer, I assume, says.

All the men in the room turn and look at me.

"Just Anna is fine." I say.

"Alright. Ty, Clint, Marcus, and Danny you four will be Anna's protection for today."

"What exactly are we doing sir?" One of the big burly men asks.

"Anna" The CO says and motions for me to speak.

"I work with the HALO Trust and today we are going to be searching for EOD's and removing them so they don't hurt anyone...the only bad thing is where we are going is in Taliban territory."

The platoon then runs through what will happen on a map and then we load up into a truck and make the journey to the site to begin working.

"Shit I forgot how hot is." I say.

"Yeah it sucks." Ty says.

"I can't even imagine carrying all that gear you guys have in this heat."

"It sucks." Danny says.

"So why did you decide to work here?" Clint asks.

"Well my mum took me with her sometimes when she would go visit sites and after she passed away the memories always stuck with me. I've always liked helping people so when the opportunity arose for me to be able to work her I jumped on it."

"How successful are you guys?" Marcus asks.

"Since 1988, HALO Afghanistan has destroyed over 692,000 mines, nine million items of large calibre ammunition, and 45.4 million bullets."


"EOD" someone yells.

"Alright let's get to work." I say.

My team and I get down to work and everything is going great until something screams past my head making me stop then gunfire erupts.

"PRINCESS DOWN." Someone says then I'm yanked down as a bullet sails over my head.


"Come this way." Ty says and I follow him back to the armored trucks.

Once we reach a truck I'm pushed inside and other people follow.

"Princess you're bleeding." Someone says.

2 seconds later an explosion rocks the truck.

Well this can't be good.

- - - - -

The game today was good. We beat France 2-1. Right now we are in the dining room eating and talking.

"CHRISTEN" Mal yells from behind me.

I turn around and see Mal is pointing at the tv screen which causes everyone to stare at the screen.

"Princess Annabeth was working with the HALO Trust in Afghanistan and was visiting an EOD site when the group was ambushed. The Princess was being rushed to safety when she was shot. She was rushed to Bagram Air Base. No reports at this time of the extent of her injuries or her condition..... We've just received word that there are four casualties "

"No...Please no." I whisper then my knees buckle.

"I got you." Ash says and brings me into a hug.

"She can't be dead Ash...I need her." I say and try to hold in my tears.

"She's okay." Ali says and brings me into a hug.

"I need my phone." I say.

I'm then handed my phone so I call an emergency number.

Anna told me what to do and say if something like this happened.


"Red Beard" I say.

"Blue Beard." The voice on the other end of the phone says.

"Red Angel."

"Blue Angel."

"Red Rose."

"Blue Rose...Name?"

"Christen Annemarie Press."

"One moment ma'am"

"What the fuck was that?" Kelley asks.

"I'll explain later."


"William what's going on? Is Anna okay?" I ask.

"Right now she is still in the air. We haven't been told anything, which is fucking annoying."


"Where will she be taken when she gets to London?"

"St.Mary's hospital."

"Alright. I'm on the way."

"We'll have a car and a police escort waiting for you at the airport."

"Thank you...William?"


"She's going to be okay right?"

"I don't know Christen." William says before he hangs up.

I take a minute to compose myself then turn around and face the team only to come face to face with Coach.

"Here is your passport, your bags, and a plane ticket. There is a car outside waiting on you." Coach says and hands me my stuff.

"Thank you." I say.

"Of course...Now go get your girl."

"Don't have to tell me twice." I say then sprint out of the room and to the car.

After I get in the car we speed to the airport and once there I rush through security and head to my plane. once at the gate I hand my ticket to the gate agent and get on the plane and for what feels like the first time in forever I take a deep breath.

"Ladies and gentlemen we've be cleared for departure. Sit back and relax and enjoy this flight." The captain says over the loud speaker.

That was the last thing I heard till I felt the jolt of the plane landing.

That was a short flight.

Once we are stopped at our gate I rush off the plane, get my bags, and get to the car that's waiting.

"Ms. Press?" The driver asks and I nod.

The driver puts my bags into the trunk and then speeds behind the police escort. Finally we make it to St. Mary's Hospital and I get my bags from the driver and rush into the reception area.

"Hi who are you here to see?"

"Princess Annabeth." I say.

"Yeah and I'm the queen of England."

"I'm her girlfriend."

"And I know Prince Harry." The receptionist says.

"You know what fuck this." I say then take out my phone.

Me: Hey are you at the hospital yet?

Kate: yeah we're all here. I'm guessing your here

Me: yes, but they won't let me back there.

"Christen." I hear a deep voice say causing me to look up and see Harry.

"Hey Harry." I say and then hug him.

"Come on let's go see the family."

"Told you bitch." I say as we walk by the shocked receptionist.

"Yeah you're definitely the one for Anna." Harry says with a smirk.

The two of us then walk through some halls and finally get to a private waiting room.

When we walk in I look at the people in the room and immediately halt.

"What?" I ask seeing everybody's dejected faces. "What's wrong?"

Meghan looks at everyone else then she and Kate come over to me.

"Do you know what happened?" Meghan asks.

"I only know what was in the media." I say.

"Okay." Kate says and sighs. "Anna was supervising an EOD removal when her group was ambushed and attacked by the Taliban. One of Anna's body guards dragged her to safety, but somewhere between the EOD site and the armored truck Anna was shot. Anna was loaded into an armored truck moments before an RPG hit the truck. Anna was taken out of the wreckage and placed in another armored truck then she was rushed to the American base and flown here"

"Oh my god."

"There's something else we need to tell you." Meghan says.

"What?" I ask and look between the two women. "You're scaring me."

"....Anna's in a coma."

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